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Two major national transgender rights organizations announce merger
  • So cool. Political activism should be exactly like this. I really think in the future that political activists will see LGBTQ+ or whatever I'm supposed to say will see us all as a model to follow. Divided we fail. United and fluid, we always conquer.

  • Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off
  • I'm indifferent right now, neither supporting or attacking. My point is that this guy is not just saying things and navel gazing. He's talking about a business plan that includes changing gamers' attitudes. That's what business people do. They don't give opinions just to give them. They have agendas always. You're right, most game publishers and software giants are doing a lot to make people comfortable not owning games. And does it make sense? I don't know. Software gets obsolete. Some of us are enthusiasts and collectors, though. We hold onto games that are 30 years old. Lots of people love the Xbox game pass. I tried it a couple of times and found it to be frustrating. Nothing to do with ownership. It was more about how the catalog was always changing and I never had time to actually finish anything. But hey, I'm a slow gamer. It takes me longer to finish games. I'm sure there are lots of people that can finish a game before it gets taken out of rotation. Anyway, I'm addressing the issue of business plans that attempt to change peoples' minds. Apple is famous for doing this, creating markets for things that didn't exist before. Way back when, lots of people were like, "I don't need an iPod" and got one anyway.

  • European Union set to revise cookie law, admits cookie banners are annoying
  • It would be less annoying if you could easily tell it that you don't want garbage. Instead, when you select your preferences you have to go through a whole list of options. By the time you're finished customizing your cookie preferences you've forgotten why the hell you went to the page and what the hell the page is. It's ridiculous. It should be as simple as having two buttons: one for accepting the site's default garbage and another for for rejecting the site's default garbage.

  • Any advice for an older gaybro (age 48) ready to start dating again?
  • Hey! I just came back to tell you that I found an app called Boo. I've been using it for like 2 hours and I'm actually talking to people. It might be your style. It's very slow dating. I've chatted with two guys and we're getting to know each other. The good: it matches you by personality and you take a personality quiz. The bad: you have to pay, so if you can't spare 8 bucks it's not your thing. The OK: they're having a 50% off sale so I took the three months for 8 bucks. The annoying: It tries to be like instagram so people post things in feeds. But hey, it's the type of thing I wanted to try out. Maybe you'll like it, too.

  • Any advice for an older gaybro (age 48) ready to start dating again?
  • This is a great idea and one I've worked out a budget for. I'm going to give myself one night a month to go out in Madrid. I don't drive but I know how to use a high speed train! It'll be expensive but now that I spent quite a few months actually putting myself out there it makes a lot of sense to treat myself once a month to this type of thing. The best part is that the Madrid night life is my favorite scene and always has been, so I'll be having lots of fun! Thanks for the suggestion, bro.

  • Any advice for an older gaybro (age 48) ready to start dating again?
  • Yeah, I tried it. Nobody around here heard of it. Zero people in my area. Welcome to Spain. Honestly, though, these apps are just the new Before these days, we had to hook up and date. Back then, you could actually snag a nice date. I did. Here in this town, it's really weird. The guys looking for sex for free use Grindr. All the escorts use Scruff. Not much else. LMAO. It's looking dismal, ain't it? Thanks so much for your suggestion, though. I've used all the apps. I really want to connect, you know? I can get laid all day long and all year long on Grindr or any other app. I am quite successful at getting laid with randos. Do I want to? Not so much. I want to be swept off my feet, have a nice time talking and getting to know my interlocutor, feeling seduced and seducing. That's the fun. You can't get that on an app.

  • Any advice for an older gaybro (age 48) ready to start dating again?

    TLDR: I'm an older gaybro (48) who was married a long time and has no friggin' clue how to date anymore because the times have changed. I'm looking for advice on how to meet other gaybros in a smallish town for actual dates, not just random sex encounters. Anybody with strategies that have worked or have been fun, please chime in!

    I was married for fourteen years and, unfortunately, my husband died a couple of years ago. I'm (and have been) ready to start meeting men again but I was out of the loop of what single life was about so long things have really changed! I tried the Grindr thing. Not fun. Not to mention the fact that so many dudes on there are married or in the closet because I live in a very small, quasi-conservative town. Nobody on there or other apps actually wants a date. They just want anonymous sex, which I think is silly (correct me if I'm wrong) because you don't have to waste your time scrolling through an app for casual, anonymous encounters. Go to the baths or something. Way faster and more efficient, if you ask me!

    So, yeah, I get the fact that I'm 48 and I'm not exactly what a lot of other gaybros are looking for. However, I just want to meet other gay men, maybe have a coffee or a meal together, see if there's a connection before I decide I want the sex. I mean, really, screwing around with random guys from an app is just mediocre sex for me. Then again, I'm old enough and experienced enough to know what really good sex is with someone special. Anything on line I've tried, I've put "looking for friends / relationship" in my profile and nobody asks me out. They just ask me if I have "my own place" so we can do the nasty.

    Oh yeah, that's the other thing. I really hate having strangers in my house. I've tried it. Not my thing. It drives me nuts. You just don't know who these guys really are. Maybe hide all the sharp objects quickly before they show up! LOL.

