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What do you like about socialism?
  • I did not say it was?

  • What do you like about socialism?
  • A friendly reminder that socialism is not communism. The latter is closer to capitalism as it's just state-owned instead of privately owned. However, socialism and capitalism can coexist, which cannot be said the same about communism.

  • Why AI is a disaster for the climate
  • This is why I've been researching and working on FOSS AI systems. My own AI cannot fire me. ;)

  • AWS exec: Our understanding of open source is changing
  • It's all fine and dandy until another leftpad project implodes, disabling millions of websites.

  • Catastrophic change looms as Earth nears climate ‘tipping points’, report says
  • Don't worry, soon you'll fell numb hearing informations like this, like some of us already do.

    It used to affect me deeply too, until I realised people truly don't care, especially the wealthy ones that have the means to do something about it.

    I'm still doing my part trying to follow the principles I believe in, but if you asked me if I'm going to be shouting from the top of my lungs to warn people that we really are getting to the tipping point, I wouldn't.

    The tipping point (for me) was already crossed 15 years ago, and if the masses still don't get it, then they'll never get it.

    Enjoy life for what it is, following your principles and being true to yourself, but don't let it bring you down, unless you want to turn into a grouchy old lady, or a man, yelling at clouds.

  • Energy minister says hydrogen will 'not play a major role' in heating homes in the UK
  • Hydrogen is less efficient than electricity, and takes more energy to produce. Unless the process improves significantly, I can understand why it won't be the major source of heat for home use.

  • The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans
  • Welp, we're doomed then, because AI may be intelligent, but it lacks wisdom.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Laughs in systemd

  • LineageOS is currently installed on 1.5 million Android devices
  • You can't pay with it at the till, though.

  • YouTube is reportedly slowing down videos for Firefox users
  • You absolutely can tell what's happening by reading the source code. They are using a listener and a delay for when ontimeupdate promise is not met, which timeouts the entire connection for 5 full seconds.

  • Does Marijuana Make Anybody Pass Out Like Me?
  • I have the same reaction. Weed makes me sleepy, and the only good thing about it is some of the wildest vivid dreams I had happened right after smoking it.

  • Affordable MiniPC / SBC for self hosting? Will connect to 1x SSD and 2x HDD.
  • A steam deck might be a cheaper alternative.

  • Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free!
  • I would see this comment as silly, if not for the fact they changed the domain from .org to .com

    It's all about business now.

  • is shutting down it's previous API. Now only authenticated access allowed.
  • Every service that disabled or limited the API has seen an increase in running costs, because people turn to scraping, which costs them more resources overall, and cannot be controlled by the site owners as easily.

    Let's be honest, though, hosting text files with a search bar isn't that much expensive to justify a response like this.

    It's fine if they want to earn money, but then they should be upfront about it, and not making up stories about fluke running costs. I'd rather see a donation button.

  • is shutting down it's previous API. Now only authenticated access allowed.
  • Opensubtitles does not create the subtitles, that's done by the community, which is being monetised and sub authors get nothing out of it.

  • Bcache is amazing!: Making HDD way faster!
  • What are the implications in regards to the lifespan of the disk used as cache? Any potential downsides?

  • Zelensky invites Trump to Ukraine, claims presidential candidate 'can't manage this war'
  • They let felons run for president in the US? Wild.

  • LoafyLemon LoafyLemon
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