Wwyd if you were given a pocket dimension 3m cubed?
*You can teleport into and out of it at will
*It has a couple of plug sockets and can connect to internet from the region you teleported in from
*You can take objects and people with you
*As already stated, it is (3m)^3 (3m*3m*3m). The walls are plain plaster with a light in the middle of the ceiling. The pocket dimension is topologically toroidal, so if there weren't walls and a ceiling/floor (which you can actually destroy) you would loop if you went more than 3m in any direction. Gravity, then, is artificial and can be altered to anywhere from 0 to 2g from a dial on the wall.
Edit: additional specifications
*You can only teleport out to where you teleported in from.
*Time proceeds at the same rate inside the pocket dimension
*There is an eject button for those inside to get out if something happens to you
I think I'd probably pack a bed, TV, microwave, and mini fridge into it and go travel and see a bunch of the world without worrying about lodging. I could also use it at work to eliminate my commute and save myself the high rent of living in Northern Virginia lol.
set gravity to 2g for faster gravitational acceleration
I have acquired rocks that can keep falling and build up velocity forever.
live life as usual; when I'm old enough to near death, aim for anywhere within the planet with said rocks.
Assuming I fill the 3x3x3 box half to half with sandstone and air; its weight will be 33kg.
If I live for 70 years more, assuming the gravitational acceleration is 19.72 m/s^2; I can generate stones that can go up to 156.8 billion km/s (or 145 times the speed of light)
Using the kinetic energy formula; I'm pretty sure unleashing this anywhere will be enough to destroy a huge chunk of the existing universe and in the end I'll be the person to go out of the world with the biggest bang.
Well, specifics about the big bang is not known; but I'll be its closest contender if it is correct.
Man, the places I could hike without having to carry a pack! Wouldn't need to plan for resupply or anything. Would have communication access from anywhere in the world.
You could use it as a kickass home gym where you can dial up or down gravity depending on what you're doing.
Smuggling would be a whole lot easier if you went that route. Transporting all sorts of things really; you only need to get yourself to the new location.
Could do some very amazing magic tricks since you can disappear (and swap props or outfits or whatever).
With gravity turned down you could presumably build up some momentum and launch yourself places. Not sure how you'd stick the landing unless you can control which way is "up" as you teleport to the room.
Edit: Just realised this idea is kinda similar to an ability from HunterxHunter
Assuming that I can take it wherever, and when I’m in it, no one can see any trace of it…
I would find locations where valuable items would be in the near future. Go to that place, hop in my box, and wait for night fall. Then I would magically materialize in a strange masked bandit costume, rob them blind, and disappear. Then pop out a few days later in different clothes to make my casual exit.
Ideally, I’d go in and out inside a bathroom nearby so it’s less conspicuous.
I'd probably use it as having a lot of extra portable storage space, so it'd probably get filled up with a bunch of junk real fast. also I'd have the coolest battery pack
This is a terrifying power, I gotta say. Like a dude could carry an entire armory around and deploy it Looney-toons-style wherever he wanted.
I would probably just put a bunch of shelves in it and use it as a personal EDC gear storage space. 3m^3 is more than enough space to store pretty much anything you might need in a jiffy.
There's also apart of me that thinks putting a bed in there would mean not having to bring a date back to your place or to a hotel - but being real I'd probably never use it if I set it up like that.
If I bring luggage or a person in with me, can I leave them there for a few hours? Would they have a way to get out if something happens to me? (Travel just got easier in my mind)
Edit: also, did you mean 3m x 3m x 3m, or 3m^3, which is 1m x 1m x 3m?
It sounds really boring but... Reading nook - just a little spot to relax and read. Kit out the floor with pillows, the walls with shelves, and paint the ceiling to look like the sky.
Well, feel like I could quite easily become a very famous stage magician a la "The Prestige" which would help make me rich while letting me keep the pocket dimension thing hidden in plain sight so to speak.
