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_____ Rule
  • Only if the amount of wug is a prime number.

    This is because non-prime numers of wuggi are highly unstable and will split into separate prime factors of wug if there's enough space (and in most atmospheric conditions).

  • ‘They call us Nazis’: inside the wealthy German town where the far right is on the rise
  • How many racisms does one have to do before they can be considered "far right" enough to be called a nazi?

  • Imagine beeing in a millionaire hug machine
  • Such is class war in the 21st century

  • Google's new AI search results promotes sites pushing malware, scams
  • The deregulation march you're talking about is neoliberalism, and it hasn't just affected USA. And in a sense neoliberalism is capitalism's response to regulation.

    It's not that regulation doesn't work per se, it's that the (political) hierarchy through which it functions is susceptible to being taken advantage of, and inevitably it will be (*has been) taken advantage of by the capitalist class to protect their economic hierarchy.

    For democracy to truly represent the people it'd need to be federated from the ground up through free association. Large scale organisation and cooperation would be ephemeral, existing when/if the need arises and dissolving as soon as projects are concluded (or cancelled). But within the rigidity of the current system(s), where power is consolidated at the 'top' through processes we're lead to believe are necessary for 'order' (when their real purpose is of course control), horizontal forms of social organisation seem impossible (I like how Anark calls this - "hierarchical realism").

  • Google's new AI search results promotes sites pushing malware, scams
  • Can we please stop pretending "regulation" is all that effective. It's been tried, and has resulted in corrupt bureaucracy or given way to neoliberalism (and corporate bureaucracy).

    What we need is a radically different system where the power truly is in the hands of the people, and not just nominally like in representative democracy (and which is completely lacking anyways in most workplaces). And what this requires is the construction of fundamentally different modes of production and human interrelation that will not resemble what we've got now, neither economically nor politically nor socially. Regulating capitalism won't get us there.

  • Capitalism Can't Solve Climate Change
  • Capitalist realism mindset

  • Freedom☭
  • Communism is by definition moneyless

    But yes anarchy is less prescriptive

    Personally though I'm sceptical that money can be without hierarchy, or that the distinction between necessities and luxuries is all that meaningful, since it's all very relative

  • this actually happened rule
  • cyberpunk af

  • Is it normal to forget your own age?
  • Once I kinda half-forgot my birthday for a split second.

    Like, I had to take an extra moment to remember it, which felt weird.

  • Nintendo is suing the creators of Switch emulator Yuzu
  • Extreme capitalism stifles and suffocates innovation and preservation.

    It's an inherent contradiction of capitalist competition. Somehow everyone is supposed to be competitive but noone is supposed to win for capitalism to "work". Otherwise it's considered a monopoly and "anti-competitive".

    Ironically this requires collaboration.

  • Reddit Files to Go Public, Reveals That It Paid CEO $193 Million Last Year
  • We're in the age of the technofeudalists

  • Reddit Signs AI Content Licensing Deal Ahead of IPO
  • Finally a good use for LLMs

  • This Website Tracked Hate Crimes in India. Then the Government Took It Offline
  • Well, you're not using the typical meaning of the word.

    Communism is really just a "stateless, moneyless, classless society", built on the principle of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs". "Egalitarian" gets thrown around too but is considered inadequate by some for often meaning an equality of sorts between classes rather than the abolition of class.

    "Commie" is just a derogatory word for "communist". The distinction you're making isn't really meaningful.

    Stalin and Mao were Marxist-Leninists. Perhaps they truly believed that a "vanguard" party controlling a totalitarian "socialist" state was the best way to reach communism. History of course proved them wrong - the way that they structured their states and economies unsurprisingly resulted in state capitalism.

    Idk enough about Orban but he strikes me to be the same as Putin, a totalitarian capitalist.

  • Jamrock Hobo's response to People Make Game's investigation


    Jamrock Hobo's response to People Make Game's investigation


    Jamrock Hobo's response to People Make Game's investigation


    Jamrock Hobo's response to People Make Game's investigation

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