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nginx, Default server do not works ! [solved]
  • I wanted to have a default server that catch ~wrong DNS query to the server


    I don't know how to link to my previous lemmy post, so here it is again

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name _;
        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/catchall.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/catchall.key;
        error_page 404 /404_CatchAll.html;
        # Everything is a 404
        location / {
            return 404;
        location /404_CatchAll.html {root /var/www/html/;}
  • nginx, Default server do not works ! [solved]
  • The full working code:

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name _;
        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/catchall.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/catchall.key;
        error_page 404 /404_CatchAll.html;
        # Everything is a 404
        location / {
            return 404;
        location /404_CatchAll.html {root /var/www/html/;}
  • nginx, Default server do not works ! [solved]
  • ok I've found something that ~works !

    	server {
    		listen 443 ssl;
    		server_name _;
    		ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/catchall.crt;
    		ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/catchall.key;
    		error_page 404 /404.html; #at /var/www/html/
    		location /404.html {internal;}
    		return 404;

    so i get the default 404 html from nginx. but not the one that I specified error_page 404 /404.html; any ideas ?

  • nginx, Default server do not works ! [solved]
  • line 5 you mean ?

    error_page 404 /404.html; #this one ?
  • nginx, Default server do not works ! [solved]


    You might be aware that if a DNS request point your nginx server.

    and this later do not have a server rule for it , nginx will server anyway the first server found in your config file, WTF !

    So I've found

    ```nginx server { listen 80 default_server; server_name everythingelse;

    error_page 404 /404.html;

    Everything is a 404

    location / { return 404; #return the code 404 }

    link the code to the file

    location = /404.html { #EDIT this line to make it match the folder where there is your errors page #Dont forget to create 404.html in this folder root /var/www/nginx/errors/; } } ```

    But this is not working !

    I made one of my domain pointing to this nginx server, and he still server another site aka server For httpS for http nothing appear..


    Is owning websites for private individuals become forbidden by our governments ?

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > I'm confuse about those mandatory legal notices that governments impose for websites.. > > Before going further I invite you to read:\ > A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace \ > and \ > Discourse on Voluntary Servitude[^1] \ > > From all the articles[^2] that I read about the mandatory notice to display for website none of them reference the URL of their claim !! / of the legal text !! WTF[^links] > > Internet is by essence world wide, and when reading all those legal requirement it's seem that you should display notices for EVERY country ! > > it's seem also that if you own a private website, just for your own or family use, like for example a web file hosting services. (NextCloud etc..) > You should comply with the same requirement that are asked for company ! again... WTF ! > > Also I don't understand, why make mandatory those notices...(beside the scam (money) ) , I'll come back to this below. > > - If you want to buy something off a website, and this later do not mentions any legal address , contact info and so on, the responsibility to buy or not should be only yours. (For example, will you buy a yogurt in the supermarket if there were no brand, contact info on the packing or bill ?) > - if the state want to censor "regulate" a website on the old internet[^OI] there is plenty of way to know who is the author or at the very least where is it hosted.. > - if a website use/distribute a copyrighted© elements. The right holder can do/contact in the following order: > - check the website for contact (if any) > - check the DNS record > - check the hosting > - contact the owner of the IP (IP are leased by company../ ISP ) > > > So there is no sense to ask everyone that extra heavy burden. > The only advantage is for law firm (and those cookies related firm) that make a profit out of it. I heard in my entourage peoples that had pay thousandth of $$ to generate those text, keep up to date etc.. even for small website. > > - If you think those legal notice are a good thing please do not hesitate to motivate your answer. > - If you have any good links about it, feel free to share. > - What are you doing your self on website of customer and/or for your private websites ? > - if you know a Lemmy community worth to share this post, step forward. > > Thanks... > > [^1]: \ > \ > -- > [^2]: > > [^OI]:The one that you are using now with the domains scam. A future internet might be using TOR or GNU Name System > > [^links]: if you have those links feel free to share !

