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Handheld Linux Retrogaming recommendation? [solved-ish]
  • I have an Anbernic RG353M & it sounds like it fits your needs. Emulates up to PSP. Moddable: I run ArkOS which is Debian-based - so I can SSH in, apt install programs, run custom bash scripts I wrote, etc. I also ported a desktop game to run on it. So moddability points are high! Also dual-boots into Android, so Android games are available if that's your thing. It comes with the Android dual-boot right out of the box!


    • It can be a little small in my hands for long play sessions. I have a custom 3D printed handle extension which works great and solves this problem.
    • There's a hardware problem involving the 3.5mm audio jack output where chip noise gets in the audio. Annoying, but ignorable. Switching to Bluetooth headphones is a fine workaround too.
    • In long play sessions when the device gets hot horizontal bar artifacts show up on the screen. Like the audio thing, they are annoying but ignorable. When they show up I normally interpret it as a sign I've been playing too long and take a break while the device cools down.

    Overall, it's got those hardware quirks above but I still like it and I don't regret it for the price (something like ~$100 a couple of years ago I think). Battery life is very good, even for graphics intensive games. It can go many hours without needing a charge, and generally it has better stamina than I do!

  • Populus (1998) & "god games"

    Happened on this 1998 game by sheer chance and I'm really digging it! As far as I can tell it was never popular. It's a mixture of an RTS and a "god game" where one unit (your shaman) is very powerful & special (chess analogy: sort of like mixing the central role of the king & with the power of the queen).

    Strong "tribal" vibes that were popular in the '90s (think Deep Forest music, the game Riven, etc). Very nostalgic for me as I was a kid at the time. I'm playing the PSX version, looks like the PC version was even better!

    Has anyone ever heard of this "Populous" series? I'm curious to try other titles, and to try more in the "god game" genre (a genre I never even knew existed!). Any other "god games" worth checking out?

    Looking for basic, naive implementations of Computer-Generated Holography
  • A couple of ideas:

    Encoding holograms

    • Model the object in 3D space (using Blender maybe?)
    • Use the Angular Spectrum algorithm to model light propagation, its interaction with the object, and it hitting the recording medium.
    • Your final recorded hologram should have two maps (aka "images") across (x, y): a map of the light's amplitude and another of its phase offset. This is your recorded hologram.

    Decoding holograms:

    • Use the angular spectrum algorithm again except reverse the light's propagation direction. The amplitude and phase maps from the encoding phase are the initial conditions you'll use for the light.
    • The light's amplitude and phase information you calculate at various planes above the recording plane are the 3D "reconstructed" image.

    Last thought

    Holography is often used to record information from the real world, and in that process it's impossible to record the light's phase during the encode step. Physicist's call it "the phase problem" and there are all kinds of fancy tricks to try to get around it when decoding holograms in the computer. If you're simulating everything from scratch then you have the luxury of recording the phase as well as the amplitude - and this should make decoding much easier as a result!

  • How To Apply Minimalism To Your Email Inbox?
  • What I do:

    • Rarely give out my email (I use aliases everywhere)
    • Don't attempt to sort incoming email (it's a fool's errand)
    • Email search is my friend

    The result is a cluttered inbox, sure, and that's not "minimal". But it does minimize the impact on my psychology. I don't need another chore, and email sorting is an infinite chore.

  • Will AI fully replace human friendship/companionship someday?
  • I'll go a little against the grain here. I think that LLM chatbots will definitely find application helping lonely people, and some people will develop a real connection to the bot. A relationship with a bot might be similar to one with a human, but it will never be identical. So it won't replace human connections, but that doesn't mean it wont have significant utility and be meaningful to people.

  • How bad is Microsoft?
  • A coworker recently sent me a Word document with edits and comments they had added. When I downloaded & opened it (in Word on Windows!) it told me that it had the edits/comments but it wouldn't let me see them unless I log in to my Microsoft account and then view it online in the web version of Word. What the actual fuck?

    Fuck that. I responded to my coworker and asked them to just send me the edits via email in plain text. I'm not winning popularity contests at work, but what the fuck Microsoft?

  • Google's "Manifest V2" Chrome extension phaseout next month is expected to impact the original uBlock Origin extension, which still uses the V2 framework and has 37 million users
  • Adnausium sounds really cool! How similar is it to uBlock in practice? (I don't want to lose the great performance of uBlock)

  • How easy is it to switch back to windows?
  • If you're nervous about the switch consider dual-booting. Then you're not fully committed to the switch & you can have your old Windows system back whenever you want it.

