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At Fossil Butte National Monument, in Wyoming, restrooms are decorated with coprolites, which is prehistoric fossilized poop from 52 million years ago, found in the area.
  • So, when they decorate the walls with shit, it’s acceptable. When I do it, they put me in my straight jacket.

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • You are so full of shit dude. Or completely blind. Maybe both.

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • France on the verge of an extreme right takeover

    Germanys AfD party making significant gains

    Substantial foreign influence in the legislative and executive branches of US Politics

    By all means, please continue to ignore the signs. “It can’t happen here”, right?

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • They put one of their assets in the White House, and you think they’re failing? They might do it a second time for fucks sake!

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • I think we’re (trying) to say the same thing.

  • Problematic computer
  • Do you have a way to reproduce the problem so IT can see it? Have you taken screenshots (or just pictures with your phone) of the problem if it’s hard to reproduce?

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • At no point was I suggesting that we haven’t caused many of our own problems. I’m simply saying that Russia is exploiting those problems for their own benefit.

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • Russia has had dramatic political influence in this country for a very long time now. If you’re not worried about that as well, then you’re extremely naive, my guy.

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • So you believe they’ve had zero effect on current events? I don't advocate for the belief of American or western superiority.

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • For like 80 years, the west prepared for war with Russia. Russia played the long, quiet game and just parasitized our politics, and our economies. They’re winning without ever firing a shot. It’s impressive, albeit infuriating.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • Am I gay for AI? You betcha.

  • Came into some local blueberries so went to town. Muffins, mini cheesecakes with blueberry curd, and lemon blueberry bars
  • Will you please stop ejaculating on the fruits, I can’t believe I have to tell you this again

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • Stupid AI bitch couldn’t even make I more smarter

  • Work from home
  • That’s a no for me dawg.

  • To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board
  • He’s not here to serve his country, he’s here to exploit it.

  • NegativeLookBehind NegativeLookBehind
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