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Work in progress Space Wolf sergeant
  • OOO that yellow lookin SHARP gg I hear that’s tough!

  • Misinformation is winning the war on misinformation
  • “Lying is faster and way more fun than looking up sources. News at eleven.”

    Nah but rip to the real ones

  • What is your favourite shell to use
  • I’m here for the colors :3 teehee

  • Fck it, we ball
  • F U C K. All my homies LOVE detritivores!

  • What do you do with Nazi memorabilia?
  • Simply the only solution

  • People who have pets, how are they doing? Feel free to show them off!
  • an orange bearded dragon with an ineffible expression

    Surprisingly he ought to be asleep for the summer but he’s still awake. He’s 3, the youngest of my scaly boys. His name is Tofu and I love how lazy he is

  • Any good Debian-based OS for a laptop?
  • My Son, SpiralLinux, is the neatest lil package of Debian you could ever want. It comes with all the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi drivers I need and it actually has an installer (Calamari’s I think?) that’s efficient and easy to understand.

    Other than that-…. Uuuuhhhhh have you tried Hanna Montana OS?

  • Parasites
  • Thank god At least someones having a good time

  • Parents called for mental health help. Police arrived and fatally shot their son.
  • You’re right; the cops cured his bipolar disorder /s

  • Finally got around to checking out Mob Psycho 100
  • I was also skeptical! But I’m super glad I got around to watching it. Mob has very human problems even tho he’s bigger than life, and he loves and respects his friends!

  • The illusion of free choice
  • I though this was a Trans Masc meme and I was like "Hell yeah, brother, me too"

  • *Boots Linux*
  • That’s my emotional support USB and I’ll get sad with out it :(

  • If you could take a single character out of a piece of media (book, film, TV show, video game, etc) who would it be?
  • Oof in that same vein, we could use a Samuel Vimes sort wandering around dispensing justice…

  • Top post of PCMR on Reddit today XD
  • They came for the gamers-….

  • [not a meme] anyone I should add?
  • If you have a 9-5, Northernlion is the alternative. Both are excellent.

  • I freaking love it when it's storming
  • God I want a Thunder Dommy Mommy 😩 🌧️ ⚡️

  • me_irl
  • Honestly? Blame the stars every once in a while. Hell, blame the moon too! They’re too far away to hear us talk shit and we all deserve some mumbo jumbo to blame for our misfortunes.

  • Reddit API blew up and now I run Linux?

    I feel like I've been gaslit into running FOSS but every success only brings me closer to fighting god

    Sammy Sam, The Man

    Gay, trans, satanist, willing to fight God, lizard father

    Posts 3
    Comments 108