    Main steps are:

    • Run a defrag on your Windows machine to physically consolidate all your Windows data to one area.
    • Break that partition into two (Linux will go one the new empty side)
    • Install Linux from a USB as normal, but don't choose to wipe your drive completely. Choose a manual option instead where you specifically indicate your intended Linux partition from above.
    • Optional: Once installation is complete you can set up another partition to hold files which can be available to both OSs.
      • Boot into Linux & define the remaining unused space in the Linux partition as a new NTFS partition & give it a name which makes it obvious what it is (i.e. "sharedspace")
      • Then boot into Windows and move the existing data you'd like to share between OSs here (work documents, movies, music, etc.)

    Some useful links:

  • Will there be a new Proton VPN Linux CLI app soon?
  • I much preferred their old CLI app over the GUI. Hoping they bring it back.

  • Retro games that taste like this sounds?

    This type of music reminds me of 16-bit-era gaming - but I can't put my finger on on why!

    • Were there specific games which had music like this? (Sonic? Megaman?)
    • Or maybe this music evokes that open "sky level"-type aesthetics which sometimes featured in those games?

    Interested to hear whether this reminds anyone of specific titles or levels? Any other thoughts?

    Professional Scientists of Lemmy: What is your field of study's, most complex unanswered question?
  • I saw numbers on this recently. It was something like 80-90% of all antibiotics are given to livestock. So this is a huge contributor.

  • Professional Scientists of Lemmy: What is your field of study's, most complex unanswered question?
  • Trying to prevent bacteria from developing antimicrobial resistance. At these rates in 30 years antimicrobial resistant bacteria are projected to kill more people than cancer.

  • Downloading files not working... help
  • Do you have any network drives mounted? I've had experiences where a program fails to save or download and sometimes hangs if (1) I save to a mounted network drive, (2) I lose the mount for whatever reason, and (3) I try to download or save again and the program presumably attempts to access the last place it wrote to (the lost network mount).

  • Missing DLL, but it's in the same directory
  • Oh, you're right. After further investigation: this old program is 32-bit but my Wine prefix was 64-bit (face palm). Switching my prefix architecture fixed this issue (& of course exposed a new one... This Wine stuff is hard if you're not just trying to run video games...)

  • Missing DLL, but it's in the same directory

    I'm trying to run a program in wine and getting the error 0024:err:module:import_dll Loading library jmptojava.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\JMP\\10\\jmp.exe") failed (error c000007b)

    The missing jmptojava.dll file is in the same directory as the executable. Do I need to set a Windows environment variable or something so that it can find it? Any other thoughts?

    Controller support?
  • If you're trying to run a keymapper to use a gamepad for Minetest then no, I don't think you'd need to make any Minetest settings changes. On a similar Linux setup I didn't need to make Minetest settings adjustments for this.

    I'd expect that you'd need to start your keymapper program first, map the keyboard to your gamepad appropriately (i.e. wasd would go to the left analog stick, etc), check that it's working in a simple app like a text editor. Finally, if all of that works then try loading up Minetest.

  • What did you get told as a child that you realised was a lie as you got older?
  • When you grow up everything you write will need to be in cursive.

  • Google not working on Mull Browser
  • What's Google?

  • Recommended graphics settings?

    What are your recommended Minetest graphics settings? I've tried the "just turning everything on" approach, and that's fine. But it's a bit superficial. What are the knobs to turn to get a more fun graphical experience? :D

    [Solved] Why does rsync change behavior in bash script?

    I want to sync retroarch save files across devices on my local network using a bash script. Plan is to run the script as a cronjob to keep all machines synced.

    This does the trick as a one-off in the terminal: rsync -a /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@

    • Copies new save files to remote location
    • Updates any save files which were modified

    But when I put the same line in a bash script rsync's behavior changes. My bash script looks like this: #!/usr/bin/env bash rsync -a /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@ I call it with bash

    • Copies new save files to remote location
    • Updates any save files which were modified

    Strangely, rsync doesn't update modified files when run as a script. But it's not failing altogether, because it transfers new files OK. What am I missing?

    > Update: if I do the rsync in the reverse order (remote machine -> local machine) then the bash script works as expected. So my issue exists only when rsync goes local machine -> remote machine. Why would this matter?

    Update 2 (Solution): I changed the command to rsync -razu /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@, but I'm not sure that made any impact. The issue was how I was doing my testing. I was doing touch testfile.txt to change the modification date on a file & then I'd try to transfer it with the bash script & watch the modification date on the downstream machine as confirmation that it moved correctly. Problem is that rsync must be smart & doesn't transfer a file if only the modification date changes. It requires the contents to also change. Whenever I tested this way I would never see the file transfer, but when I changed my testing method to change the contents of the file instead (not just the modification timestamp) then all worked fine!