    I've been to the local gay bar. That place is sad and silly for meeting people. Lots of fun, though, but nobody there seems to be looking for a connection (or even a hookup!). The only conversations I've had there have been with men who consider themselves straight and just want a quick screw with another straight guy. Again, it's a small town, lots of closet cases and people who don't know what they are - not my idea of a fun time for dating. The gay bar these days seems to be full of bros scrolling their Grindr apps on their phones instead of interacting with others.

    My question to gaybros living in small towns where there isn't a lot going on: What do you do to meet men for actual dating and not hooking up quickly with a rando to forget about him in 30 minutes? Is this even possible anymore? I do all the other things you're supposed to do, like taking classes, going to the gym, blah blah blah. The thing is, the bros at these activities and places aren't gay and there isn't a whole lot of gay group activities to do around here. It's just not a gay paradise, know what I mean? However, I've been single in small towns before in a previous time (even in a previous millennium!) and there were gay bros that wanted to actually have a nice date (coffee, cocktail, dinner, lunch) and chit chat first before getting all naked.

    I'm beginning to think that the reality for me is to live the rest of my life alone and isolated with an occasional mediocre sex encounter that will always leave me dissatisfied, bored, and nervous because I'm always the one with "the place" if you know what I mean!

    If you read this far down, thanks for taking the time. I've tried to be specific and detailed about what I'm experiencing so I can maybe get some "hot takes" from others.

    Nope still don't get it
  • I'm with you. I don't get it, either. Just do the fucking and sucking thing on the regular. I'm just fine, and ecstatic with that, even with ugly people. You fill me a room with random ugly people, I'll have sex with them any way they want, just as long as we don't have to do this kink shit with the strangling.

  • Guys!!! It gets good around chapter 1176.
  • Wow I have no idea what this meme is talking about. I do know about the one piece, though. I really like the one piece. I have this one piece that will never stop. Scanning down the comment stream, I see it's like this Shonen bullshit I never bothered with. Enjoy your Shonen as if it were read and enjoyed by everyone, in your micro world in a shitpost? Shitposting is way specific to a particular crowd around here that has nothing to do with me. I can't even shitpost here, actually. Sharing my deep thoughts about how you're not really shitposting because we outsiders don't get it.

  • Marketing email's subject made me think my card got hacked
  • It makes no sense. They're basically asking you to travel out of your way just to spend money on them. Like, I don't know, a prostitute would. What kind of hostel is this place? It makes no sense as far as marketing goes. Unless it's you know, THAT kind of hostel.

  • And this is why I no longer have cable.
  • Their parents or grandparents might, like I'm talking about. I'm middle aged and I don't have cable. I wouldn't have cable if I lived back home in the USA. I'm not talking about young people who are old enough and employed enough to live on their own. You totally overlooked the point I'm making (which, ummm, also connects with Netflix having reality shows, too?). Also, my point about cable being considered trash since it was invented went over your head. That's an undeniable historical fact you can look up. Cable programming has always been considered trash since its inception.

  • And this is why I no longer have cable.
  • I'm an expat American who has lived outside of the US for 17 years. Last time I went back there was 8 years ago. 2 years ago I got a pen pal from the US who just LOVES talking about these trashy cable shows. I'm also kinda 48 years old. So, I remember when cable became a new thingy. People said cable programming was trash since cable programming came into existence. Sure, the programming wasn't all realities. MTV had music on it. You know what the adults said about MTV (including my parents?) They said, "All that sex in the music videos. So perverted." Just imagine the scandal of playing Madonna's "Like a Prayer" every hour on the hour on MTV in its heyday. I remember telling my mother, "It's a great song! I like it!" before being shuffled off to Sunday catechism, which I escaped from to smoke cigs in the woods behind the church/convent. I'd ride home from catechism in the car reciting the words to "Like a Prayer" and any other Madonna song that came to mind. Plus I'd recite some Prince at my parents, another nice rebel on the MTV cable tube played constantly back then. Maybe following reality TV is a new form of subversion. Maybe it exposes the meta of celebrity. People are hip to this, especially very young people. Very young people are so aware of the meta everything and know how to use it for subversion.

  • Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale
  • However, it's not a bad idea to use Epic like I do: Check the app every Thursday and see what's free, grab whatever is free aimlessly and probably never play it until 20 years from now. I've been accumulating free games I've never downloaded since about a year now. I have quite the library! Maybe 20 years from now Destiny 2 will be obsolete and the microtransaction features will be obliterated and I just waste my time doing the single player mode. Maybe. I got it in my library for free just in case. LOL. I've never actually paid money for a game on the Epic Games Launcher. I just grab the free stuff and wait and see. So far, after acquiring 20 plus games this way, I've noticed that most of the "freebies" will require, if you get deep into the game, some extra purchase. Usually, the base game is free but the base game comes with DLC. Destiny 2 is special as a case, isn't it? It has DLC given out for free up front, hoping to snag players that will become new whales. Your doomsday warnings about this whole thing has a positive spin: Game publishers are desperate for microtransactions and are probably realizing that we, the game players, are on to them with their microtransactions. I'm going to use my crystal ball to predict the following: Game publishers will find other ways to make money because people are becoming better educated about their personal financial health with regard to microtransactions (because microtransactions are ruining lives at the individual consumer level) and therefore Epic Games will stop offering free games every Thursday and do some other thing before it goes out of business.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Yadda yadda yadda.

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