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Best Soulslike game for beginners?
  • Blasphemous is not too hard and has a great story. Just don’t go to the mountains first.

  • The Finals is the best new multiplayer FPS in years, but Season 2 has a lot of work to do
  • Thats how the game is meant to be played. I respect it, when I see people do this, I leave them be.

  • Far-right AfD leader vows to campaign for Brexit-style EU exit vote in Germany
  • Brexit worked out so well for the UK…

  • What does everyone think about The Finals?
  • oh nice, Ill try again (I tried it ages ago and it was crashing, and protondb has a borked status)

    edit: I confirm it works

  • What does everyone think about The Finals?
  • It’s a shame it doesn’t run on linux though…

  • OpenAI says it’s “impossible” to create useful AI models without copyrighted material
  • The real issue is money. How much and how (un)distributed.

    Why is it fair/ok that one company can use all this material and make a lot of money off it without paying or even acknowledging others work?

    On the flip side AI model could be useful. Maybe the models/weights should be made free just like the content they are trained on. Instead of paying for the model, we should pay for the hosting of the inference (aka. the API)

  • FearNoPeer (A private tracker) is open for signups
  • Is this tracker a known/reputable tracker? What content does it trade in? (movies/series?)

  • [@piracy]( How do i check if a crack is safe or not?
  • This is a good idea and a good practice in my opinion. Some malicious code detects when it’s being sandboxed and hides itself until it’s running somewhere it can do damage though.

  • Quel est le meilleur agrégateur de comptes bancaires en 2024?

    Bonjour à tous,

    Je suis à la recherche d'un agrégateur de comptes bancaires qui est raisonnable avec mes données et qui me permet de faire des exports.

    J'ai essayé Bankin' et ça me semble pas mal, sauf que l'interface est remplie de publicités (aka. suggestions) et les exports sont payants (il faut payer pour Bankin' Pro qui coûte 100€/an).

    Est-ce que certains d'entre vous connaissent ou ont essayé d'autres agrégateurs ?

    TearsOfTheKingdom Fracture
    blood moon tonight? Supermoon tonight.. -

    Anyone take a look at tonight’s supermoon?

    Supermoon tonight.. -
    TearsOfTheKingdom Fracture
    How to make the perfect hoverbike
    Giant Brightbloom Seed > Zonai Headlight
  • I don't know why I didn't think of this before!

  • How to get unlimited money
  • works like a charm

  • General Programming Discussion Fracture
    What endpoint to query list of subscriptions on lemmy API

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm trying to build a minimal CLI that would sync subscriptions between 2 or more lemmy accounts. > > To do so, the CLI would need to: > > 1. login to each account. For this I can use the login endpoint. > 2. get a list of subscriptions from each account. <- This is where I'm currently stuck. > 3. subscribe the accounts to the communities of other accounts. I think I can use the followCommunity endpoint. > > My question is, how do I get a list of communities that a user follows?

    We welcome our new members from r/GenZedong
  • Update: there are 2 apps in testflight right now:

    • Mlem
    • Memmy

    I personally really like the Memmy app (even though it's in alpha)

  • Posting on other instances?
  • What would be the best way to search across lemmy instances. When searching through duckduckgo, I often add "" because the otherwise the search results are garbage. But using a domain name wouldn't work with lemmy since each instance has it's own domain.

  • Visual Studio Code is Designed to Fracture
  • Nothing is free. And in this case, VSC is just a tool for microsoft to gain market share

  • We welcome our new members from r/GenZedong
  • there is no iOS app. Remmel is currently not on the app store and hasn’t been working for a while.

  • Twitter Bans Accounts Promoting Other Social Networks

    New policy comes after Twitter suspended an account that encouraged users to join a rival platform.

    Twitter Bans Accounts Promoting Other Social Networks
    Teen sex trafficking victim who killed alleged rapist to be sentenced (repost)

    original article:

    FracturedPelvis Fracture
    Posts 6
    Comments 15