    I feel like a dummy for initially mixing testing methods & coming to the wrong conclusion about what was happening, but happy it's working now & maybe I learned a lesson!

    How every tech ‘gatekeeper’ is responding to the DMA - The Verge The EU’s new competition rules are going live — here’s how tech giants are responding

    The Digital Markets Act’s deadline for compliance is imminent. Its six designated ‘gatekeepers’ have fought the rules, but also bent to them.

    The EU’s new competition rules are going live — here’s how tech giants are responding
    Custom music during gameplay (ArkOS)

    I've seen it asked (on Reddit) how to play custom background music while playing games on ArkOS. I wanted to share how I do it, in case others want to try it as well. I'm sure these instructions could be modified slightly for other Linux handhelds.

    • Gain terminal access (via SSH or directly on the device)
    • With your device connected to wifi run sudo apt install mpg123 to install the CLI-based music player
    • Transfer your desired music mp3s to a folder on the sd card
      • I use /roms2/Music/
    • Create the file in your ports folder which contains the line nohup mpg123 -z /<path>/<to>/<my>/<music>/<folder>/*.mp3 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
      • For me that line was nohup mpg123 -z /roms2/Music/*.mp3 >/dev/null 2>&1 & and the file was at /roms2/ports/
    • Create the file in your ports folder which contains the line pkill mpg123
      • For me that file was at /roms2/ports/
    • Log out of the terminal and restart EmulationStation

    Now start_music and stop_music options are available in the 'Ports' section of EmulationStation. Running start_music starts a shuffled playlist of everything you put in that music folder. stop_music stops the music. Of course, you'll want to turn off the native background music in whatever game your playing too :)

    EDIT: Updated the nohup line to dump outputs to the null output rather than to file (which could eventually grow to be large).

    A more relaxing way to play text-based games?

    I like text-based games (like from ifdb), but I don't like sitting at attention in front of my computer like I do all day at work. Any ideas for how to play these effectively without being on a computer?

    • I've hacked a Kindle Paperwhite & used an on-screen virtual keyboard to play these games. That worked OK, but the virtual keyboard is very imprecise and frustrating.

    • I've similarly hacked a Kindle 3 (the last model to include a physical keyboard). I hoped the physical keyboard would do the trick. Unfortunately, the key buttons are convex & very stiff - which hurt my fingertips after even short play sessions.

    Any other ideas? Or is this a fool's errand?

    Super Metroid

    Super Metroid's color palette and lanky sprite were always a turn off for me. But I'm finally giving it a chance on SNES (MSU-1 version) & I'm really enjoying it!

    Vibes are: Quake + the movie Alien + Nine Inch Nails' album The Downward Spiral. Pretty cool aesthetic after all!

    Apps won't launch from GUI?

    I've noticed that some apps sometimes don't start from the GUI. I've seen it on several computers (all running Ubuntu 22.04). That includes double-clicking an appimage icon from an explorer window, or launching an app through a launcher shortcut. But if I open them manually from a terminal window they never fail to start.

    The terminal workaround is fine... But any ideas what could be wrong with the GUI? Is there a service I can restart to try to get the functionality back?

    EDIT: I'll add that the issue is sporadic. Steam will open fine from the GUI today, but tomorrow it won't, etc. (It's not as simple as a bad path in a shortcut)

    Vocab word for "filler" items?

    In many games there are a lot of stupid filler items that you don't know what they do and they don't matter. (i.e. crafting ingredients). They are so ubiquitous across games that there ought to be a word for them. Sort of like a "MacGuffin" (except a MacGuffin moves the plot along, and these filler items don't).

    Is there a name for these filler items? If not, got any ideas?

    What's everyone playing?

    I just hit 10 hours in Earthbound on my Anbernic RG280V. I'm looking forward to trying some more SNES games once I'm finished (Super Mario World, Street Fighter Turbo II, Zelda: Link to the Past, etc.).

    Interested to hear what you all are playing? Or, what retro games are on your "to do" list?

    Programs freeze when 'save as' dialogue box would appear

    I'm seeing programs freeze when I start any operation that would open a 'save as' dialogue box. The behavior is happening with all programs and started suddenly last week.

    I've been able to trace the problem to a mounted SMB network drive that I access through a VPN. I have the mount specified in /etc/fstab. If I manually unmount (sudo umount -l /path/to/mount/) then all of these 'save as' freezes go away, and programs which appeared frozen suddenly come back to life. But if I remount (sudo mount -a) then the freezes return when I try to save anything.

