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  • Yeah, I found out about this a couple of months ago when I saw a picture of those pickles posted on Facebook.

    Kinda gotta admire the dedication to the joke it requires to build an entire business around Uranus puns.

  • Anti-racism be like
  • Only people that have no ability to think for themselves have a need to put others into categories of acceptability based on what the dominant culture around them thinks instead of judging them based on their individual merits.

  • Why does this exist?
  • Kinda like this?

  • Why does this exist?
  • That's what the girl in the video mentioned here did, and it didn't seem to turn out that great.

    Perhaps using it for soup, as many other commenters have suggested, is the better move here.

  • Why does this exist?
  • I looked up the ingredients and apparently it's only chicken, water, and salt, so it's gotta be the chicken's own stock (since it's fully cooked).

    Looks disgusting I guess but I suppose it's far healthier than many of the more delicious looking products the food industry churns out every day.

  • Why does this exist?
  • He's certainly doing a good job selling me on canned fish LOL

  • Why does this exist?
  • Oh I see, so the point is making a pro chef use an extremely cheap and common canned food and turn it into a gourmet meal?

    Good concept, sign me up.

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  • Upvote for upvoting good doggo

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  • I'm not complaining. Certainly beats whatever the fuck that other thing was.

  • Anti-racism be like
  • Well if she's hispanic, that's clearly racist because it associates brown people with low-paid manual labor. (semi /s)

  • Blockchain: the wave of the future
  • Honestly, it never fails to surprise me when on a presumable anticapitalist forum such as this one, someone makes a passionate argument in favor of some of the most ghastly corporate practices known to man, but sure, let's put that premise to the test, shall we?

    Here's a good article on the power consumption of Bitcoin, which estimates around 110 TWh/yr.

    Here's one on the electricity use of online advertising, which estimates somewhere between 6.5 GWh - 131 TWh/yr.

    Shall we call it a draw? Keep in mind that online advertising is a fast growing industry (and likely to continue to grow in the future), whereas Bitcoin's power use isn't likely to grow too much, as the above article explains. Also keep in mind that this is JUST online advertising, and completely ignores print, TV, and those digital billboards that are spreading everywhere from Times Square to your local grocery store. Think about neon store signs, illuminated billboards, etc.

    Also, that's just the cost of delivering ads to people (i.e. it doesn't even include the cost of producing them). Think about how many people work in advertising – all the offices they occupy, the computers, cameras, and whatever other equipment they use, business flights, what have you – and I'm pretty sure the carbon footprint of the entire industry far outstrips that of crypto.

    But sure, crypto is the real problem.

  • Why does this exist?
  • I want to see a prochef use this for a recipe.

    Probably not going to happen. I watched the review mentioned in this comment and the verdict was that isn't not particularly flavorful when just baked in the oven, as the can apparently recommends.

    Does sound like a decent option for making soup, however. Especially during a pandemic.

  • Anti-racism be like
  • Apparently the character was based on a black maître d', so it wasn't even particularly racist, since many white people also do this job, and it certainly isn't slave labor (they tend to get very good tips, especially at fine dining restaurants, which the suit and bowtie he was wearing kinda implies he was working at). Therefore I'm inclined to believe the second reason might have been their actual motive, and the supposed racism was just a convenient excuse.

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  • This is the best version I got. Probably far cuter than the actual Dogman.

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  • Whom exactly is this directed at?

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  • Not an argument. Do better.

  • Anti-racism be like
  • Okay... and?

    PS: Apart from this argument not going anywhere, it's not even entirely true. Aunt Jemima (now Pearl Milling Company) is directly owned by Quaker Oats (which in turn is owned by PepsiCo). Meanwhile, Uncle Ben's / Ben's Original is owned by Mars, Inc., so you're defending some of the biggest (and worst) food conglomerates on the planet.

  • Anti-racism be like
  • The Sun-Maid girl is depicted performing a job that's traditionally associated with slavery. Is depicting white people performing slave labor also problematic or is slavery only bad when it involves people of color?

    Also, the job she's doing is predominantly done by immigrants nowadays. Is depicting her as white not disenfranchising these people by denying them representation?

  • Anti-racism be like
  • Username checks out I guess.

    You can't just assume the post wasn't made in good faith in order to prove intellectual dishonesty, that's begging the question.

    Learn yourself some debating skills.

  • AI will fix everything 😎

    Before you decide to ragepost in the comments about how terrible either of these guys are, please take a moment and look at how happy they are. Wouldn't this be a nice outcome for a change?

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