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How's that supposed to work?
  • See, the beauty of a screenshot like this is - it captures a great moment in time. It's the moment someone should realize they are wrong. And that's a perfect moment. It's evocative. We've all been wrong before, we know what it's like. We can feel their reaction by how we ourselves reacted in the past. Or how we wished we had.

    Now, this moment could have several different outcomes: that person could admit they're wrong and learn from it, they could panic and backtrack, they could delete their tweet or account out of shame, they could double down and be even more wrong and increase the lulz, they could come back with valid arguments and change your opinion etc. But. Depending on what your position is to the initial argument, you may not be satisfied with the outcome. You may find it annoying or roll your eyes. Of course it's possible that you find it even better than the initial moment, but that's not a guarantee.

    So this screenshot is a tease in a way, but in other ways it's also a complete package. It won't have a disappointing ending. It won't promise more of itself and then fail to deliver. You can see the screenshot, imagine the outcome you want, and scroll to the next one.

    This screenshot is... enough.

    Also, I'll be fucked before I use anything musk has been associated with, I don't wanna support that asshole.

  • there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop
  • I hate shit like this. I honestly do.

    Yeah my man, congratulations. Biden is better than Trump. Hear ye, hear ye, from the top of the terraces and down to your piss-infested alleys, you should know that today the Democratic party has found us someone you can vote for that is better than Trump. You're welcome, mortals. Now hurry down to the booths and do what we want you to do. No questions please, there is no time for your theatrics. Just know that he's better than the worst president you've ever had.

    You know what, how about fuck you? How about we let the country burn? I mean, it'll burn for me anyway. Whether it's that alt-right fucko, or your shitty party's "moderate" alternative. But maybe with the other guy, it burns for you as well. Maybe when stocks go down because the orange clown shat out another retarded idea you'll remember that you offered moderation when people asked for a serious leftist choice. Maybe when the Supreme Court continues to remove rights from women, minorities and oppressed groups they'll get organized into a party that actually represents them and pushes for social change, instead of just being a shade less dark than their opposition. Maybe when the MAGA retards burn the fucking world down, some rich Democrat fuck's house just happens to get caught in the fire as well, and they can live to regret pulling the wrong strings for so many years. Because there's no fucking way the regular people get through any of this shit unscathed, might as well pull a few of the 'immortals' down with us and remind them that they too can bleed.

    So fuck right off with your shitty choices. You made the retarded decision to have Hillary as the opposition to Trump, you saw how well that went for you. You made the same mistake now, offering people another impossible choice. For once in your fucking life, accept responsibility - the Democrats have chosen who should represent them, and they have chosen wrong. If they lose, that's not on the voters - that's on the people who made the choice.

  • Choose your items
  • I'll take the uranium. It doesn't matter what I blow up with it, the butterfly effect will mean the rest of the world is changed forever. Because fuck you, you should've asked before sending people to the medieval era.

  • Adult daughter. Should I disown her!?
  • What fucking dysfunctional system are you from that shouting is your go to?

    1. Task the kid with something you never taught them how to do

    2. Kid fails because they don't know how to do the thing

    3. Shout at them because you don't know other parenting methods

    4. Do it yourself

    5. Lessons successfully taught to your child: it's normal to not teach your children, it's okay to shout, you can't do anything as well as your parents, you can use your inability to do things to force others to do them

    Hey, thank your parents next time you see them, I think they might've helped raise my ex girlfriend.

  • Frozen embryos are “children,” according to Alabama’s Supreme Court
  • A group of Alabama residents decide to rob a bank. They put on their ski masks, grab their guns, run in, yell for everyone to get down and they start looking for the vault. They ransack every office, but all they find are some fancy coolers. Tired from the search and hot from wearing ski masks in Alabama, they open one of them up to find a bunch of cool refreshing yogurt. They drink it, cool off a bit, and then they go looking for the manager. They find this nice looking guy in a suit and tie:

    "Hey, are you the manager of this bank?", they yell, pointing a gun at his face.

    "Yes sir, I am", the guy is shaking and scared, but tries to keep calm.

    "Take us to your vault, right fucking now!"

    "Vault? Sir this is a sperm bank"

  • Social Media's Cringiest Conservative Is Running for School Board -- As a Democrat
  • "We Need to Start Befriending Neo Nazis.” (Mandel is Jewish.)

    “Not nuking these fucking animals is the only restraint I expect and that’s only because the cloud would hurt Israelis,” she’s written about Palestinians.

    Oh hey, looks like you already started making those friends. What a worthless cunt.

  • Shocker: Republicans Admit in Private That They Killed a Good Deal
  • I know, right?

    You have the 2nd amendment. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

    Just shoot them.

  • 'Know why I pulled you over?' Fortunately, California police can't ask you that anymore
  • imagine thinking people put emphasis on words to sound important, not to make written language clear for those reading

    imagine thinking bold or italics are just people being full of themselves, don't even get me started on underline

    imagine ending your message with an explanation of your current situation, as if people didn't already realize it

    Just some guy sparing a moment to marvel at the retard.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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