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What counts as an attack for the purposes of the invisibility spell?
  • 5e RAW, they remain invisible. However, using the tinderbox will make noise so enemies will likely notice that.

    In the 2024 rules, dealing damage (even if not by attacking) causes invisibility to end.

    NOTE: both versions of the rules (see the oil item description) state that in this scenario, an enemy only takes damage if it enters or ends its turn in the oiled space. Starting their turn in the burning oil does not cause damage, so just moving out of the space will prevent the damage. The lighting of the oil also does not cause immediate damage

  • Tiamat and fire damage
  • (assuming 5e or newer) You can't true polymorph into Tiamat. The 'aspect of Tiamat' from Fizban's is already CR 30, Tiamat herself is unstatted but obviously more powerful.

    As a player character, you can only True Polymorph to a creature of CR 20 or lower

  • How to display maps on a screen?
  • I use for that. It allows you to cast your map to a 2nd screen in player mode, while you can still see the full picture. It has 'fog' to hide areas from the players and supports zooming in on each screen separately, or you can sync zoom&view (manually or continuously) from your dm screen

  • Sending intranet Email on a token ring network still used the same process as creating a Memo
  • That is what 'automation' often is. You take a working process, then let machines do as many steps in that process as you can. Harvesting crops, sending memos, robots spraypainting car parts, self driving cars (We still have a lot to do there)

    Building on that it gets even more interesting as we try to find better, or even completely new processes.

  • How many pieces of toilet paper do you use to wipe after peeing?
  • How on earth did English typography get so weird with mdash, ndash, dash, hyphen, etcetera while most of the readers have no clue about the the differences. IMHO, just use dash.

    Can you explain me how the different lengths of dash add to the understanding of the text, when I usually don't even see the difference on my mobile phone screen?

  • Shamelessly stolen because I love it
  • persons. The spell allows polygamy. Also, no gender restrictions. You can marry all of your party into one big family, RAW. You may need to check the local laws, though.

    By the way, the spell does not allow for divorce - it's strictly "till death do us part".

  • 2024 D&D Beyond Ruleset Changelog [UPDATE] 2024 D&D Beyond Ruleset Changelog

    Players who only have access to the 2014 Player’s Handbook will maintain their character options, spells, and magical items in their character she...

    2024 D&D Beyond Ruleset Changelog

    Players who only have access to the 2014 Player’s Handbook will maintain their character options, spells, and magical items in their character sheets. Players with access to the 2024 and 2014 digital Player’s Handbooks can select from both sources when creating new characters.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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