But my mind, as always, races to the limits more so than the possibilities. What would happen if I bring in more stuff than would fit? Say I bring in a decimeter cubed of concrete over and over until I no longer fit inside the cube if I'm allowed the concrete with me in? What if teleport in while driving? Does the car come with even though it doesn't fit? And if I return to the spot I entered does that mean I'll plopp out on the highway while my car is wrecked a ways down the road or inside my mangled car? What if the space i entered from is occupied or otherwise lethal?
What if I teleport in while under water? The void i leave in such an instantaneous fashion would behave quite interestingly if I did it at great depth.
No mention of external dimensions, so I am going to assume that it exists in the abstract since you mention teleportation. Like you just think about it and teleport there, not carry it upon your person like a portable hole in D&D.
Like others mentioned, a living space of some kind. I'd worry at first where I teleport inside, like hopefully not inside my mattress. Also, when I teleport back out, where is that? Where I teleported in? What if that gets replaced, like say I popped out while in an empty parking garage, but popped back in and a car is now parked where I left off? Might be nice if I pop back out anywhere I choose. Pop in while in New York, pop out in London.
Man, I'd save so much on rent. Or at least storage.
I would ask writers Game masters and gamers to use the item in their stories/games and see what uses they come up with i would never thought of on my own
Whike waiting for that to come to fruition ide look for a passable look a like to team up with.
Then i would figure out how the teleporting works. If it maintains speed/velocity/vector/momentum
test if i could jump from really high, pop into my pocket dimension just before hitting the ground cancelling out the speed i was falling when i pop out of the pocket dimension
First thing I'm gonna do is pop in there with a hammer and a crowbar and figure out how all this shit is wired up and what it's nailed to. Betcha there's a whole lot more space there than the realtor knew about.
I think I'd make various uses of it, but I think I'd mainly use it as an "at-sea cabin." Rig it up with a small bed-over-desk type situation, one of those little dorm minifridge/microwave deals, and stock it with tools/supplies etc. So basically I have a weightless camper van that's always with me and never needs parking. Hell certain city lifestyles where your "home" is where you sleep and shit and you spend the rest of your day out and about, it'd be all you need. Only problem is no plumbing.
*It has a couple of plug sockets and can connect to internet from the region you teleported in from
What do you mean connect to internet? usually that needs to work through a provider, and be hard wired. I think for this scenario its safer to assume you have radio signal access meaning you could have mobile data and calling.
I'm also assuming the teleportation is relative to the earth so If I'm on a plane, I wouldnt' want to teleport into my pocket dimension as I'd teleport out of it away from the plane.
One thing that comes to mind is you're basically an extremely hard to catch drug smuggler. The only time anyone will ever find drugs on you is when you're taking it out or into the dimension. Heck, even in doing sales, you can't be easily caught because you can drop off the drugs somewhere remote, and pick up the cash elsewhere. Even if you get "ripped off" the biggest problem for you is the money lost on buying the product, and travel time.
I think having a specialized emergency kit in the dimension would be very valuable. Maybe some explosives if you ever need to clear out an area though that should be rare. Canned food, and water. First aid kit. Some kind of smoke bomb (running away from a situation). Laptop with internet access (if you ever need to hide out, acts a entertainment and a way to hear what's going on in the world). Cardboard box that you can fit into (not certain whether you should teleport back somewhere because people are looking for you? Teleport back, inside the cardboard box to see if it's safe lol). Several rechargeable batteries since you basically have unlimited free power.
I think one of the more practical uses is using it as a home. You can live almost anywhere and have at least a small home. Get a job in the highest paying area you can access, and live in your home for most of the time and you'll save so much because those high wages usually stem from high cost of living.
I don't think you'd want to transport people because the more people that know about your ability, the more attention you'll get which is very bad. The only way transporting people really works is if they're transported while unconscious so they're not aware they were in another dimension.
