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What was your best purchase?
  • Maybe? It could be my Kindle? I don't know? I don't know why people end statements with question marks? For example, in this comment, none of these sentences is a question? So they shouldn't end in a question mark? But people often write like this? It's quite strange to me? Have a nice day?

  • Youtube's Anti-adblock is illegal in the EU
  • The entire point of this post is that Google felt entitled to violate your privacy by detecting your ad blocker. It's an arms race. If they are free to dictate their terms of service, we are free to dictate what gets displayed on our own computers.

  • Imagine
  • Oh, yes, there's nothing more imprisoning than having to turn your car off. I can't imagine how people are able to deal with it.

    Next up: How I orgasmed and achieved nirvana by upgrading my iPhone 14 Pro Max to the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

  • Anon makes a decision
  • You're a dick. You can say that about anything. You don't own a house yet? That's because of a string of poor decisions. You don't respect yourself, otherwise you would have saved enough money. And then you'll go, oh, but I am the one who has real problems, unlike those other fat people. Everyone who was more successful than you was lucky, everyone who was less successful was lazy. This is precisely what millionaires tell themselves to justify paying minimum wage. Those employees who accept working for this meager salary? No self respect, they deserve it.

    You? You are just a self-absorbed dick who can only see things from their own perspective and have no idea about other people's problems.

    Written by someone who lost 70lb 15 years ago and didn't gain it back. Did I suddenly acquire self-respect and discipline? Nope, just found a sustainable lifestyle that worked for me. Shocking, I know.

  • We Finally Have Proof That the Internet Is Worse
  • I think they care the other way around. Many people admire big corporations and either work for one or wish they could. Just think about Apple fans as one example. So if you tell them there is Reddit, which is run by a company for profit, and there is Lemmy, which are a bunch of servers run by computer nerds for the joy of it, this will actively draw many to Reddit.

  • Is Sugar really as addictive as Cocaine/drugs in general?
  • This is just more keto pseudoscience. Unfortunately people care more about YouTube videos than what reputable sources say:

    Not disputing that excess fructose can cause liver damage, but most studies demonstrating this have mice ingesting absurd amounts. This doesn't happen when you are eating a normal amount of food anyway. Excess water can kill you, but no one avoids drinking water because of this.

  • Is Sugar really as addictive as Cocaine/drugs in general?
  • You don't have the same incentive to quit sugar either. It's not illegal, it won't make you crash your car and kill someone, the police won't arrest you for driving under the influence of sugar, you won't lose your job because you were caught using sugar, your family won't leave you because of your sugar habit, strangers won't feel ashamed or depressed if they see you using sugar in a public place etc.

    Sure, there is obesity and diabetes, but they are directly caused by an excess of calories, not sugar. Sugar might make you eat more, or so people say, but does it really? You can still overeat plenty of greasy salty stuff.

  • Is Sugar really as addictive as Cocaine/drugs in general?
  • I did it many times and it wasn't awful in any way. If you cut all carbs, that's different though, and it has little to do with addiction and a lot to do with your body entering ketosis. That's not to deny that food can be addictive. Anything can be addictive. People get addicted to porn, phones and computer games after all. But people blow this sugar thing way out of proportion.

  • What’s The Strangest Thing You Do
  • If it really bothers you, every time you realise you did this, delete the previous word before the F and retype it, maybe even a few times, while paying attention to every movement. Slowing down helps too.

  • Heat is making Earth uninhabitable. Why isn't this the top news story around the world?
  • Because none of these articles explain to the reader what exactly they should do to minimise this problem and how much exactly they stand to gain and lose from doing it. People are only interested in obtaining useful (aka actionable) information.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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