My Friday night group started playing 2024 rules a couple of months ago. Also made the change from Roll20 to Foundry VTT, so it's been a little bit of a learning curve for the group.
I absolutely love Weapon Mastery. It's a mechanic that is long over due. Haven't been playing long enough to say what could be done better about it, as so far it's been pretty good across the classes. I play a Rogue Soul Knife and having Vex, in order to get Sneak Attack damage every turn is really effective. Plus, as a Rogue I can use tactics more individualized for my character.
The lack of flanking giving advantage was annoying... At first. With that said, it has forced the party to actually engage in tactics that didn't just involve lining up in a row.
So far so good... Just waiting for everything to go behind multiple paywalls due to Hasbro having a bad quarter. I really tried pushing my group to go to Pathfinder after the License dust up, but was overridden. My group is more important to me than the stupidity of Hasbro, so 2024 is what we play.
We were early on, but largely haven’t had any real issues. The worst part has been trying to google clarity on rules and getting the 5e rules instead of 2024.
My guess is that's the point. D&D Beyond, for example, seems to make it purposely confusing. My guess is that this is an attempt to make playing with the 2014 rules that much harder, so that people spend more money.
Agreed, I began dming for the first time after being a player of the 2014 5e rules for three or four years. The small discrepancies in character building were confusing and we had to spend way more time on that than anyone wanted to. negotiating grapples has been confusing every time for the players. But finding rules is probably the most annoying part lol I don’t hate it otherwise
We haven't really noticed much of a change. Some spells are slightly different, some movement rules are different (like moving through allies) but generally it's just 5.1e.
So far so good. I am running Phandelver and the Shattered Obelisk for a group of mostly totally new to TTRPGs teens, we started with 2014 rules but were only a few sessions in when 2024 came out and we quickly switched without any issues.
I just started running The Light of Xarsis for a more experienced group, we play our 2nd session tomorrow. This was all but one of theirs first encounter with 2024.
I am in a game of Rime of the Frost Maiden. It is the DM's first time running a game, but is an experienced player, there is another experienced player who is railing against all of the changes initially, then the next session is on board with them. The other three players have only played BG3 and are doing great with the rules.
For 90% of the time, there is barely any difference. The changes they did make are pretty much all appreciated though. It does feel like a big patch.
Only thing I still don't 100% get is the rules around dual wielding and when you can actually change weapons. Everyone online seem to have a different interpretation.
I'm enjoying it, there's some things that are quite nice. Materials feel better. I've also started brewing for '24 rather than '14, but I do hate the random capitalization throughout.
So far, I've played three sessions with three different groups. Haven't run into big issues yet. Next session I will be using monsters from the new MM. I'm curious to see how the balancing turns out.