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Bamboo plant growing too tall?
  • Thanks for your relpy and link. I just use normal tap water, but make sure to change it every now and then :)

  • Bamboo plant growing too tall?
  • Thank you very much 🙌

  • Bamboo plant growing too tall?
  • Indeed bought plant at IKEA, bottle is just a random green glassed bottle we got from Uni.

  • Bamboo plant growing too tall?
  • Hahahaha, picture taken in kitchen as I changed the water 😅

    I promise

  • Bamboo plant growing too tall?

    Hiya, have got these very simple bamboo plants in my bathrooms as they really like it there. However this one is now well over 2 years old and clearly has grown a lot. How can I safely trim the plant and is it possible to keep the leftover part in a glass of water to make it grow roots? I don't have much experience with these types of plants. Any suggestions are appreciated! 🙌

    Thought on Graphene?
  • The person you are referring to did actually step down as lead developer.. Best to be more informed before making claims. Could you elaborate on why you consider it toxic? I've yet to find the Graphene community toxic myself.

  • What's in your cup this week?
  • Roger that haha

  • Framework is now available in Denmark, Finland and Sweden
  • True, but we are in EEA. Guess it will come here eventually.

  • what are your top sites for finding Android apks?
  • APKmirror is alright, otherwise you can download RacoonAPK that connects to o Playstore to extracts any APK you want.

  • What's in your cup this week?
  • Got the aeropress about a month ago and have not used anything since. Freaking love the results and how easy going it is! Next on the list is a new grinder, but unsure to go handgrinder or electrical.

    Been using local coffee, labelled as French Roasted Coffee, it's pretty nice.

  • Thinking about getting into OSRS again..
  • Have not tried iron man before, sounds interesting though! Bit I think a group iron man would be alot more fun than solo.

  • Thinking about getting into OSRS again..
  • Definitely a good point, and thanks for the offer! Might just pick you up on that later down the line 😊

  • Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • Commenting as I am curious about this too!

  • Thinking about getting into OSRS again..
  • Thanks for your answer and offer, and glad you also found love for the mountains! ⛰ I'll give membership a go, as you say it's not that expensive.

  • Thinking about getting into OSRS again..
  • Thanks for your answer! I should indeed try playing it at a different pace than what I've done before and maybe try it as a second monitor game. I'll give it another solid try for sure, if I don't get into it I'm not too bummed about it, I still enjoy watching YT videos of others playing it.

  • Thinking about getting into OSRS again..

    Hi there,

    I've used to play OSRS many many years ago and enjoyed it at the time. I never maxed an account nor did I get too familiar with the whole world, as I only played free to play version. However, ever now and again I think about start playing again but I can't really make it stick.. As in, I keep loosing interest after a short while. Anyway, I wanted to ask for some recommendations for what could keep me playing..

    I don't remember any of my accounts, so I'll start fresh. Should I pay for membership straight of the bat? Or should I try to complete all free to play quests first? Is there anything in particular that keeps you coming back to OSRS that you would share?

    Appreciate any tips!

    Networking Dilemma
  • Woah I wish I had the same knowledge you do about networking haha! Taking notes here that's for sure, thanks for the input!

  • Networking Dilemma
  • Normally I wouldn't mind doing this too. But my server is fairly large back box and the Internet comes into the house in a really awkward spot. I might however buy into the new Fractal Mood case, as those seem super slick for leaving servers anywhere in the house.

  • Networking Dilemma
  • I live in Norway, thanks for the tips though!

  • Networking Dilemma
  • Thanks for the write up! 🙌

    I will likely go for either option 1 or 3. I need to reevaluate wether cable is possible or not. If not then I'll go with a mesh. Only "problem" with mesh is that I really wanted to buy into the unifi ecosystem, but their mesh stuff is above my budget. Bit maybe I could just get the unifi express and pair that with another branded mesh system? The place is only 85 square metres, but on two floors. My office is ofcourse furthest away from where the modem comes into the house. Anyway, I will need to evaluate again when I'm there to see if it's possible or not to run cables. Thanks again for detailed response 💛

  • Networking Dilemma

    Hi there good folk,

    The new place i am moving into has the internet come into the house on the other side of where I am planning to have my office + my NAS(which needs ethernet). I much prefer having my stuff connected through ethernet, but not sure what do now, as I cant really run cables across the house. Am also renting the place so cant drill holes in walls etc.. As far as I know, there are two ways for me to get ethernet in my office:

    1. COAX to POE: The place does not have ethernet ports in the walls either, but it does have some wallmounted coax sockets. Is it worth looking into coax to poe adapters for either end of the sockets? Not sure how much of a fan I am of this due to the amount of cables this ends up being.