I'd use it as a jizz shoebox but bigger. Since you can accelerate things inside if it, you can make my 27m^3 jizz flow at terminal velocity and then I can
Okay, first things first, this talk of making it my living space? Nix that. That works well enough for a single person eating microwave dinners, but I like cooking and having people over. But travel? Yeah, that would be awesome. I'm thinking:
Bunk beds
Desk with a computer
Very efficient use of shelving
Fridge, hot plate
My only concern then becomes a toilet and shower. I guess you could move water in, but the water pressure is going to be crap.
It becomes my house. Now all I have to worry about is food, water and a few incidentals. To shower, I could probably exploit the geometry for endless water pressure instead of using a pump, then I'd just need a little heater and a filter of some kind.
The first thing I do, of course, is dick with the gravity dial. See how low I can get it before I lose my lunch, see how high I can turn it and still do everything I need. Maybe I stick something heavy to the side of the dial so it turns itself and so on.
Maybe to raise the rest of what I need, I'll start a moving company.
The weird geometry could also have some engineering uses that are pretty unique. For example, you could make a magnetic bottle for plasma that doesn't leak as it wouldn't need ends, or a laser in a frequency of light that's hard to reflect.
You say this pocket dimension connects to the internet, a la Matrix? I'd create a game with an in-game currency that looks the same as ours, and give it the same physical properties in-game as the real currency is for the region I'm in. I then would define that I am a billionaire with a bank account to match. I teleport in, withdraw my money in cash one suitcase at a time from the ATM that has an infinite cash supply, and then teleport out.
Paint the walls green screen green, set up a pretty powerful PC setup (desk and chair included), set up a futon, make sure I have plenty of mood lighting, and start what I want to be a hobby of mine by recording videos while using a 3D model of my fursona without having to worry about people disturbing me.
Can an object be on both sides of the portal at once? Like if I ran a cable from the inside to the outside. I'm trying to work out how to handle water and sewage, because like everyone else I've concluded this is obviously a living space.
New free jam space for my bands! This is a game changer. Plus, 3m³ is about the size of my local underground venue, so bands can play and I'd never have to charge for the rent in my overhead cost. A place to workout in 2G would be kick-ass as well, or setup climbing walls with crazy dynos and try them at different low gravity settings.
Are there any restraints with any kind of outside object your pocket dimension is anchored to? It sounds like this would be super exploitable to pull off some cleverness just as an "invisibility cloak" (although presumably you couldn't see your surroundings from the inside, or it'd really be OP), let alone if you're not tied to a physical object. If you wanted to, you could probably rob banks and overthrow countries with that shit.
Okay, after reading the comments I have determined that this is a magic pocket dimension, not a sci-fi pocket dimension. That's important. Sci-fi pocket dimension gas too many restrictions, but OP has been kind enough to gift us a magic pocket dimension. If I pop in on a flight, I don't fall to my death when I leave.
So, I set it up as a space for living in tight quarters. Like an RV, I guess. I make sure it has some exercise equipment, and I give it to my mom to use. She's disabled, and can't move a lot under normal conditions, and for reasons I won't go into, also can't do aqua therapy anymore. Low g exercise could help her, and we could slowly increase the gravity. Eventually, she could be healthy enough for surgeries that could get her to a better standard of life.
Book cheap flights, cruises, et cetera. Teleport into the room, and back out at the end. Travel the world. If possible, teleport my mom in whenever somewhere is not wheelchair accessible, and then back out once we've passed that point.
Make money to support the travel lifestyle by being a magician, or smuggler. Whenever possible use the pocket dimension to help people escape bad situations. Teleport in someone while in my car, drive to safety, teleport out. They're coming out relative to the vehicle, not the vehicle's position. Excellent for helping refugees, domestic violence victims, et cetera.
The archivist inside of me thinks it's a good idea to make this the control room of the beIN headquarters, because I know a television channel of theirs that has a hell of a lot of lost media. I think Al Jazeera slapped their name on this channel (but it's not related to journalism, I promise) back when they used to own it, and they made a lot of great shows (and had great branding), but there's very few archives of what they actually made.
So, in a way or another, I'd be the one responsible for leaking their assets.