    So I have a workaround solution (unmount whenever saving, remount to continue working), but I'm at a loss for how to fix this more permanently. Weird that it began all of a sudden like this, everything used to be fine. I've tried updating and that hasn't helped. Any thoughts are much appreciated!

    > OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64

    > Kernel: 6.2.0-36-generic

    > DE: GNOME 42.9

    > WM: Mutter

    Wine troubleshooting

    Wine works really well on popular games. But when I want to run a more obscure program I have spotty luck.

    On a few of occasions I was able to get a few programs to run via Wine, but after an OS wipe I was unable to get them to work again. In those circumstances I know the programs CAN work, &amp; I realize how terrible I am at troubleshooting Wine problems. Internet searches turn up very little advice for how to go about troubleshooting.

    Do any of you have any procedures, rules of thumb, advice etc for troubleshooting Wine issues?

    Art games?

    Other than Mario Paint were there any other art games for the old consoles? I tried some internet searches but came up empty handed.

    Walden by Henry David Thoreau Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

    Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by volunteers.

    Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

    I've read a few books about simple living/minimalism but I just finished 'Walden' and wow... it's beautiful. Many patient observations of simple natural phenomenon are wonderful meditations and potent lessons. It seemed just as relevant to present times as to when it was written. I finished feeling like there's so much more to extract from that book, definitely going to read again!

    Maybe you were aware, but if not I wanted to share with you fine folks in case you've missed this gem like I had. It is in the public domain in the US (published 1854) so you can get the ebook or audiobook for free from Project Gutenberg!

    CCG-style retro games?

    Were there any card games like Magic: The Gathering for retro systems? I expect not, because the digital card game genre didn't really "click" until later. But I thought I'd ask.

    What are your favorite "ugly" games?

    I enjoy Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup played in the terminal with ASCII graphics. I wonder whether there are other hidden gems out there which don't get attention because they are "ugly"?

    The Hobbit Movie Fan Edits

    I was thinking of watching The Hobbit withthae family, but my opinion is that The Hobbit trilogy is a big, bloated, unwatchable mess. I found a Reddit post highlighting some fan edits to remove the bloat and thought I'd post it here too (below). Have you all tried any of these? Any you'd recommend?

    There are a lot of Hobbit fan edits floating around online. Too many, actually. But after seeing a post on r/movies the other day about yet another edit being released, I thought it might be helpful to provide a list of some of the best and/or most popular ones. That way it’s not as confusing or overwhelming for those of you looking for an alternate take on Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy.

    This is not an exhaustive list, nor is it intended to be. Some edits will not be listed, such as Topher Grace’s fan edit, since no one besides Topher (that I know of) has actually seen it and does not exist anywhere online. Special thanks to u/DanielU92 for originally compiling a list of edits a few years back!

    Full Disclosure: I am the editor of the Maple Films cut aka J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. Obviously my own edit is my personal favorite, but there are many solid edits out there that have done different things with the source material than I did. Something that I cut might still be in another version, and you might decide you like that one more!

    So here goes. I’m going to sort them by release date. I will also indicate if these are listed on Being listed on their Internet Fanedit Database (IFDB) is a big deal because they have to vet submissions and require a certain level of quality with fan edits. It’s an excellent site to join...tons of awesome fan edits can be found there (and not just for the Hobbit). Other than that, no direct links!

    • THE TOLKIEN EDIT: This was the one that started them all. Released while the Battle of Five Armies was still in theaters, it received a lot of press for being the first fan edit of the Hobbit trilogy. However, the audio/visual quality was quite poor. All of the footage from the Battle of Five Armies actually came from a pirated screener DVD, which looks awful on any screen. The editor stated that he did most of the editing “over the weekend,” which I can assure you is not a lot of time for a project this big. Lots of sloppy cuts without regard for pacing or decent audio transitions. Running time: 4hrs 30min Release date: January 2015 Special Features: Box art IFDB: Not listed

    • THERE AND BACK AGAIN: DAVID KILLSTEIN’S HOBBIT EDIT This was the first 3-hour edit to make headlines. On a technical level, it is assembled with much more care than The Tolkien Edit. I recall watching it and thinking it moved a little too quick for my taste, but others out there seemed to dig the faster pace. Unfortunately, Killstein and his edit were both nuked off of the internet and I can’t seem to find a copy of it anywhere. Possibly still floating around on torrents somewhere. Running time: 3hrs Release date: January 2015 Special Features: Unknown IFDB: Not listed

