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Market forces
  • One of my favorite Onion headlines is: "Landlord forced to increase rent because they thought of a bigger number."

  • Childish Gambino - Bando Stone & The New World (Official Trailer)
  • Those night laser cubes look pretty bad ass.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Went down the rabbit hole on this guy a bit. He went on to participate in the CyberNinjas audit of Arizona's ballots after the 2020 election. He claimed to have technology that could detect whether ballots had been folded in the mail, and claimed to detect bamboo in "fraudulent Chinese ballots".

    He was such a kook, the other kooks rejected him.

  • Glass bottles with those styrofoam labels.
  • Those were fun to peel. I remember spending alot of time at dinner while my parents droned on talking bullshit while I tried to unravel it in one long piece.

  • Remove code from your website immediately • The Register
  • In a similar vein, Heinz once used a temporary domain for a promotion accessible by scanning a QR code on their bottles. The promotion ran its course, and they let the domain name expire.

    Problem is these bottles were available on restaurant tables for much longer. Didn't take long before scanning the Heinz QR code at your table got you some pornography.

  • Seriously, where do I go?
  • Come to Georgia. It's close. We're a swing state now. We could use your vote.

  • A woman is accused of attempting to drown a 3-year-old child in possible hate crime incident
  • I think I know what you're getting at. This lady has been radicalized against Palestinians specifically - likely because of the war coverage she's getting on NewsMax and Fox recently. Blacks and Hispanics are also communities though. The timing is relevant, but hating a whole community of people because of the acts of a few is still what's happening here.

  • 2024 general election survey - Vote for Policies
  • Ours would say:

    Party 1

    • Round up all minorities and immigrants into camps. Create jobs 'digging the death pits'.
    • Replace 'Separation of church and state' in the Constitution with a copy of the 'Right to bare arms' amendment, but this time in all caps.
    • Repeal all environmental protection laws. The "free market" will ensure companies don't pollute. Even if they did, climate change is a hoax so it doesn't matter.
    • Eliminate all healthcare plans. If God wants you dead, and you're poor, so be it.
    • Eliminate term limits for conservative politicians. Implement term limits for liberal supreme court judges.

    Party 2

    • Laws that aren't just a toddler's power fantasy
  • 2024 general election survey - Vote for Policies
  • I got Green first and Liberal democrats second. Did I win?

    As an American, I have no idea if that really fits what I believe my ideology to be.

  • Alternatives to major corporate monopoly software.
  • Alternatives to reddit don't include lemmy. That makes me sad.

  • How do you manage to do all the things you want to do?
  • I'm jealous. How did you afford that?

  • Mapped: The Highest and Lowest Doctor Density Around the World
  • Doesn't this effectively kill the argument that the U.S. shouldn't implement socialized healthcare because it wouldn't pay doctors enough - so there wouldn't be enough doctors?

  • Who Is Favored To Win The 2024 Presidential Election?
  • Y'all shut the fuck up and just vote for Biden damn it.

    He's not Trump. Do your civic duty and keep the wannabe fascist dictator out of office. He's not Trump. That's all that matters.

  • Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • Fake reason: Reduce Chinese influence in the Philippines

    Real reason: Ensure U.S. pharmaceutical companies get their payday

  • Actor Matt Bomer lost the role of Superman after he was outted as gay
  • The article says it was a canceled JJ Abrams movie called "Superman: Fly-by"

  • The Conscience of the Wig
  • Shatner definitely has them all

  • Madame Web toilet flush

    Since it recently hit Netflix, I decided to see just how bad Madame Web really is.

    45 second in, while showing the ever-present Marvel logo with the flipping comic book pages, I notice the sound effect is different. It vaguely sound like pages flipping, but it's definitely a toilet flushing.

    Did they buy into the bad reviews and literally decide to say: "check out this turd of a movie" with the intro sound?

    Reviews for "Leave The World Behind" being brigaded with copy/paste negative reviews - presumably because it was produced by the Obamas.

    Filter to 1-star and note how many reviews are direct copies of each other - many referencing that the Obamas are executive producers.

    117 Pfizer is sued by Texas over COVID vaccine claims

    Pfizer has been sued by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who on Thursday accused the drugmaker of misrepresenting the efficacy of its widely-used COVID-19 vaccine.

    Pfizer is sued by Texas over COVID vaccine claims

    This all revolves around conservatives focusing on ARR instead of RRR numbers on vaccine efficacy. Here's a description I found of the difference from another article:

    > Let’s say a study enrolled 20,000 patients into the control group and 20,000 in the vaccine group. In that study, 200 people in the control group got sick and 0 people in the vaccine group got sick. Even though the vaccine efficacy would be a whopping 100%, the ARR would show that vaccines reduce the absolute risk by just 1% (200/20,000= 1%). For the ARR to increase to 20% in our example study with a vaccine with 100% efficacy, 4,000 of the 20,000 people in the control group would have to get sick (4,000/20,000= 20%).

    Astronomers discover nearby six-planet solar system with ‘pristine configuration’ Astronomers discover a rhythmic family of six exoplanets | CNN

    Astronomers have discovered six exoplanets orbiting a nearby star in harmonic rhythm — called resonance — that could shed light on planet formation and evolution.

    Astronomers discover a rhythmic family of six exoplanets | CNN
    1 Okta hackers stole data on all customer support users in major breach

    The hack was worse than initially believed, with every client having some data stolen in the breach, the cybersecurity company warned.

    Okta hackers stole data on all customer support users in major breach
    0 North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon

    After decades of satellite surveillance by foreign governments and analysts, North Korea has sent its first spy satellite on a global orbit with a message to the world: we can watch you too.

    North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon

    In unrelated news, Google Maps site traffic from North Korea sees odd spike.

    Scientist concludes: "We don't have free will" Stanford scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don’t have free will

    You may think you chose to read this, but Stanford scientist Robert Sapolsky would disagree. He says virtually all human behavior is beyond our conscious control.

    Stanford scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don’t have free will
    What UPS does to cookies

    Double boxed, surrounded by air pouches and held firm with layers of wax paper. How bad do you have to treat a package to get this level of destruction?

    interestingasfuck Waldowal
    First Class amenities on Emirates Airlines 9 Best Perks of Emirates Airlines First Class - NerdWallet

    Emirates Airlines first class is a bucket list item for many travelers. Here's what to expect in its luxurious cabin, complete with an onboard shower.

    9 Best Perks of Emirates Airlines First Class - NerdWallet
    Waldowal Waldowal
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