I'm sorry for the aggressive tone as well, your tables and lists made it look professional so my standards may have been too high lol
More gracefully, Global might be worth adding too given they are owned buy CHORUS
No Reuters?
One of the best wire agency/news networks in the entire world is Canadian, kind of shocking to see it not mentioned here.
and exactly what people want to hear
It's what people who care about democracy want to hear. That certainly isn't everyone.
"The 747 service is being upgraded in partnership with the City of Leduc and Leduc County."
With a record number of people using public transportation in the city last year, Edmonton Transit is adjusting routes to optimize them and provide more service.

I feel some deja vu watching Trudeau refuse to step aside (early enough), just like with Biden.
I don't think it's analogous. The CBC poll aggregate is even more optimistic than 338 and 338 has said libs are sub 1% for a long time, since the start of the year:
Biden was never in the pit that badly.
If an election was held tomorrow and the NDP weren't competitive in my riding, I wouldn't bother voting.
From the similarly named subreddit:
Canada West (MB) https://www.canadawestboots.com/
Tatra (ON) https://www.tatra.ca/ (work boots)
La Canadienne (QC) https://lacanadienneshoes.com/
Wohlford (BC) https://www.wohlford.ca/ (work boots)
Viberg (BC) https://viberg.ca/ ($$$$)
Padraig Cottage (BC) https://www.padraigcottage.com/ (baby slippers)
Martino (QC) https://www.boutiquemartino.com/en (boots)
Anian (BC) https://anianmfg.com/
Canadian Wolf (QC) https://www.canadianwolf.com/
Province of Canada (ON) https://provinceofcanada.com/ (size runs a bit big)
Little and Lively (BC) https://www.littleandlively.com/ (kids)
Victoire Boutique (ON) https://victoireboutique.com/
Naked and Famous Jeans (?) https://www.nakedandfamousdenim.com/
Polar Piece (ON/ BC) https://www.polarpiece.com/
North Standard (ON) https://northstandard.com/
Simply Merino (BC) https://www.simplymerino.ca/
Jerico (ON) https://jerico.ca/
Good for Sunday (ON) https://goodforsunday.com/
Stanfields (NS) https://www.stanfields.com/
Blondie Apparel (ON) https://blondieapparel.com/
Rowe (BC) https://wearerowe.ca/
Happiness Is Inc (ON) https://happinessisinc.com/
Ecologyst (BC) https://ecologyst.com/
This is J (ON) https://thisisj.com/ (bamboo PJs)
Local Laundry (AB) https://locallaundry.ca/
House of Blanks (ON) https://www.houseofblanks.com/
Blankets/ Socks/ Hats:
MacAuslands (PEI) https://www.macauslandswoollenmills.com/index.php
Topsy Farms (ON) https://www.topsyfarms.com/
JB Fields (ON) https://www.jbfields.ca/
Thermohair (ON) https://www.thermohair.com/
Custom Woolen (AB) https://www.customwoolenmills.com/
Dream Power Costume (ON) www.dreampowercostumes.com (bath hoodie)
Leave Your Hat On (hats) (NS) https://www.leaveyourhaton.com/
The Hat Junkie (NS) https://www.hatjunkie.com/
Leather Goods/ Accessories
Popov Leather (BC) https://www.popovleather.com/
Populess Leather (AB) https://www.populess.com/
Mariclaro (ON) https://www.mariclaro.ca/
Phee's original goods (NS) https://pheesoriginalgoods.ca/
Small Hours (ON) https://smallhours.ca/
Crafted Gambit Goods (AB) https://www.craftedgambitgoods.com/
Fab Hand Crafted (QC) https://www.fabhandcrafted.com/ (specialize in camera straps)
Food/ Cooking:
Three Farmers (SK) https://threefarmers.ca/ (Camelina Oil)
Thomas Haas (BC) https://www.thomashaas.com/ (Chocolatier)
Arbol Cuisine (QC) https://arbolcuisine.com/ (Cutting Board)
Meyer (PEI) https://meyercanada.ca/collections/meyer (Cookware)
Heartbeat Hot sauce Co (ON) https://www.heartbeathotsauce.com/ (Hot sauce)
Maritime Madness (PE) https://maritimemadness.com/ (Hot sauce)
La Pimenterie (QC) https://lapimenterie.com/en/montreals-finest-hot-sauces/ (hot sauce)
Appleton Chocolates (NS) https://www.appletonchocolates.ca/
Natural Wellness:
Saje (BC) https://www.saje.ca/
Attitude (QC) https://ca.attitudeliving.com/
Glowing Orchid (BC) https://glowingorchid.com/
Rocky Mountain Soap (AB) https://www.rockymountainsoap.com/
Salt Spring Soap Works (BC) https://www.saltspringsoapworks.com/
Earth Elementals Soap (NS) https://earthelementals.ca/
Birch Babe (ON) https://birchbabe.com/
Warm Buddy (ON) https://www.warmbuddy.com/
Cool Nukes Bowl Cozies (NS) https://coolhandnukes.com/
Forestial Friends (BC) https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/ForestialFriends
Proud Wednesday (AB) https://proudwednesday.com/
Leah Alexandra (BC) https://leahalexandra.com/
Strut (ON) https://www.strutjewelry.com/
Eidel Precious (ON) https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/EidelPrecious
Twenty Compass (QC) https://twentycompass.com/
Go Coconut (QC) https://gococonut.ca/
Off Your Rocker (ON) https://offyourrocker.ca/
Craft/ Stationary/ Candles/ Puzzles
Hemlock & Oak (BC) https://www.hemlockandoak.com/
Pietersmatin Works (ON) https://www.pietersmatinworks.com/
Little May Papery (AB) https://littlemaypapery.com/
Cordova Candle (BC) https://cordovacandleco.com/
Honey Candles (BC) https://www.honeycandles.com/
Stumpcraft (AB) https://www.stumpcraft.com/
Milk Jar Candle (AB) https://milkjar.ca/
Crowfoot Candle (BC) https://www.crowfootcollective.com/
Flaunt Cards (BC) https://www.flauntshop.com/
Wildflower Seed Bombs (?) https://wildflowerseedbombs.ca/
Scam Skate (MB) https://scamskate.com/
Salt Spring Seeds (BC) https://www.saltspringseeds.com/
Heritage Harvest Seeds (MB) https://heritageharvestseed.com/
Annapolis Seeds (NS) https://annapolisseeds.com/
Revival Seeds (NS) https://revivalseeds.ca/
Greta's Family Gardens (QC) https://www.seeds-organic.com/
Singh passed a leadership review just last year with pretty substantial margins. I don't see any changes happening unless the liberals do first, in which case the NDP will just be playing follow the leader.