    Is owning websites for private individuals become forbidden by our governments ?


    I'm confuse about those mandatory legal notices that governments impose for websites..

    Before going further I invite you to read:\ A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace \ and \ Discourse on Voluntary Servitude[^1] \

    From all the articles[^2] that I read about the mandatory notice to display for website none of them reference the URL of their claim !! / of the legal text !! WTF[^links]

    Internet is by essence world wide, and when reading all those legal requirement it's seem that you should display notices for EVERY country !

    it's seem also that if you own a private website, just for your own or family use, like for example a web file hosting services. (NextCloud etc..) You should comply with the same requirement that are asked for company ! again... WTF !

    Also I don't understand, why make mandatory those notices...(beside the scam (money) ) , I'll come back to this below.

    • If you want to buy something off a website, and this later do not mentions any legal address , contact info and so on, the responsibility to buy or not should be only yours. (For example, will you buy a yogurt in the supermarket if there were no brand, contact info on the packing or bill ?)
    • if the state want to censor "regulate" a website on the old internet[^OI] there is plenty of way to know who is the author or at the very least where is it hosted..
    • if a website use/distribute a copyrighted© elements. The right holder can do/contact in the following order:
      • check the website for contact (if any)
      • check the DNS record
      • check the hosting
      • contact the owner of the IP (IP are leased by company../ ISP )

    So there is no sense to ask everyone that extra heavy burden. The only advantage is for law firm (and those cookies related firm) that make a profit out of it. I heard in my entourage peoples that had pay thousandth of $$ to generate those text, keep up to date etc.. even for small website.

    • If you think those legal notice are a good thing please do not hesitate to motivate your answer.
    • If you have any good links about it, feel free to share.
    • What are you doing your self on website of customer and/or for your private websites ?
    • if you know a Lemmy community worth to share this post, step forward.


    CrossPosted on:

    [^1]: \ \ -- [^2]: [^OI]:The one that you are using now with the domains scam. A future internet might be using TOR or GNU Name System

    [^links]: if you have those links feel free to share !

    Find a decent Internet v2 domain registrar


    Unfortunately I need to register a domain name for the "old" Internet. So this one with the domain name scam[^DomainScam] and so on..

    So which registrar would you recommend that is the closed regarding the FLOSS / GNU philosophy ?

    And then I hope the world, will migrate to something better than this WWW scam and I could get rid of this domain..


    [^DomainScam]: - - - - -

    How asymmetrically encrypt under windows ( CLI )
  • I've gave a longer trial to gpg4win and it's very power full and easy to use ! Of course it's pointless to use such a nice tool on a none air-gaped Windows..

    For the others there is Gnu-Linux :)

  • Should you allow username to use Apostrophe (aka quotes )

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > For websites I've always restricted username to use Apostrophe ' and " and some times even space . If a website necessitate special character then I prefer to create an additional DB field ~DisplayName. > > It's easier to forbid the use of Apostrophe, otherwise you will have to escape also your search query to match what has been recorded in the DB. > > On the topic I've this > > > But if you have better documentation feel free to share :) > > Thanks >

    Should you allow username to use Apostrophe (aka quotes )


    For websites I've always restricted username to use Apostrophe ' and " and some times even space . If a website necessitate special character then I prefer to create an additional DB field ~DisplayName.

    It's easier to forbid the use of Apostrophe, otherwise you will have to escape also your search query to match what has been recorded in the DB.

    On the topic I've this

    But if you have better documentation feel free to share :)


    Is it possible to sign a PDF with an OpenPGP key generated by Thunderbird ?
  • I've received a lot of reactions on the original post:

    But if someone is involved with the development of Thunderbird I think this is worth reading:

    For my part I will use the OpenPGP sigin tools for now.


  • Is it possible to sign a PDF with an OpenPGP key generated by Thunderbird ?
  • Thank you all for your quick reactions !!

