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Eat or you'll starve
  • Wtf based bluey

  • NSFW
    Woke up from a failed suicide attempt and an ungodly amount of alcohol
  • Oh, friend.

    I'm so sorry. I won't say I know exactly how you feel - but I've experienced extremely similar things. I'm a suicidal drug addict.

    You haven't disappointed anyone. We're just worried. Please get medical assistance and power through. We need you. Everyone needs you.

    You're not alone.

  • Alienated

    My friends haven't responded to any of my texts in the group chat (I asked when we should hang out next) other than one person who said "I ain't got the answers sway."

    We haven't really hung out since I got out of rehab and I'm questioning whether or not they're my friends to be honest. They don't reach out or even respond when I do half the time and have greatly slashed our time together since I stopped using drugs. I can't tell if they're just busy and it's bad timing or if they're ditching me.

    I'm very lonely and alienated from my community for being a communist and an ex-drug user. I don't live in a big city (Midwest USA) and so there's really nobody else for me to hang out with or find. Most people here are super right-wing and/or have different interests than me.

    What to do other than relapse on heroin and die? Maybe I'm dramatic I just feel alone

    Any climate activist organizations you know of?
  • Checked out their website, I'm 3 hours from their closest branch :/

    Maybe I could see if the PSL will get more involved with climate activism.

    I'm desperately looking to help in that fight, because we genuinely have next to no time left before it's too late.

  • Just saw a couple living in their car.
  • Ahh, Che.

    Yes, you're right. It is fucked. I've just been told off by my friends sometimes like "yeah dude that's life" or other shit like that so I'm always hesitant to call it like it is

  • Just saw a couple living in their car.

    I'm chilling in the parking lot of the gym right now and it's very apparent that there is a couple next to me living in their car. At first I thought they were just getting it on - she brushed her teeth and they both leaned their seats back. But I, being the confused creeper I am, looked through my car window again only to realize they're sleeping. Then it hit me.

    They're living in their fucking car in a gym parking lot.

    I don't know why I'm hit so hard by this, I'm sure you all see it often, but fuck. It makes me sad.

    Radicalization points +100

    This guy just announced his candidacy as the people's choice
  • He seems to be a decent candidate comparatively, though. Yeah sure he sucks in some ways but so did/does Bernie.

    I don't think it's very beneficial to sit and nitpick whether this guy is the best embodiment of socialism or piss and moan because of online beef with the People's Party. We could utilize this election as a way to broaden support for socialism (or, like Bernie, at least popularize being against the status quo).

    Yes, he's said stupid things about the Soviet Union and Reagan. But he still seems like a pretty decent candidate when compared to others in the US, and while he has no chance of winning under the two-party dictatorship, we could use this to give awareness of socialism a boost.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Is overpopulation a legitimate threat?
  • Sustainably?

    Industrialized food practices are not sustainable... how can we?

  • How often should one bring politics up?

    I'm struggling with people around me (in the US) being so politically disengaged and just apathetic towards very serious things.

    I don't want to be the stereotypical obnoxious commie who injects politics into everything, but at the same time, basically everything political and we have very different understandings of the world so its hard to just sit back and be like everyone else.

    Everyone around me just doesn't seem to care and I don't know what to do. I'm getting involved with a party again soon once I get back on my feet but I don't know how to approach people who are just chilling and galloping through, y'know?

    Maybe this is a useless or dumb post but I'm just kind of lost

    If you could live in any socialist country what would it be?
  • Cuba. Closest socialist nation and Spanish is easier to learn.

    China is a close second, but I know the culture there is far different and I'd be afraid to try to assimilate. Maybe that's just because I see how Americans treat foreigners, idk.

    As Camarada Forte said, though. I'd prefer to stay in my home country (US) and live/die for socialism

  • So many gamers are vile

    Seriously, I cannot believe the amount of racist, sexist, and overall just shitty things that are said. I just played an FPS for the first time in a while (CSGO) and Jesus christ.

    Just makes it not fun lol. Maybe I'm too sensitive

    US Debt Default Likelihood?

    Media whirlwind or legitimate threat to average people?