    • THE HOBBIT: THE SPENCE EDIT Out of all the Hobbit fan edits besides my own, this is probably my favorite and the most well-assembled. Spence is a veteran fan editor and his goal was to imagine what Peter Jackson might have made if they decided to turn the Hobbit into a single film. It’s not a book-accurate edit...Beorn is completely gone and we still have Radagast and some of the Dol Guldur plotline intact. No special features that I know of either. Even so, it is still worth checking out. Running time: 3hrs 25min Release date: April 2015 Special Features: Digital copy IFDB:

    • THE HOBBIT: THE TWO-HOUR EDIT by FIONA VAN DAHL This one is a fast and wild ride. Fiona literally cut a nine-hour trilogy down to two hours! Obviously this is not for book purists, but it’s probably the closest we’ll ever get to seeing what Topher Grace’s two-hour cut might be like. Editing quality is decent and the pacing is insanely fast...I simply missed a lot of the scenes she removed. But it might be good for those of you that liked how brisk the Rankin/Bass animated Hobbit film was (I know there’s some fans out there). Running time: 2hrs Release date: November 2015 Special Features: Digital copy IFDB: Not listed

    • J.R.R. TOLKIEN’S THE HOBBIT aka THE MAPLE FILMS EDIT A four-hour edit, split by an Intermission right where Jackson originally intended to split the Hobbit when it was still two films. This is meant to be as faithful to Bilbo and the spirit of Tolkien’s book as possible, while still telling a complete story for the screen. The edit also features some unused music by Howard Shore, and has been color corrected to match the look and feel of the LOTR trilogy better. I didn’t include the White Council/Dol Guldur subplot, but I did release a companion film that focuses on those scenes. I feel it distracts from the main story, but on its own works as an interesting spin-off. Running time: 4hrs 20min Release date: December 2015 Special Features: Digital/Bluray/DVD. Box and disc art. 5.1 surround. Subtitles. IFDB:

    • THE HOBBIT: IRONFOOT EDITION This one is actually two separate films with their own titles: An Unexpected Journey and There and Back Again. These were the original titles for the Hobbit when it was still going to be just two movies. They are both 150 minutes each, so together you have a five-hour version of the Hobbit. Some silliness is removed (Smaug chasing the dwarves) but other ridiculous moments remain (the extended CGI chariot sequence). A list of all the changes are on the editor’s site. Running time: 5hrs Release date: January 2016 Special Features: Digital/Bluray. Box and disc artwork. IFDB:

    • THE HOBBIT: THE BILBO EDITION Originally released in June 2015, the editor (u/DanielU92) went and made some updates and fixes, eventually releasing his final version in February 2016. The edit is of high audio/visual quality, and narratively follows a fairly close path to the Maple Films cut. This is where a lot of edits in the 4-hour range come down to personal preference in terms of what’s been cut and what’s been left in. I’d put this one right behind Spence’s edit. Running time: 4hrs 33min Release date: February 2016 Special Features: Digital copy IFDB: Not listed

    • THE HOBBIT or THERE AND BACK AGAIN by L8wrtr This is another one I have not seen yet, but it is one of the more popular Hobbit edits on It’s a bit longer than most at 344 minutes long, and is actually split into two separate volumes. Again, I haven’t seen it but given its length, I imagine it retains a good chunk of the trilogy’s story while still getting rid of the mutually agreed-upon annoyances (Radagast, Alfrid, love triangle, CGI antics). Running time: 5hrs 44min Release date: February 2017 Special Features: Digital/Bluray. Box and disc artwork. IFDB:

    • THE HOBBIT: THE ORIGINAL TWO FILM STRUCTURE Excellent audio/visual quality, with nice custom Bluray menus and some special features. My main issue with this fan edit is its length...six and a half hours! There’s still too much cartoonish nonsense, too many extraneous subplots and characters that distract from the main story. Legolas still does his gravity-defying CGI acrobatics, Radagast still gives us some unwanted pothead humor, etc. There’s a reason the best Hobbit edits are around the 3-4 hour mark...this one awkwardly splits the difference between the original films and the much leaner and cleaner versions out there. Running time: 6hrs 35min Release date: August 2018 Special Features: Digital/Bluray. Box and disc artwork. Interactive menus, more. IFDB:

    So there you have it. A variety of fan edits at a variety of running times, from two hours up to six and a half. Everyone has their preference, and there are plenty of people who would rather just watch the originals! That’s fine too I guess. Personally I would pick any one of these edits over the bloated original releases. Have fun researching and finding your favorite!

    GrappleHat GrappleHat
    Posts 20
    Comments 205