    To summarize if I want to use the PDF built-in signing I will need to convert my OpenPGP into a X.509 cert otherwise I can simply use the OpenPGP file signing

    I want to stick to the UNIX Philosophy especially:

    Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

    So I will use the OpenPGP signing tool :)

    Thanks !

  • Is it possible to sign a PDF with an OpenPGP key generated by Thunderbird ?

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi everyone, > > I was wondering if you know a way to use the generated OpenPGP key created trough Thunderbird to sign PDF's ? > > (Devuan distro) > > Thanks.

    Is it possible to sign a PDF with an OpenPGP key generated by Thunderbird ?

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if you know a way to use the generated OpenPGP key created trough Thunderbird to sign PDF's ?

    (Devuan distro)


    How display an element from another page hosted on another sub domain ?
  • You can interact with the HTML DOM with Python !!!!!

  • How run validation on `input` that have a `value` set ?
  • Thanks all for your input.

    My only workaround was to check programmatically all those input and set them with a setCustomValidity()

    Too bad there isn't a method to relaunch the validity across all the page :/


  • How run validation on `input` that have a `value` set ?
  • Thank

    it's look like that that code only verify the form when submitting.. I need to check the validity when the element has been loaded.

    btw checkValidity() do not solve this issue as it return True when the length is longer than maxlength ! O_o I guess this is were is lying the "bug"

    My two cent

    For me this is a huge flaw ! I don't understand how we (dev) are we still developing on "standard" that are so f*ck-up..

  • How run validation on `input` that have a `value` set ?
  • Thank you that exactly my question.. how can I trigger the validation process again ?

  • How run validation on `input` that have a `value` set ?
  • It will not be digest to send all what I use for you to see it (it will lead to TL;DR)

    but here an elements (loaded with XHR that give the problem


    So normally this element should be invalid and a CSS selector of :invalid should match. but it's not the case because the browser seem to not run the validation check on loaded elements... !?

    if we edit manually the input , for example removing one character then the validation process kick-in and the CSS selector work etc..

  • How run validation on `input` that have a `value` set ?

    ~~ cross-posted from: ~~

    > Hi, > > I'm loading some content with XHR (aka Ajax) the loaded input elements that have a invalid value assigned are not checked trough the validation process. > > so the CSS styling with :invalid is for example not working etc.. > > is there a way to force the validation process on those elements ? > > edit: Browser is Firefox > > Thanks.

    Hex Color To CSS Filter, Converter

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > As CSS do not have a color-overlay[^1] filter. > > There is some heavy work around: > > > > that use a combination of CSS filter to target the desired color... > > Those online calculators are neat, but I would like an offline version, in case the provided one become inaccessible. > > I've downloaded the zip of > > But it doesn't work locally.. :/ > > So I would like to know, if someone know one in 🐍 Python ? or how can I make one then ? > > Or if someone know another way to have the color-overlay[^1] effect in html\css, I'm all ears ! > > Thank. > > > [^1]: To apply like in Photoshop a color on the shape of the image (so not on the parts that have transparency.

    Hex Color To CSS Filter, Converter


    As CSS do not have a color-overlay[^1] filter.

    There is some heavy work around:

    that use a combination of CSS filter to target the desired color...

    Those online calculators are neat, but I would like an offline version, in case the provided one become inaccessible.

    I've downloaded the zip of

    But it doesn't work locally.. :/

    So I would like to know, if someone know one in 🐍 Python ? or how can I make one then ?

    Or if someone know another way to have the color-overlay[^1] effect in html\css, I'm all ears !


    [^1]: To apply like in Photoshop a color on the shape of the image (so not on the parts that have transparency.

    How asymmetrically encrypt under windows ( CLI )
  • Hey

    Thanks for your output, but RSA seem to not be recommended anymore, dig on a search engine..

  • Make Lemmy thrive, Privacy & Censorship.

