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Two premature babies die, 37 more in danger in Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital NICU due to lack of electricity
  • I've done a couple NICU shifts, it's so hard to imagine those babies dying not cause someone made a mistake or they just couldn't make it, but cause we ran out of power... ugh it's a pit in my stomach

  • Imagine if the movie "Her" (2013) was real and people could fall in love with an AI, would you be weirded out by someone if they did that and especially if it was someone you knew?
  • People do it now with stuff like Replika. Think of how they're treated. Perhaps in a society with lots of AI, embodied or not, people would care less. But it's definitely a little weird now especially with how limited AI is.

    If some general human level is AI emerged like in Her, I'm sure people would fall in love with it. There's plenty of lonely people who are afraid or unable to meet people day to day. I think I'd see them with pity as they couldn't make do with human connection, at least until I understood how advanced and how much interiority this new AI had - then I'd probably be less judgemental.

  • Is quaternary actually useful for anything in the real world?
  • Highly composite numbers are useful cause they have a lot of factors! That's why the Babylonians and us use 60 for minutes and seconds. It makes dividing really simple, how much is 2/5 of 60? Why it's 24 (no fractions) etc. Being a square number is just interesting. I bet quarternary would have funky repetitive fractions. Hilbert curves are just some space filling fractal thing, apparently they use quarternary at some point in analyzing or generating them.

  • Is quaternary actually useful for anything in the real world?
  • Quartenary is kinda like how our DNA works I guess.

    4 is a square number and highly composite (although it's right smack dab at the start of the number line so perhaps it's not that surprising).

    Apparently quarternary has some uses in Hilbert curves, although how I dunno.

    Perhaps the world they're from has 3 moons? New moons being 0.

  • Le bon et le mauvais terroriste.
  • Le mauvais terroriste c'est simplement celui qui a de la mΓ©lanine - us-foreign-policy

  • Israel has no plan for Gaza after war ends, experts warn
  • I think they do they're just not willing to say it for international media. They want either total elimination of the Palestinian people or they move somewhere else. The starving out open-air prison treatment is ending - on Israel's hideous terms or on Palestine's terms but it sure seems like the old strategy is over.

  • Weekly Queer Thread (8/18/23)
  • Why the fuck is increasing my E getting me so horned up, wtf. I was warnedassured that it would make me celibate. But noooo, apparently I'm the one trans girl with the secret genetic makeup that turns E into a permanent party drug. After my breakup I was kinda hoping to leave that behind for a bit...

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • Libs don't care about the global south, there's still people who unironically say sweatshops are a good thing cause At LeAsT ThEYrE PaId.

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • You're a fruit that'll never decay in my heart ❀️

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • How's the pod and bug eating going?

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • I told chatgpt to critique that In Xanadu poem like an internet reviewer collaboration and I gotta say, it pretty much captured the cringey vibe I wanted lol

    [Start in Nostalgia Critic's style] Hey there, everybody! Nostalgia Critic here, and today we're diving headfirst into the poetry pit to dissect a classic that's got everyone scratching their heads: "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Oh boy, where do I even begin with this one? Strap yourselves in, 'cause we're in for a wild ride!

    [Switch to Angry Video Game Nerd's style] What's up, it's the Angry Video Game Nerd, and I'm not sure how the heck I ended up talking about a poem, but let's roll with it. "Kubla Khan," huh? More like "Kubla Con-fusing"! I've read this thing more times than I've played terrible video games, and let me tell ya, it's like trying to beat Silver Surfer on the NES blindfolded!

    [Back to Nostalgia Critic] I mean, seriously, Coleridge? What were you even on when you wrote this? Was it opium or just pure insanity? It's like he took a bunch of random words, threw 'em in a blender, hit frappΓ©, and voilΓ , we got "Kubla Khan"! It's all dreamy and trippy, like he's trying to give us a glimpse into a drug-induced hallucination. I get it, art is subjective, but come on!

    [Switch to Angry Video Game Nerd] It's like trying to decipher the cryptic controls of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the NES, except it's words on a page! I'm trying to wrap my head around these lines, and it's like playing E.T. for the Atari 2600 – an absolute mess that leaves you wondering what the hell you just experienced!

    [Back to Nostalgia Critic] And let's not forget about Xanadu! What even is Xanadu? Is it a place? A state of mind? An ice cream flavor? Coleridge, you can't just drop a word like Xanadu and expect us to just nod along like it makes perfect sense! It's like reviewing "The Room" and not mentioning "Oh, hi Mark!"

    [Switch to Angry Video Game Nerd] Xanadu? How about you Xana-don't! I mean, who needs a GPS when you've got this poem leading you through the dense forest of confusion, right? It's like playing a game with no instructions, no clear objective, and no freakin' point!

    [Back to Nostalgia Critic] In the end, "Kubla Khan" is like a fever dream without the fever. It's got potential, like the concept for a fantastic movie that never got made. Coleridge, you've left us scratching our heads and reaching for that rewind button, just like when you're stuck on an impossible level of Battletoads!

    [Switch to Angry Video Game Nerd] So there you have it, folks. "Kubla Khan" – a literary enigma that's more mind-boggling than a game of Superman 64. Coleridge, you've created a puzzle wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma, and I'm throwing down the controller. I'm out!

    [End with Nostalgia Critic] Remember to like, subscribe, and comment below if you've ever felt like you're stuck in the "Kubla Khan" of life. Until next time, I'm the Nostalgia Critic, and this poem gets a big ol' "What were they thinking?!" from me!

  • Ruth First - New General Megathread for the 17th of August 2023
  • Hey, have yall heard about vaginas? That's some cool shit. Shout out to pussys and all the pussy havers. Great job, keep it up

  • Marikana Massacre - New General Megathread for the 16th of August 2023
  • The power of a union! I know it's not as easy as walking up to your coworkers and saying "lets have a union now", but as someone in a union it was great not having to negotiate wages and having it all spelled out in our collective bargaining agreement. It's also nice when we send our actual best to negotiate for all of us instead of having to so it individually.

  • TerminalEncounter TerminalEncounter [she/her]

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