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The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • I agree. However, I think it is related to Capitalism and all the sociopathic corporations out there. It's almost impossible to think that anything good will come from the Blue Church controlling even more tech. Capitalism have always used any opportunity to enslave/extort people - that continues with AI under their control.

    However, I was also disappointed when I found out how negative 'my' crowd were. I wanted to create an open source lowend AGI to secure poor people a descent life without being attacked by Capitalism every day/hour/second, create abundance, communities, production and and in general help build a social sub society in the midst of the insane blue church and their propagandized believers.

    It is perfectly doable to fight the Capitalist religion with homegrown AI based on what we know and have today. But nobody can do it alone, and if there's no-one willing to fight the f*ckers with AI, then it takes time..

    I definitely intend to build a revolution-AGI to kill off the Capitalist religion and save exploited poor people. No matter what happens, there will be at least one AGI that are trained on revolution, anti-capitalism and building something much better than this effing blue nightmare. The worlds first aggressive 'Commie-bot' ha! 😍

  • How System Requests Work and How to Add Your Own SysReq
  • Amazing. I've been 'staring' at the sys rq key for 20 years with Linux and many years before with Win/Dos, and never really knew how it worked, for what, or if it was still used for anything - even then.

    Apparently (from light search) sysreq was mostly used in the old days to halt current job and enter a systems menu.

    Anyway, thanks for fixing a long-standing knowledge gap :-)

  • If two identical radios are side by side and tuned to the same frequency, will they both pick up the signal at 100%, or will they wrestle for the same radio waves?
  • A laymans opinion on the challenge: Waves lose energy, and the exact placement of antennas will matter. I don't know what the mechanism is called, but we don't place wind turbines right next to each other. That is afaik because each turbine takes some of the energy out of a larger chunk of the wind-wave in an 'bubble' around it, so we place them with optimal distance according to efficiency of that mechanism. If I'm right the effect will probably be minimal. Anyway, just a stab at an interesting thought..

  • Made a screensaver for my e-reader, thought you guys might like it as well
  • I'm old. Once upon a time 'screen savers' were used for ..saving screens, I swear it's the truth :-) I would've bet money on screensavers disappearing when CRT monitors did, but that certainly did not happen. It exploded. I kind of expect that someone by now have created a screensaver ..plugin for another screensaver..

    Not picking on you, just feeling old suddenly. I tried searching for 2024 all-time insane screensavers but only found this 13yo one from vsauce:

    ..but I'm curios what have happened in 13 years, so if any lurkers know better search-fu, please add..

    Sharing is caring <3

  • Pioneering ‘shark skin’ tech could propel China ahead of US in jet engine race
  • Looks to me that using shark patterns inside a jet engine (vs as outer skin) incl hardened printing methods is a new tech, and yes everybody can eventually imitate/repeat other peoples tech, but it'll take time to get things right, so the article seem unbiased enough.

  • Russian EW systems "have proven effective at causing 90% of guided missile and drone systems supplied by the U.S. to Ukraine to miss their target, most importantly HIMARS”
  • Ouch. I actually thought that HIMARS were one of the few successes, but apparently that were only in the beginning, and now they are worthless. Impressive. The level of Russian EW are confirmed from other sources also. I can't really remember any weapons that have been a success ? All the Western super weapons seem to have been failures.

  • I thought of this rare little sub when watching this. It's difficult to evaluate how much Yank (and western) culture have contaminated our expectation and knowledge of other cultures. This video explores some of that..

    And, ..going slightly OT on my own post, when trying to search for African music, the result contains mostly African 'beyonce-like' music. I have to add 'root' or similar to find something that actually sounds 'original', local and non-yank. A bit sad.

    Leaked Google Search API documentation
  • 'Similarly, during democratic elections, Google employed whitelists for sites that should be shown (or demoted) for election-related information'

    I'm sure they only use that little 'non-fascistic' feature for home use and not all over the world, yeah.

    China, Russia, Iran etc seem to know what they are doing, and why. All people in the western world need to apply a Chinese firewall and block these US state/profit controlled corporations.

  • The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates
  • Just to add: Even if we can replace the energy from diminishing fossils with nuclear etc, there are still a huge forest/mountain of essential technology and products that are reliant on fossils, and they won't be replaced by anything. I can recommend Nate Hagens on YT for more on the 'energy blindness' issue, and what it means for our civilization to lose the last.

  • What is your average token usage (inference) pr day with your particular workflow ?

    I am planning my first ai-lab setup, and was wondering how many tokens different AI-workflows/agent network eat up on an average day. For instance talking to an AI all day, have devlin running 24/7 or whatever local agent workflow is running.

    Oc model inference speed and type of workflow influences most of these networks, so perhaps it's easier to define number of token pr project/result ?

    So I were curious about what typical AI-workflow lemmies here run, and how many tokens that roughly implies on average, or on a project level scale ? Atmo I don't even dare to guess.


    Turning off overprotective security ?

    Hi all.

    For a long long time I've been very happy with Signal, but have lately become rather annoyed that:

    1. it too often bugs me about about an update and forces me to do an update before I can write to my single/only recipient, and
    2. it too often bugs me about my pin code, even tho I never asked for such an annoying level of security.

    These security measures are completely overkill for my/normal use, unnecessary, annoying and very aggressive. I'm an adult, and unless there's a super dangerous zeroday attack/vulnerability, I don't need constant forced updates, I don't want to retype a pin code for any reason or interval, and I certainly don't need to be told how I should run my system, when to upgrade or have software on my system that 'randomly' gets locked down for whatever reason.

    Does anyone know how I can turn it off (Linux, Android) ? Is there another client fork that don't force me to follow their idea of what security level is necessary ?

    Thanks, and apols for negativity..

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I'm sick and tired of the Capitalist religion and all their fanatic believers. The Western right-wing population are the most propagandized and harmful people on Earth.

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