    2. The other way would be to have a WiFi-extender in my office, but i guess this will sacrafice some more speed than the other solution(?). This way I would have a small switch connected to the extender which will get me some more ports too.

    I am planning on buying into the Unifi prodcuts, specifically the Unifi Express device as a router. While expensive, I love the polish and feature set and control it brings. What other Unifi devices should I get into, considering probably wont be able to use PoE?

    Lemmy know your thoughts, opinions and the rest - am open for all sorts of solutions!

    Am already a Proton Unlimited Subscriber, why am I seeing upgrade "ads"....?

    Honestly... this isnt the first time this has happened either. Been a paying customer for a long time now, and occasionally I get these upgrade buttons, which I am hoping are just bugs, as otherwise it would be very weird as I cannot upgrade to anything higher than Unlimited.

    Issue with MX Master 3 on Linux

    Hiya, got a very small, but annoying issue with this mouse. Every time I put the computer to sleep, and wake it up again the scrollwheel will barely scroll on websites and applications. To fix this i just have to turn the mouse on and off again, but am still wondering what causes this to be an issue or if there are any known fixes for this?

    Appriciate any suggestions!

    What are your favourite Low-Tech Content Creators?

    Be it on YT or just blog posts from a website, please do share any low-tech focused content creators :)

    Tailscale running at full force during the night?

    I keep having my phone completely drained of battery over night, and im not sure why.. Each night the phone will easy chew through 30-40% battery. Only thing that helps is putting it in battery saving mode. But feels like a temporary solution.

    The second most used app is at 7% percent usage.

    Am running GrapheneOS, anyone else struggling with this?

    Vulkan or DirectX on Linux?

    I use an AMD card, playing on Bazzite. How and when, do i know when its best to use Vulkan or Directx on linux?

    Open Source FindMyDevice Solution - selfhostable! Nulide / FindMyDevice · GitLab

    Find your Device with an SMS or online with the help of FMDServer. This applications goal is to track your device when it's lost and should be a...

    Nulide / FindMyDevice · GitLab

    > Find your Device with an SMS or online with the help of FMDServer. This applications goal is to track your device when it's lost and should be a...

    Have you upgraded to WiFi 6 -

    Am about to move houses and new place will have 1000/1000 speeds. Wondering if I should get a Wifi 6 router or not, is it worth the upgrade? Can Wifi 5 and 6 equipment be combined? Or will it then all be 'downgraded' to Wifi 5?

    Usecase: At home - with 8 or so devices.

    Anyway, let me know your experiences with WiFi 6 and wether I should aim to get it.

    Why does this TechRadar link come with a reference to some weird russian website?

    Disclaimer; I'm not looking for a VPN service, I already have one. I know TechRadar is not a great source too. I am simply doing research around VPNs in general.

    I am just wondering why DDG is suggesting this link over a link without a reference? Is this "the blame" of DDG or Techradar? Trying to understand why this is the link being served over others. Appriciate any suggestions.

    6 TP-Link Gaming Router Vulnerability Exposes Users to Remote Code Attacks

    A critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-5035) has been disclosed in the TP-Link Archer C5400X gaming router, allowing remote code execution.

    TP-Link Gaming Router Vulnerability Exposes Users to Remote Code Attacks

    The Article

    A maximum-severity security flaw has been disclosed in the TP-Link Archer C5400X gaming router that could lead to remote code execution on susceptible devices by sending specially crafted requests. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-5035, carries a CVSS score of 10.0. It impacts all versions of the router firmware including and prior to 1_1.1.6. It has been patched in version 1_1.1.7 released on May 24, 2024.

    "By successfully exploiting this flaw, remote unauthenticated attackers can gain arbitrary command execution on the device with elevated privileges," German cybersecurity firm ONEKEY said in a report published Monday. The issue is rooted in a binary related to radio frequency testing "rftest" that's launched on startup and exposes a network listener on TCP ports 8888, 8889, and 8890, thus allowing a remote unauthenticated attacker to achieve code execution. While the network service is designed to only accept commands that start with "wl" or "nvram get," ONEKEY found that the restriction could be trivially bypassed by injecting a command after shell meta-characters like ; , & , or, | (e.g., "wl;id;"). Cybersecurity

    TP-Link's implemented fix in version 1_1.1.7 Build 20240510 addresses the vulnerability by discarding any command containing these special characters. "It seems the need to provide a wireless device configuration API at TP-Link had to be answered either fast or cheap, which ended up with them exposing a supposedly limited shell over the network that clients within the router could use as a way to configure wireless devices," ONEKEY said.

