I will say this... If you want to get close to a living owl, that a private experience like this is the easiest way to do it. This was at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh (great city) and was like $75. Not bad at all.
But the real talk... If you want to learn and experience hands on time with owls, save your cash, and search Google for "owl events near me" and go to those. Regular people aren't allowed to actually touch owls. But they can touch specimens brought in to those animal ambassador events where they're there to teach the public about owls.
I've been to a number, and they'll pass around different things: bones, skulls, pellets, feathers, wings, feet. Holding the owl was pretty cool, not going to lie, but I didn't learn anything. The glove felt heavier than the owl, so it was like holding air. Handling the specimens let me learn more than almost all the reading on them I've done. You can really see the difference in the owl feathers vs other birds, how they're so much more delicate to stay quiet. You can feel the grippy almost gecko feet to grab onto prey, you see how big those eyes really are when you get up close to the skull. You feel the weightlessness of bones built for flight. To me, that was the really amazing stuff I've gotten to experience.
I'm seeking the next owl high though, so I'm trying to get in as a volunteer at the largest rescue in my lifestate. They're not Raptor exclusive, but they certainly get them in and have ambassador owls that someone has to handle.
If you're more into the photography, I'd recommend hitting up someone like MN Owl Tours of the Saw Whet Whisperer. No matter your owl dream, there's someone that can make it happen.
Thanks, i saw a similar looking owl about 4 years back on our fence. It let me get pretty close to get a picture but the quality still wasn't the best. I'm glad this one turned out better.
This is only my second sighting in the 6 years we've lived here of an owl. Though, I regularly see bald eagles and Cooper's hawks. Actually had a Cooper's hawk eating in our backyard very close to the tree in that picture. Cleaning up the feathers and carcass was worth the show.
We're very blessed to live where we do and be so close to state and national parks as well as the ocean. The kiddos love seeing all the wildlife.