This is only my second sighting in the 6 years we've lived here of an owl. Though, I regularly see bald eagles and Cooper's hawks. Actually had a Cooper's hawk eating in our backyard very close to the tree in that picture. Cleaning up the feathers and carcass was worth the show.
We're very blessed to live where we do and be so close to state and national parks as well as the ocean. The kiddos love seeing all the wildlife.
Provide them with a whole adult lunchable for best results
I prefer living. All 4 girls in my house are very particular about blankets and which one belongs to them.
Jealous you got to hold one. I've always wanted to hold a bird of prey but haven't had or really looked for an opportunity.
Thanks, i saw a similar looking owl about 4 years back on our fence. It let me get pretty close to get a picture but the quality still wasn't the best. I'm glad this one turned out better.

I went out to call the dog back in and saw this superb owl hanging out in the cedar on the other side of our fence.
Yes but she prefers her pellets to be frozen. It might just be the cold she likes.
I had to look this one up and it turns out Leon Chang is a comedian. And is also the one posting it
Super Troopers shows me they have bear fuckers too so...
I'm not a PC gamer but still wanted to leave a comment. I love seeing these giveaways. The random acts of kindness remind me there is still good in this world. Thank you for your generosity.