    The disclosure arrives weeks after security flaws were also revealed by the company in Delta Electronics DVW W02W2 industrial Ethernet routers (CVE-2024-3871) and Ligowave networking gear (CVE-2024-4999) that could allow remote attackers to gain remote command execution with elevated privileges. It's worth noting that these flaws remain unpatched due to the devices being no longer actively maintained, making it imperative that users take adequate steps to limit exposure of administration interfaces to reduce the potential for exploitation.

    Networking Gear Recommendations? (starting from scratch)

    Hi, I hope its appropriate to ask this here, considering this is the most active community closest to this topic (Networking). I am moving places shortly and will need to start from scratch will all networking equipment. Including router and wifi-extenders. Am wondering what the general consencus is around networking gear, what brands are good and homelab friendly? I've heard great things about Ubiquity, but know nothing about their products. I do wish to buy a mesh system, as I do have 2 floors and concrete walls in the new place. I am looking for something easy to maintain, yet customizable for when I get more comfortable with playing around with networking equipment.

    I have some experience with TP-link + decos, but really dont like their app and default settings. Blocks by default for instance...

    If it matters, there will only be 2 people connected normally ~ approx 8 devices or so in total.

    • 2 phones,
    • 2 laptops (wired if possible)
    • 1 desktop comupter (wired)
    • server (wired)
    • Nvdia shield (wired)
    • RaspberriPi (wired)

    Am also aiming to buy a 1000/1000 Mbps connection :)

    Lemmy know what you would recommend in this scenario, and please feel free to ask about further details if I have missed anything, Thanks as always!

    Privacy focused Podcast recommendations?

    After the podcast show The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show stopped putting out episodes, I've been on the lookout for other ones. Just stumbled upon The Lockdown (Practical Privacy & Security) and it seems rather good based on the first episode I listened to so thought i'd share it. But am still looking for more as I am a big podcast listener, so please do recommend any privacy focused podcasts 🕵️

    Does the form factor between 3.5" and 2.5" matter in a NAS server?

    Been finding some good deals on 2.5 disks lately, but have never bought one before. Have a couple of 3.5 disks on the other hand in my Unraid server. Wondering how much it matters wether I get a 2.5 or not? What form factor do you prefer/usually go for?

    What are the differences between the 'base' of various Linux distributions?

    I've been using linux desktop for a year or so now. One noteable thing i keep seeing is that one person will say I dont like XYZ distrobution because of its base. But I am still a little unsure what is meant by it. I am assuming the main difference between each base is the choice of package management(?). But what other factors/aspects that are important for the average user to know about each 'base'? This is probably quite a broad question to a rather technical answer, but appriciate any answers, and i'll try my best to understand and read up :)

    Transition from litter box to doing business outdoors

    We've got one cat 6months and the other 3months old, currently both using the litterbox. However we're going to move to a new house soon, and eventually try to transition them to getting used to doing their business outdoors instead of the litterbox. Does anyone have any tips or best practices for this transition?

    Edit: I dont live in the US, I live in Scandinavia - huge garden and away from traffic. The cats are fine being outside - most cats here are in fact outside. We have norwegian forest cats and they're meant to be both indoors and outdoors - even during winter!

    Anyone ever removed stock launcher with ADB before?

    Hiya, am thinking about removing the stock android launcher on my Pixel 7a, due to a bug causing one of the three navigation buttons to randomly not work, more about the bug here; So was wondering if anyone had any experience regarding this? I know how to remove it, just want to know what the potential consequences would be. I thought of having 2 launchers available, should the main one I use not work (for whatever reason). Please let me know if you have done this before and how it went :)

    Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?

    Hiya, so am looking to buy more storage and while browsing am seeing some external harddisks, such as Western Digital My Book and Seagate Expansion Desktop for cheaper than the internal harddisks themselves. Have seen this one video from KTZ Systems where he bought up multiple of these external ones just to open them up and use the disks for his own server. Was therefore wondering if you peeps have ever done this and if there any downsides to it at all?

    Sunny Sunny' 🌻
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