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Oracle Java license teams set to begin targeting Oracle users who don't think they use Oracle
  • Honestly, the new licensing model for Oracle JDK was known for so, so long, and every company had every chance to use an open alternative. Actually I think Oracle has been pretty lenient with it's grace period, so I don't feel sorry for the companies held accountable over this

  • What you do when you have TOO MUCH free time?
  • Do some druuuugs

    Edit: Nah, jk. I do play too much Deep Rock Galactic tho, which might as well be a drug

  • How can I send 50gb+ file over internet to friend?
  • This is awesome, of course it's xkdc. Thanks, now I can rest easy

  • How can I send 50gb+ file over internet to friend?
  • Now I wonder how much bandwith do post offices have theoretically

  • Medieval painters rule
  • They do be saying that life imitates art

  • Doing my part
  • You're criticising the OP for low effort, but also the community for high interest. What are you trying to say really?

  • Reddit Suppoze
    Reddit seems to be down for many people according to DownDetector reports
    Educational vs Entertainment Piracy
  • Why entertainment is a luxury, knowledge and education is basically what human civilization is built upon and should be free. Of course the reality is that people need money in the current system we live in and we have to reward those somehow who dedicates their time and efforts to education.

    So I've arrived to a conundrum... Because I think morally it's more acceptable to pirate educational content (imho), but I'm also more likely to pay the educators, as it is a very important job. Of course this does not apply to when someone just gatekeeps knowledge because of greed, it's very similar to charity fraud in my book

  • lemmy rulez
  • It is always left out from the Lemmy app party :(

  • Why aren't more people creating new operating systems, considering that macOS, Windows, and Linux were developed by individuals with computer science and programming skills?
  • Jonathan Blow said he might try his hand at creating an operating system (maybe after finishing his programming language Jai, and his gargantuan Sokoban game :)) Sadly it's unrealistic another operating system will be created for the general public without massive funds.

  • Grandma share her experience with Debian 12 and the Gnome Desktop.
  • Such hateful ideas are a symptom which can have wast variety of root cause. Your example is quite extreme and I agree it rightfully warrants hatred, but I'd argue that it's all the more reason to not dismiss a person. We should seek connection with and understand these people and prevent destructive ideas from spreading IMHO, because there will be others who also won't dismiss the person - only difference is that they might be receptive for hateful ideas. Sorry if I came across supporting these ideas, this is not the case.

  • Grandma share her experience with Debian 12 and the Gnome Desktop.
  • I'm personally not going to hate on or dismiss a person based on political opinions or ideologies

  • rule
  • It's a company. They realized they make platforms even better than games and capitalized on that. I see no issue with that. Moreover, they were working on Source 2, HL: Alyx and Counter Strike 2 recently, which I would say is immense work for a company, even more so considering their very humble employee count (compared to direct competitors, e.g. Epic)

  • Knowledge Based Rules
  • Yeah, you're going to lose some wow factor when you realize a trick or game mechanic required for the puzzles, but I think it's still worth it (if you love puzzles anyway)

    Thanks for the recommendation for Taiji, it really is very similar, looks like something I'd love to play :) I put it on my wishlist!

  • Knowledge Based Rules
  • The Witness also falls into this category I think. I love these games as well

  • Void Bastards Spiritual Successor Wild Bastards Hits PC Later This Year
  • Yaaaaaas! I'm really happy for this. void Bastards was great, however I'd have loved if it had more content, longevity and replayibility. But it was a wery solid game with oozing personality.

    I hope we get the same quality and style, but maybe with a little more content this time!

  • privacy rule
  • So in this scenario my closest would be the gay tiger from my inner circle?

  • Well then..
  • You pay for it, sure, but I'm not sure you "purchase" a rental car. Imho there sould be a legistlation that says you can't use wording like "buy" or "purchase" for digital media that you don't own. Like "buy license" or "start rental"... IDK

  • Knowing what you know about Elon Musk, why are you still on X?
  • This... Also, what a loaded and opinionated question. It implies that you shouldn't be on X because of Elon Musk, if OP was genuinely curious about why someone uses X, they could have asked a neutral question: "Are you using X? Why or why not?" or "If you are using X, why and how?". This currently just reflects the OP's opinion for validation I guess?

  • Is anyone else caught in a weird Venn diagram of Imposter Syndrome and furious indignation and disdain for actual imposters in your field?
  • Yeah. You just have to be aware of how others percieve you and just write that. Your percieved strengths and weaknesses and all that. In no way do you have to actually evaluate yourself as a person.

  • Meta discontinues Messenger Lite for Android, it will be unavailable after Sep 18. Users need to install regular Messenger app instead

    I have not found any news article on this on a whim. Because my friends and family, I need to use Facebook Messenger, and Messenger Lite was a OK client - lightweight, no unnecessary features, etc., compared to the regular Messenger app.

    Now I'm a little torn, having a Meta app on my phone is already bad, but having to downgrade to the bloated Messenger app? Not sure I will make a change. What are your thoughts?

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