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Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • Even if you are paying for a product, you may be another income stream. You pay for a smart watch/home assistant/email/VPN and they use your data. Not all but enough people need to be aware of. Sadly It's pretty much now deciding on who gets your data. Or trusting that they really are not taking your data, trust them, they say they are not!

  • People who started learning a second language, how has it made you aware how broken English is ?
  • Learning a second language hasn't made me think English is broken. I already thought English was messed up but know a little of it's history so have a general idea why. Learning Spanish means learning the flaws of a second language. I thinking all languages are flawed, but English just goes the extra mile.

  • Why does it feel like too much effort just to go from sitting around looking at garbage online to simply watching a film or playing a video game?
  • I had that last night. I went to finally watch Pluto, which I read the manga and seen the first episode before so knew I was love it, but when I started it I was like "Can I speed this up?" Which wouldn't have made it as good. " Do I have time for this? I could be doing something else?" When I had did some chores and didn't have anything the next day just for this. Once I was into it, I had a hard time stopping, but had to because I was too tired to appreciate it.

    I think I been consuming media that not very important to me and that I don't have to pay close attention that I normalize that. When years ago I use to purposely consume a big chunk of media. So the opposite of what I do now. Making setting aside time and focusing hard to do.

  • Anyone have luck with a hair growth *inhibitor*? Especially my fellow gentledudes who could be mistaken for sasquatch after skipping a day of shaving.
  • It's going to be a effort or significant cost or both to get rid of it

    Laser hair removal. You can get it done professionally or buy a at home device. If buy an at home make sure it's safe to use on your face and near your eyes. I have an at home and it works and it takes years to get rid of all the hair in an area. I got rid of the hair on my feet still working on my lower legs.

    I also use a brand of hair inhibitor called Completely Bare. It a lotion. I use on my upper face like between my eyebrows. You pluck the hair out and rub in the lotion. Not as good as laser but I'm not going to buy a laser removal device just to use in that area.

    Laser hair removal works best on dark hair and light skin, but the tech has gotten better over the years so if you are not that see if there stuff out there that may work for you. If you buy a laser hair machine find out how much replacement cartridge are. It's better to pay more for a machine if the cartilage are cheaper. Also read the warnings so you don't burn yourself.

  • Have you ever clicked on an ad *on purpose?*
  • Years ago when I use to go Anime News Network daily I would click on some ads because they only allowed relevant ads and found some great sites to buy anime stuff from. Yesterday I clicked on an ad for a Kickstarter because I was curious. I've clicked on ads and rarely I end up buying stuff, but have bought after I verified it was a legit site, but mostly I clicked on ads out of curiosity because it a cool design or idea. Ads are not inherently bad. The pervasiveness, intrusiveness, and scams are the problems. When ads were a banner at the top of a page and were relevant to the site they were ok. I miss those. I won't purposely click on pop up or over ads or in between paragraphs ads, but I do sometimes click on obviously ads that are not aggressive that are interesting.

  • Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • Microwave plate cover. Don't have to clean the microwave as often. No wasting saran wrap or trying to use a plate as a cover. I was living with my parents a long time ago when I first heard about these and had to get one. My Dad made fun of it at first but he then admitted how useful it was.

  • Orange Charger thinks a $750 outlet will solve EV charging for apartment dwellers
  • Amazon Lockers. Where I use to live I would get gas at Costco but would pickup packages at the Amazon Lockers next to a gas station and go in and buy something a lot of the times (Homer voice : Fountain drinks. drool) When that gas station got a kitchen in it, I ended up getting pizza there instead of going elsewhere for food. Gas stations will adapt and change as they already been doing. There probably just won't be as much of them.

  • Non-smokers in the 1970s and 1980s, how the hell did you survive the second hand smoke?
  • You can get a feel of it by being around a lot of fragrances. You know the people who are noseblind so wear a lot of perfume/cologne. They putting on fragrances in their lotions or other stuff. Their house and/or car reeks but they barely notice. Same feel and they don't even notice the smell, it normal to them. Their kids and pets are getting sick and they don't care. I forgot to add that you are considering the problem if you bring it up.

  • X automatically changed 'Twitter' to 'X' in domain names, breaking legit URLs
  • Does anyone know if he use to have Handlers? I always figured the reason he got hyped was because he had people who did his social medias for him and got him good publicity like being on The Big Bang Theory and he thought it was all him. He then fired them all and people saw the real him.

  • To those with 2+ monitors on your machine: What's your use case, and how much does it actually boost your productivity?
  • Three monitors for work and sometimes wish for a 4th. I'm doing research and pulling info from various documents into one document with commentary. A 4th would be nice so I could have email and chat on it. I've missed people asking me questions because I had documents in front of the chat and missed the pop-up. Sometimes you need 5 programes and then multiple documents open to understand what going on to explain it and then have to copy and paste from various documents.

    For personal I liked it when I had 4 monitors. Main for web browsing and one for chats. The other two, one for playing video or music and the other to drag stuff to. The other two really shined when I would do photo editing or writing. Spreading things out over 3 monitors made things easier. Right now with my living situation I'm pretty much on a laptop so one monitor. Really makes photo editing not as fun and writing when I need to keep pulling up references stuff outright frustrating at times. I actually have more than 4 monitors at home since I kept picking them up at thrift stores, (DVI into USB adapters are nice) but didn't find any real benefit to more than 4. But once everything settles I plan on getting my 4 monitors setup back and a Linux station for certain projects with 2 monitors and Raspberry Pi with 1 monitor.

  • This is a Test
  • Hospitals have security for a reason. You touching a gun when they have procedures on how to handle this situation is dangerous. If you are on staff you follow procedures. If you are just there and do know about gun safety you would know not to pick up that gun.

  • This is a Test
  • C. I worked at a hospital and at the hospital I worked at they would have called Security to secure the gun. There may even be an off duty police officer on staff at the time of the incident.

  • AI is creating fake historical photos, and that's a problem
  • AI is more like torrents, password cracking software, TOR, ect than guns. Just because they can be used for bad or illegal things doesn't mean those software programs are bad. When companies in the past tried to get certain software banned they ran into the issue that if it could be used for legal reasons that enough for them to exist legally.

    Now AI does have the issues with how it is trained so the AI itself can be problematic.

    I didn't say we shouldn't talk about the problem with the AI I have issues with people making the AI the complete issue ignoring that people use the AI. It reminds me of how automakers tried to make the people driving cars the reason for deaths in car crashes.Thankfully that didn't work and automakers where forced to make cars safer making it safer on the road. It didn't stop car crashes from happening since the human element is there. Which there are things in place that partly address that (Such as Driver's license test, taking away some people's driver's license, ads reminding people of the rules of the road.). I'm annoyed that articles are doing the opposite of what car makers did. Humans are using the AI to do bad stuff mentioned that also! How can we change that? Yeah, it will probably be best to do something to the AI program, but we can't ignore the human element since they the one who are creating the AI, using the AI, and consuming the AI products.

    People use guns to kill people so we need to look at both to make it happen less.

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