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The strongest bond
  • Yes

  • To be fair, that's more than two words
  • That would be anhang, wouldn't it?

  • rule
  • Might be an age thing as I'm still quite young, idk about you

  • ich🦉iel
  • Woher kommen eigentlich die ganzen -anlage memes?

  • rule
  • I have kinda gotten used to it being like that because I have it like that for 2-3 years now and didn't even notice, so I'm not really able to say how socially acceptable it is but I have gotten comments before when people looked at my phone

  • rule
  • The searchbar on the bottom is very nice for big phones as you don't have to move your hand to get it

  • ich🖥️🦠👴iel
  • Sieht sehr Vertrauenswürdig aus, alleine das nicht zentrierte Logo reicht um mich zu überzeugen

  • Pick One: Which is your favorite way to read books?
  • I usually listen to audiobooks when doing something else like riding my bike or waiting, where I don't have the conventration ability for actual reading which works quite well although it takes a bit longer than normal reading

  • Chart to determine risk of bear attack
  • Kind of makes sense when you think about them landing back on earth and maybe having to fight off something before the vessel can be recovered

  • ich🐮🍝🎶iel
  • Achso, danke

  • ich🐮🍝🎶iel
  • Splitterkern? Also brechkern oder was?

  • Chat Apps
  • You should be able to change the image after posting I think

  • went to my first protest today :33
  • I'm pretty sure the SIM still connects to cell towers even if you have mobile data deactivated

    Edit: on most phones it prevents the connection but there are still other ways to track like GPS

  • Google assistant rule
  • What does ASDA mean?

  • Science project rule
  • It's just like soap foam so nothing special, but doing it in a controlled environment is still helpful

  • Something something Biden bad
  • Valid might have been a weird choice of words. I meant that your way of voting only works out in an actual democracy. The opinion is valid either way

  • Something something Biden bad
  • Which would be valid if the US had an actual democracy and not whatever the current system is

  • Something something Biden bad
  • I wouldn't want him to win either but it is an alright compromise if the other option is trump

  • Something something Biden bad
  • That is correct but you're still allowing the worse of two options to happen by not voting for the "better" but not good option

  • Games rule
  • Thank you, I think I will stay vanilla until I am done with the original trilogy and then move on to GAMMA or Stalker 2 if that has a good release. I really love the atmosphere too

  • [Solved] How can i host my own lemmy instance just for myself on a single raspberry pi 3b+?

    I don't have any other servers that i could run the whole time so it should just be based on one single device,

    I did it with Lemmy Easy Deploy

    Micromot Micromot
    Posts 3
    Comments 286