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > As we might all know ( Early adopter of Lemmy ). > Lemmy has been (also) made to give an alternative to the censor kingdom of Reddit ! > > > And further more Lemmy is fLOSS 😍 > > Great ! but watch out ! we don't want that Lemmy take the same path as Reddit did ! ( hopefully this is limited as it run as a ~Federated model ) > > Anyways, I believe to avoid censorship and jeopardize users privacy the following should be considered by Instance admins and moderators. > > - Avoid as possible a mandatory email to register > Doing so is not reducing spam or whatever you're afraid ! > It's limiting users to create account that preserve their anonymity ! > If you don't know why anonymity is important I'll suggest you to dig this website to start with > BTW if I couldn't be anonymous, I wouldn't write any post on Lemmy, as I'm not living in a free country !! > Look on other instances some admin have found clever way to circumvent bots without the need of an email. > > - Also Lemmy don't require too much of moderation ! as any user can use the block feature in their options ! > so you should not censor content in behave of others ! > > If the freedom of expression is limited to the ideas that we like, it is not freedom of expression. > Noam Chomsky. > > Cheers,

    Make Lemmy thrive, Privacy & Censorship.

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > As we might all know ( Early adopter of Lemmy ). > Lemmy has been (also) made to give an alternative to the censor kingdom of Reddit ! > > > And further more Lemmy is fLOSS 😍 > > Great ! but watch out ! we don't want that Lemmy take the same path as Reddit did ! ( hopefully this is limited as it run as a ~Federated model ) > > Anyways, I believe to avoid censorship and jeopardize users privacy the following should be considered by Instance admins and moderators. > > - Avoid as possible a mandatory email to register > Doing so is not reducing spam or whatever you're afraid ! > It's limiting users to create account that preserve their anonymity ! > If you don't know why anonymity is important I'll suggest you to dig this website to start with > BTW if I couldn't be anonymous, I wouldn't write any post on Lemmy, as I'm not living in a free country !! > Look on other instances some admin have found clever way to circumvent bots without the need of an email. > > - Also Lemmy don't require too much of moderation ! as any user can use the block feature in their options ! > so you should not censor content in behave of others ! > > If the freedom of expression is limited to the ideas that we like, it is not freedom of expression. > Noam Chomsky. > > Cheers,

    Make Lemmy thrive, Privacy & Censorship.

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > As we might all know ( Early adopter of Lemmy ). > Lemmy has been (also) made to give an alternative to the censor kingdom of Reddit ! > > > And further more Lemmy is fLOSS 😍 > > Great ! but watch out ! we don't want that Lemmy take the same path as Reddit did ! ( hopefully this is limited as it run as a ~Federated model ) > > Anyways, I believe to avoid censorship and jeopardize users privacy the following should be considered by Instance admins and moderators. > > - Avoid as possible a mandatory email to register > Doing so is not reducing spam or whatever you're afraid ! > It's limiting users to create account that preserve their anonymity ! > If you don't know why anonymity is important I'll suggest you to dig this website to start with > BTW if I couldn't be anonymous, I wouldn't write any post on Lemmy, as I'm not living in a free country !! > Look on other instances some admin have found clever way to circumvent bots without the need of an email. > > - Also Lemmy don't require too much of moderation ! as any user can use the block feature in their options ! > so you should not censor content in behave of others ! > > If the freedom of expression is limited to the ideas that we like, it is not freedom of expression. > Noam Chomsky. > > Cheers,

    An easy way to Install AOSP on Smartphone... ? FOSS
  • I didn't know about GrapheneOS too bad it only work Pixel phones (that are also owned by Google ! ) So If I'm against Google for all what they do I'll certainly not give them money !

    (Finding and importing a phone is something you have to do even when using the stock OS.)

    True, but you will do it multiple time if the phone that your looking for doesn't have an available ROM somewhere..

