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Thanks, Amy.
  • I used to do this constantly but I had to break myself out of the habit. On long drives, I'd forget I would have passengers and blurt out half a sentence before realizing.

    It also led my step mother to try and convince my dad I was schizophrenic at the time since I would do it in the house as well when I thought no one was around.

    Mildly annoying since it was just an easy way to think things through, I never saw it as a bad habit.

  • Devianart alternativ
  • I misspoke in my first comment. It's vague on if copyrights are shared but it does explicitly say it gains ownership.

    In any case, this issue has been brought up and they haven't fixed it. Every other platforms makes it very clear who has ownership of what. There's too much room for abuse and its either a grift or incompetence and with all the other problems with the platform, it's not a good look.

    Federated platforms are popping up for this kind of thing, better to wait imo.

  • Devianart alternativ
  • This is really the best option. It's incredibly easy these days and let's them incorporate an e-shop later.

    Although a lot of these platforms are about getting exposure as well.

  • Devianart alternativ
  • Their TOS isnt very long, a user linked it above.

    Here's the abridged part that is of interest:

    (Everything on the website including user generated content) are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and are the property of Cara and/or the individual artist

  • Devianart alternativ
  • are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and are the property of Cara and/or the individual artist

    The hateboner is justified. For all it's faults, instagram explicitly says it doesn't own any of the pictures and only has a license to display which the user can revoke at anytime.

    Deviant art has this in it's TOS:

    DeviantArt does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to DeviantArt (Your Content).

    It might be due to plain incompetence and not malice but their TOS lets them do a lot more than most platforms.

  • Devianart alternativ
  • Cara has it in their terms of service that they gain the shared copyright of anything posted on their website. Nothing in their terms of service says they can't open a store and sell prints or even sell the data to an AI company.

    Cara is literally one of the worse places for artists.

  • This seems like a troll effort that went too far and became real
  • I remember seeing something about this on the Guiness World Record Show when I was a kid and then spending my time repeatedly punching the wall while in the shower.

    I've never really gotten into a fight or done anything cool with them but now my hands go numb sometimes so there's that.

  • People in San Francisco Are Mad That a New App Lets You Spy on Bars to See How Busy They Are
  • I remember walking into bars and even paying the entry fee just to walk right back out 2 minutes later and waste my time going to the next one. Sometimes, it would happen multiple times in a row. It never made the experience better.

  • Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web
  • The laws are currently the same for everyone when it comes to what you can use to train an AI with. I, as an individual, can use whatever public facing data I wish to build or fine tune AI models, same as Microsoft.

    If we make copyright laws even stronger, the only one getting locked out of the game are the little guys. Microsoft, google and company can afford to pay ridiculous prices for datasets. What they don't own mainly comes from aggregators like Reddit, Getty, Instagram and Stack.

    Boosting copyright laws essentially kill all legal forms of open source AI. It would force the open source scene to go underground as a pirate network and lead to the scenario you mentioned.

  • Aliens haven't contacted us. Scientists found a compelling reason why.
  • I agree, that is why I didn't bring up the possibility of enslavement or colonization. I'd even say the chances are higher of a civ being benign than not when reaching a space faring stage. I base this on mostly nothing.

    I do believe an intelligent creature is probably at least mildly curious. Couple that with the likely hood of an advance civ having enough resources to build whatever projects they want, only a small subset of their population would need to be curious enough to make it a reality.

  • r/NuclearPower is taken over by a hostile mod
  • "This writer sucks and knows nothing, look at the cover"

    "But did you even read the book"

    "When did I ever say I did, I don't want to open it, why are you so opinionated"

    You kind of have to consume something before people think you have a valid opinion on it. He was calling you out on it and he's clearly right, you don't have to be a baby about it.

  • Aliens haven't contacted us. Scientists found a compelling reason why.
  • So their whole argument is that tectonic plates are needed for complex life to emerge. There isn't much proof for it either way obviously but I find the argument flawed.

    In any case, here is why I think aliens are here, either waiting for us to divest ourselves of our economic system and destructive ways (capitalism breaks when you mix in easy space exploration and heavy automation) or observing us and how changes emerge in our society like we do with secluded tribes.

    1. Any advanced civ can tell a planet has life on it from a great distance. If simple life is rare, they would of had a probe here a long long time ago.

    2. We started modifying the climate over 3000 years ago. Any civ within an 1000 light year range would have had enough time to notice and make it here. That is around 7 million star systems.

    3. An advanced civ would have covered every single solar system with Von Newman probes.

    I think the fernie paradox is more of a test than a rule. Any civ that can't pull itself out of the muck is probably bad news for galactic society, so they wait and see.

  • Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Rehabilitation
  • It's a lot of fancy words but they basically strap a tv to your face and force feed you gore while they zap your brain and make you feel like shit.

    I was expecting venture capitalist pipe dreams and the usual disconnect, not full on Gitmo lol

  • "Put this in your mouth son, it will help with the fever"

    I didn't have the heart to tell him what the gag was really for as I watched the bite mark ooze puss.

    best app for lemmy?

    The one I'm using is becoming so buggy to the point of being unusable. It was never really great tbh, what are most people using?

    As an added question, are bookmarks associated with the lemmy account or the app?

    Edit: I'm on android, currently using Jerboa.

    Sentient spiders

    I've just finished A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge. It was amazing and coincidentally my two last books where children of time(1 and 2) and (as to not spoil the reveal) a certain book involving spiders/crabs that live in high pressure environment.

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the theme I have going on even if it was purely accidental, what would be some good recommendations involving sentient spider to pursue next?

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