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Paris Rule
  • Kids these days smh, can't even abide by the traffic laws of France

  • Paris Rule
  • I'd like to see that, after some hard work destroying half the city simply by existing, Godzilla takes a break to eat a croissant

  • Paris Rule
  • merci, j'ai travaillé dur sur la photo

    I impeded traffic and everything

  • Paris Rule
  • It's a shame they couldn't be more original

  • Does anyone like the taste of dragon fruit?
  • They're fine, it's basically a bigger and watered down kiwi

    The similarities easily put it in my top 5

  • A journey of self-rule. And murder.
  • Did she... did she loot the other girl's skirt?

  • Paris Rule
  • maybe...

  • Paris Rule
  • I don't know what you're talking about, the Eiffel tower is right there

  • Paris Rule
  • I can see how it could be seen as ugly, I mean it is mostly metal beams, but I like to think that some of it's beauty comes from what it represents and it's history

    it's old as fuck

  • Paris Rule
  • oui, je m'appelle kiwi, クロワッサン

  • Paris Rule
  • Well, there is only one, this one

    So of course it's the best

  • Paris Rule
  • It sometimes rain in France right? Hence the stylish umbrellas

  • Paris Rule
  • Exactly, the way it's pointy and triangle-ish, who could get it confused?

  • Paris Rule

    Opened 196 by accident so here's a photo of the Eiffel tower

    "intermittent fasting" rule
  • Gottem B)

  • "intermittent fasting" rule
  • Seems like law and order is running smoothly

    I'm so glad I didn't get another cat, my cat turned out to be an asshole so I can't imagine what kind of mischief another cat would've brought

  • "intermittent fasting" rule
  • Thanks, I like you too. Yeah it's super adorable when they just decide that they're done and just flop over

    My cat kind of sits up when I grab him. I have to cradle my arm and grab his butt so that he can straighten his front legs on my elbow and he refuses to be held any other way. And the face he makes, it looks as if he was staring off into the sunset from a mountain cliff

    In the end it's either one arm or no cat

  • "intermittent fasting" rule
  • Last time I smoked while I was hungry I chased my cat around the house by walking with my hands out towards the cat like a toddler, until he got tired and flopped over

    I then picked him up and proceeded to cook and eat with one hand while still holding the cat

  • Let them eat cereal rule
  • ok but I unironically eat kellogg's for dinner because crunchy

  • What's a last name (family/surname) that you think is cool?
  • Matadamas

    It's Spanish and, translated to English, means: Lady-killer

  • Box rule
  • Nah just a dumbass, still love him tho. We sometimes smoke weed together

  • Kiwi Kiwi

    The fruit, not the bird

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