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Bing says Alpha Centauri is 13.6 kilometers from us
  • Good golly, someone make some chocolate chip cookies, we're going to have to go and welcome them to the neighborhood. Damn rude no one said anything sooner.

  • Wordle 1,124 | 2024-07-17
  • A Classic Concept Car, as Classic as they get!
  • Nope. Not on fire or rusting.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Only 2 things I can come up with now is dns not updating on the router, or check and see if something added or edited the host files and that's referencing the old network.

    it's always dns

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You shared them from a 192.168 then changed it to a 10. Make sure the new network is in trusted not public.

  • Looking for a shop computer/tablet that probably doesn't exist
  • I can't believe I'm saying this, but if you can find a cheap MacBook m1 (I have one for work and I hate it) might be OK for this. Get a stick on key cover for it. The only thing that is great about it is battery life, like 2 days with moderate/heavy use. Set up an remote client to connect to your machine and use it that way. Screen is great, only openings on it are usb-c ports and the keyboard.

  • Adult daughter. Should I disown her!?
  • She's from group B. Group A loads correctly. Group B does this stuff on purpose so we in group A will just stop letting them screw this up and they no longer have to load it.

  • How do you cope with ADHD?
  • I've started taking magnesium and potassium supplements. Try to get enough sleep. Take a step back and don't rush yourself because you assume something is urgent which may not be. Flip side, there is no later, do whatever now before you forget.

  • Florida surgeon general calls to pause COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, citing discredited theory
  • The level of stupid wrapped up in this guy is amazing. Is there some contest he's part of some drinking game where the most wrong answer wins?

  • Scientists Train Full-Grown Man To Ask For Help When Needed
  • This is the question begging the answer. No man has ever needed help. Ask us. So if we never need help, we'll never ask, so training can't be effective or measurable. (/s just in case)

  • ‘Nudify’ Apps That Use AI to ‘Undress’ Women in Photos Are Soaring in Popularity
  • Jesus, as if Facebook "researchers" weren't already linking to Onion articles, now you'll give them pictures.

  • Moo shu Pork is Quick! | Kenji's (quick) Cooking Show
  • Thanks for posting. Girlfriend loves mushu, now I have the key to doing this right. Thank the maker for Kenji. Also love your post on the beef and noodles.

  • A cyberattack against Clorox last month that shut down factories has created a nationwide shortage of bleach and cat litter
  • If you listen closely, you can hear a Facebook group using your post as research.

  • 8am on a Sunday morning and we have no teabags.
  • That's the story now. Why would anyone go to war over politics and taxes?

  • 8am on a Sunday morning and we have no teabags.
  • As an American, we saw this coming. It's why we had that kerfuffle a while back.

  • What are your favourite 80s fantasy movies?
  • Concentrated evil. There should be a lot of stuff. Some way to bridge now and then.

  • Why would my parents always enter the BIOS when booting when I was younger
  • Couple of things - back then, bios was slow to load. Add to that if they had a usb keyboard or mouse, the bios wouldn't detect it and make you go into bios (even though the keyboard and mouse it just didn't detect accepted the keypresses to go into bios). There was an option to set in most to skip keyboard and mouse errors. They probably didn't know how to set it.

  • Intheflsun Intheflsun
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