    I'm back

    Just got out of rehab. Feeling great. Nearly 40 days sober, feeling clear headed and even more interested in socialism. More motivated to get back out and organize again.

    Missed you all

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations TeezyZeezy
    Is the PSL legit?

    I'm seeing a bunch of controversy surrounding which socialist organizations to join and I've heard the best things/least bad things about the PSL. Is this true?

    Propaganda war is starting early
  • Oh my fuck. How ridiculous

  • Blessed timeline
  • Bb plz come home I miss you 😔

    read 30 years ago

  • I'm dooming again

    It seems like nobody is willing here in the US to actually throw themselves into a revolt or meaningful change because our conditions are just good enough.

    I still see everyone around me going for the best social status, the best job, the best car, the biggest house, and completely ignoring all the major flashing red lights.

    I feel like a crazy person, like one of those people that's missing the point. I feel surrounded by lunatics and typically that means you're the crazy one but I just know I can't be in this situation, it makes no sense.

    Why is it like this? Why do I feel surrounded by NPCs? I can't connect to pretty much anyone here. It all seems so trivial.

    I don't want to sound elitist or anything I just can't see how people still don't see the full picture

    What to do?

    I believe that a Zombie Apocalypse has already happened.
  • I use the Comradeship/Freechat community for venting but

    Yes I agree with you. I live in the United States and not to be dramatic but it does seem rather zombified here. It's really weird, everyone knows things are going bad, that the "bad guys" are winning, they even make little references or comments about it regarding inflation and how nobody approves of our government. But that's it, just murmurs. Nothing more. Nobody does anything about it or actually says out loud what the problem is, and that further discourages people who KNOW what the problem is from doing anything, too. It's a terrible cycle and is bound to collapse soon enough.

    I am with you though it's so tiring being raised and living in a liberal hellscape lol. Education here is capitalist education, not quality education... it is not for the betterment of humanity or the beauty of learning but to create the most profitable worker.

  • hmmm🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  • This is true!

  • hmmm🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  • Might be optimistic but can you imagine a channel that big becoming socialist? How good that would be for us?

  • Losing hope

    My personal life has drained me. I feel socially unwanted, I am struggling worse than ever before, and my problems are increasingly urgent. My brain is still trying to kill me through crippling feelings of loneliness, social anxiety, regret, poor choices (I am not separating responsibility from myself in saying this), isolation, and guilt. It is nearly impossible to clean my room; forget everything else it takes to be happy. It feels like I am prevented from being able to even try, like I am chained down 24 hours of the day. Obviously I must continue, there's no other choice, existence itself is rebellion, yada yada yada... but I won't lie and tell anyone that I am not tempted every time I see a lethal scenario to take advantage of it. I'm so close to buying an absurd amount of heroin (which in the states is laced with fentanyl) and just shooting it all.

    Alas, these problems do not matter in the large scale of things, and they are but a reflection of a deeper issue within society and myself. So it goes.

    Here are some more awful things that happened in 2022, which are sure to continue and worsen in 2023. This obviously isn't anywhere near a full list.

    The Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, with Ukraine receiving upwards of 68 billion dollars in assistance from the United States and NATO (most of which was military assistance, you know, to kill people and advance their disgusting geopolitical agenda) -

    Air pollution continues to rise without pause, moving from 417 ppm of CO2 to 419.5 ppm (a large difference for those wondering, and we are on no track to slow down) -

    It was a historically hot year. Literally thousands of records were broken. The Northern Hemisphere had its second-warmest summer and Antarctic sea ice hit record lows. The mighty Thwaites glacier is just barely hanging on, and Earth has avoided the Blue Ocean Event (one where Arctic ice does not exist) so far. Key word, SO FAR. The AMOC may be slowing down as Greenland’s ice continues melting. This could, over time, cause an unpredictable shift in water exchange currents in the Atlantic. In the Pacific, meteorologists predict El Niño to begin next year — and it could be really bad. - ; ;

    Drought is slowly killing East African wildlife, herds of zebras, elephants… and 20M+ people. Of course the west does nothing about this, because brown people don't seem to fucking matter. Brazil broke new records for how much of the Amazon rainforest they could kill. Go on, check it out on Google Earth from space. ;

