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Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • Cheese Noodles.

  • I bet the mom was plastic lawn furniture
  • Daddy isn't looking too good either.

  • Scholz begründet Nein zu "Taurus"-Lieferung
  • Der Typ ist, und bleibt, ein Waschlappen.

  • Rule
  • That will teach you to check the oven before turning it on.

  • Critical vulnerability affecting most Linux distros allows for bootkits
  • That's collateral damage I'm willing to risk 🤣

  • Critical vulnerability affecting most Linux distros allows for bootkits
  • But I bet it's more fun with a hammer.

  • Vision as a service
  • Sounds like a win/win to me.

  • Israel formally declares war against Hamas as it battles to push militants off its soil
  • The military is the main tool of oppression and as such is a valid target. The individual soldier might not be the issue but the military in its entirety. Of which said soldier is a part of. The individual soldier simply doesn't matter. And that has been the case in every war that was ever fought. The individual does not matter.

  • Israel formally declares war against Hamas as it battles to push militants off its soil
  • I despise the government of Israel, and everyone who supports it, but killing civilians is not acceptable. I don't care about dead military personnel, soldiers are a legitimate target, but civilians? Th fuck, Hamas, THE FUCK.

  • Oh no youtube
  • I've found that I watch YouTube more often than Netflix. So I said "fuck it" and subscribed.

  • With hold on confirmations, Pentagon says fate of hundreds of officers in limbo
  • Is that sarcasm? Because the military has always been a pawn of politics.

  • Zelenskiy Warns 'War' Coming To Russia After Drone Attack Closes Moscow's Vnukovo Airport
  • A war crime is a always a war crime. And the people committing war crimes will always be war criminals. Public opinion doesn't matter. The fact that certain countries don't prosecute war criminals doesn't matter. The fact that certain countries try to legitimize war crimes doesn't matter. A war crime is always a war crime. And a war criminal will always be a war criminal. It really is that sjmple.

  • No way they’ll find me now
  • Of course not. I'm a freedom fighter.

  • Let us welcome the wave of Apollo/RiF defectors!
  • I'll miss Apollo more than I'll miss Reddit. God damn it.

  • SAF77 SAF77
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