I've been catching up on and rewatching some lately. Legend, Highlander, The Never ending Story. What are some others that are similar? And why do 80s movies seem to hit different than other decades?
To answer the second question, Willow hit different because in the 80s they were totally fine with making fantasy movies that were meant to be watched by families but also had no problem traumatizing children. Willow had those creepy rat dog things straight out of a nightmare. Same way The Neverending Story has the horse/swamp scene and Gremlins turned fluffy cute animals into scary wicked creatures. Honestly, it's a miracle any of us millennials survived without a serious case of PTSD every time we went to Blockbuster.
and not every good guy somehow had to survive. that blonde guy (Eric?) died pretty brutally, and even though off-screen the babies mum and the nanny clearly died brutal deaths (and it was heavily implied), I think you even hear the nanny being torn apart by wolves
Oh yes.. I still remember the first time seeing that scene where everyone (almost) got turned into pigs in Willow. It really freaked me out at the time. *shudders*
I think the heavy reliance on physical props, models and scenery. Combined with a certain darker style of story telling really made those movies stand out.
Came looking for this. I particularly liked how everything you'd expect to happen, doesn't. It ignores the traditional fantasy script and is refreshing doing so.
Oh my God! I watched this so many times. Those... Vampires who turn people into goo when they catch them with their wings. Those monsters with metal claws and masks.
All the good ones that can think of have already been mentioned.
I also remember enjoying Heavy Metal as a teen, but not sure if I'd enjoy it nowadays.
Well ... Stranger Things ... I know, I know.
But it gives me so good 80's vibes, especially due to the great synthie soundtrack.
Can not not mention it.
Ladyhawke, Excalibur (this one is much more R rated than most, it features an on-screen rape in the first 5 minutes), Legend, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Krull, Conan.
The 80's were really a heyday for fantasy movies, weren't they?
The dark crystal is the greatest fantasy movie of all time.
One of the reasons I think they hit different is because of the technology used to film them and the practical effects.
To me horror films from the 70s and before seem more real and scary than modern ones that are full of CGI and weird pallete swaps like when they film night scenes during the day and then darken them after. It just gives off this whole 'this is a fake movie' thing to me.
If you also want so-bad-it's-good then you must not miss Yor: The Hunter from the Future from 1983, see video review here: https://youtu.be/doS-sxtlNfU