  • An easy way to Install AOSP on Smartphone... ? FOSS

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > ::: spoiler Intro about XDA forum (skippable) > > I was using a lot for anything that was related to Android development and phone support. (ROM etc..) > > But it became rotten --> > > ! 😱 > > ! 😱 > ::: > > ::: spoiler Current situation ton Install another ROM ~OS > > As you may know, in order to install another ROM > For example to get rid of Google ! πŸ‘Ώ > > You need one that is specifically build for your devices > for example: > > This is so inefficient ! > > You might have heard of Treble that focus on this problem > - > - > > sadly it's made by google πŸ‘Ώ and I doubt that they will release all the code. We will see. > > If you don't know what is AOSP <-- > > > ::: > > ::: spoiler The question : How to install AOSP on a "Supported device" > > I've always use only google-free smartphone ! But OMG it's time consuming. > 1. Found a smartphone ( with the spec you want and in your budget ) > 2. Check if you can have\import it in your "country" > 3. Check if someone already cook a ROM that support that specific model > 4. or create it by yourself (even more time consuming ) > 5. Sometimes: bypass any protection that prevent to install another ROM ! > 6. Finally install the ROM's, boot loader etc... > > At this time, when it seem that Treble is not there yet... > Do you have a quicker path\Solution ? > > Thanks > :::

    An easy way to Install AOSP on Smartphone... ? FOSS


    Intro about XDA forum (skippable)

    I was using a lot for anything that was related to Android development and phone support. (ROM etc..)

    But it became rotten -->

    ! 😱

    ! 😱

    Current situation to Install another ROM ~OS

    As you may know, in order to install another ROM For example to get rid of Google ! πŸ‘Ώ

    You need one that is specifically build for your devices for example:

    This is so inefficient !

    You might have heard of Treble that focus on this problem


    sadly it's made by google πŸ‘Ώ and I doubt that they will release all the code. We will see.

    If you don't know what is AOSP and this article too

    The question : How to install AOSP on a "Supported device"

    I've always use only google-free smartphone ! But OMG it's time consuming.

    1. Found a smartphone ( with the spec you want and in your budget )
    2. Check if you can have\import it in your "country"
    3. Check if someone already cook a ROM that support that specific model
    4. or create it by yourself (even more time consuming )
    5. Sometimes: bypass any protection that prevent to install another ROM !
    6. Finally install the ROM's, boot loader etc...

    At this time, when it seem that Treble is not there yet... Do you have a quicker path\Solution ?


    How send emails trough CLI (Windows) ?
  • Has I found nothing, I've write a piece of code in Python 🐍 ! and compile it for Windows..

  • How send emails trough CLI (Windows) ?
  • Thank you Seem great, I'll keep it for later :)

    But not for what I need now, as

    Mutt is a small but very powerful text-based mail client for Unix operating systems

    and it's a "full" client, I need just the SMTP functionality.

  • Community Programming stuck ?
  • OMG that too bad ! Lemmy that is federated and LOSS use github to track the bugs :/ Too bad I don't have an account. So anyone, feel free to report this bug. Thanks.

  • Community Programming stuck ?
  • see my comment in the original post ( for more info on the suspected bug.

  • Community Programming stuck ?

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > > I'm trying to post on: ! > > but it seem stuck > > ! > >

    Community Programming stuck ?
  • ok I manage to send my post ! (it look like a lemmy bug... , do you know where to report it ? )

    it seem that lemmy didn't support the following

  • How send emails trough CLI (Windows) ?

    Hi everyone,

    Before I was using SendEmail but it seem that it's not supporting TLSv1.3 :/ too bad because the SMTP server that I would like to use require it.

    Do you have any solution ( Windows ) to send emails (TLSv1.3 supported) trough the CLI? Not powerShell ! but CMD

    Community Programming stuck ?


    I'm trying to post on: !

    but it seem stuck


    How asymmetrically encrypt under windows ( CLI )


    How can we (under Windows...) encrypt file (or stdout) asymmetrically ? (best will be with ECC)

    I see I'm not alone with this question

    Apparently with GnuPG (bin for Windows) it's not working the best, you have first to import the public key ..

    And ideas, or alternatives ?


    Rick_C137 Rick_C137
    Posts 23
    Comments 28