You're welcome. Coursera has a lot of really good free stuff.
The Science of Well Being from Yale University. It's very popular and free online at Cousera I am not associated with either of those places (Yale or Coursera)

The biggest eel I have ever seen living on a shipwreck near Grand Baie, Mauritius. I have video of it just two weeks later with the throat cut open.
Yeah, me too. I'm not sure if they are really rare or just incredibly difficult to spot. But I keep looking every time I dive.

I took this photo a few years ago while diving near Phi Phi Island, Thailand. At the time I was using a Nikon Coolpix L26 with an Ikelite housing and no strobe. I was on my first dive trip with a camera and really happy to see this beauty.
Absolutely beautiful, still not a fan of the septum piercing.
If you toast it with peanut butter its almost edible.
Thanks. I was diving with a dive master but I spotted it myself.

I took this photo a few years ago when I was diving near Phi Phi Island, Thailand. One of my all time favorite dive photos.
Best comment I have read in quite a long time.

I was really lucky to get this photo of a barracuda taking a dump during a safety stop. You can actually see the fish head bones. It must not be fun to pass those. Taken in Grand Baie, Mauritius February 2025
I dumped all Gillete products years ago. I use single blade disposable Bic Metal razors, they are made in Greece. I use shampoo or whatever soap is on hand as shaving cream if my beard is long otherwise I just use hot water to shave. I do shave in the shower which helps a lot when not using shaving cream.

This octopus was out and about during the day. Always fun to see them fully out of the holes they hide in. Grande Baie, Mauritius February 2025
Yeah not exactly a cuddly type of pet.
Yes they have a really cool color pattern. I guess its an easy to read warning because you cannot confuse them with any other fish.
Yeah they can be aggressive. I think they only do it when its breeding season.

Titan triggerfish near Grande Baie, Mauritius. These fish scare the crap out of me. I was once chased by one protecting it's eggs.
Thanks. It was a shame to see how many dead spider conchs were trapped in these nets.
Lots of things get caught and die in them and as strange as it sounds you can smell or maybe taste the rot underwater.
This one is the wrong size, the ghosts were slipping through.

I dove this wreck and many others in February 2025. This is the Silver Star. One of the many great wreck dives around Grand Baie. Mauritius. The photo is of my dive buddy heading up to do our safety stop.
Diving the Water Lily wreck at Trou aux Biches, Mauritius. This gorgeous eel put on a show and I was so happy to come across it.