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  • @pastermil @nameisnotimportant I wish it was moreso. Thanks for the post.

  • NoFlexZone DieMadColonizer


    long term hiatus from 1P1P1D at

    African Internationalist, not a Pan-Africanist plz look it up if you're unsure (or ask) my politics only make sense if you understand that.

    No patience for Liberalism, at low patience for liberals. Death to America, Neighborhood to yo grandkids

    \#UnderNoPretext I'm not the Tolerant Left. \#KoupeTetBouleKai

    \#FromTheRiverToTheSea 26+6=1

    \#nobot #nosearch #noindex #AuDHD #NoBridge

    Lizzy's in a box, IN A BOX! Lizzy's in a BOOXX

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