    Earth hit 8 billion humans this year. Statisticians expect our planet to reach 9 billion around 2037. - (not necessarily a bad thing, I understand overpopulation is overblown but still. Big event)

    Cholera is a bacterial infection that I promise we'll be reading about more and more. Some of us may even die by cholera one day. Cholera is surging worldwide, in Haiti, Afghanistan, Syria, Malawi, Pakistan, Philippines, Cameroon, and elsewhere. 16 “protracted outbreaks” across 29 countries—none of them in Europe or the US/Canada yet. But it is coming. Westies aren't invincible, you know. Give it 10 years. -

    Surprise surprise, people aren't happy with America, especially the people living here. -

    11 billion snow crabs died near Alaska due to climate change. Children born today will literally see (or rather, not see) thousands of species disappear. - ;,out%20between%202018%20to%202021

    63% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck at some point this year; this number will rise in the coming years as capitalism continues to implode. -,historic%20high%20hit%20in%20March

    Gen Z has 1/10th of the purchasing power that Boomers did. Next time you hear some out of touch asshole talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, kick their teeth in. -

    Billionaires made 5 trillion dollars off of our backs (2021) -

    Oh, and the UN came out and said we can't limit warming to +1.5 degrees Celsius. That too. This is obviously disastrous for hundreds of millions of people, but good news! We are still increasing emissions with no sign of slowing down in time. "By 2030, 2040, 2050" is a fucking joke. The wheels will come off in half that time. -'s%20%E2%80%9Cno%20credible%20pathway%20to,C%20above%20pre%2Dindustrial%20levels

    Normal is dying. It's already dead for some. It is just unevenly distributed. Those in the West or richer countries who believe everything will work out just fine - that "the world has always been a mess" type reasoning somehow absolves the the existential time limit we have ticking - are in for a rude awakening, I think.

    I hate to come on here and spread doomer-esque sentiment, but it really is just seeming to me (especially in America) like there is no hope. I only have faith in the already existing socialist nations. I can't see revolution occurring in the US, genuinely. The majority of our population seems to either have their head in the sand, be too bogged down by the weight of capitalism, mentally ill/homeless, or just don't seem to give a fuck.

    Maybe (probably) this analysis is motivated by my severe mental illness and low point I'm at right now, and it's probably overlooking hundreds of things. I honestly hope the future proves me wrong. What do you guys think? Am I falling victim to myself and society or are we really fucked?

    This took all my spoons for the day to write so I'd appreciate literally any interaction, even an upvote. Gonna sleep my waking hours away now :/

    Happy 2023.

    Is China (and the world) moving fast enough with reference to climate change?

    Just saw an article about coal consumption reaching an all time high this year. I know obviously China leads the world in population AND renewable energy, but they also lead it in coal consumption by a long shot. It's alarming to me. How fast are they moving away from it? Is it fast enough?

    What do we make of this? I don't mean to be overly critical but it just seems like they're moving way too slow to me, given that we have literally 10 years before we hit +1.5C.

    It's over for the see see pee

    Collapse in 12 hours >:)

    Edit: too many great comments. I love you all

    Is it okay/moral to have kids right now?

    I'm struggling with the thought of potentially bringing another person into this world in the future.

    Things are so bad already and on track to get worse. Why, with this knowledge, should I have a child? Why should any of us?

    I'm not asking this to be some overpopulation crazy eco-fascist but I just genuinely am wondering (and have an open mind) about what the actual implications are of bringing a child into the world right now.

    By 2050 it's pretty broadly agreed upon that things will be HORRIBLE climate wise and even worse if capitalism isn't defeated soon. 2022 + 80 year potential life span is 2102. What will it be like then?

    Why not adopt one of the billions of climate refugees instead?

    I don't know, maybe I'm way out of touch but I just can't think of a reason to damn a child to a life like that.

    Im the real Xi Jinping AMA
  • What level are you in Marxism-Leninism

  • Is overpopulation a legitimate threat?

    Malthus was wrong, right?

    It seems eerily close to being ecofascist

    TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy
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