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  • Hence being placed in IPoFB.

  • Beemats allows you to create floating wetlands of hydroponic plants
  • We've been doing research on new methods/tools for placing items at a distance. One is more accurate, but doesn't give as much distance. It's called stick. The other can give greater distance, but accuracy can be a problem. It's called throwing.

  • Democrats propose ban on officials receiving payments from foreign governments after Trump probe
  • In case you wanted to know: From the Congressional Research Service: The Emoluments Clauses of the U.S. Constitution:

  • Do you like olives?
  • The great thing, for most people, about a food being gross is that you don't have to eat it. Is someone forcing you to eat olives? I mean, maybe you've just not tried fresh olives?

  • How Originalism Ate the Law: America is captive to a legal theory that dictates our laws on guns, abortion, and so much more. We need to act.
  • And apparently assumed that the constitution should be re-written every 17 years or so. That's the 'constitutional convention' ploy, which I'm not so sure it it's a good idea or not, at this time. smh. we're so fecked. wait, where's I put my optimism... it's around here somewhere.

  • Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution
  • I did notice Altria / Phillip Morris were also in that list. :-(

  • Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution
  • Perhaps so, alas. And the rates of obesity and diabetes continue to rise. sigh.

  • Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution
  • Imagine how much plastic waste could be eliminated if we just boycotted these companies.

  • Live Updates: Prosecutors Say Trump’s Attacks Are Threat to Trial
  • My point being that one doesn't need a fixer, unless one does illegal things. Can we not have criminals in places of power? Soonish?

  • What if bikes had been invented earlier?
  • Have you ever seen wooden/ bamboo bikes? Renovo was one manufacturer. And currently, ( TimberWolf Cycles.

    There are others:

    I saw one in a museum, from the 1880s, made of hickory. It reportedly weighed 18 pounds.

  • Simple EV cars
  • Most EVs have a 10 year / 100K miles warranty, at least in the US.

  • Live Updates: Prosecutors Say Trump’s Attacks Are Threat to Trial
  • "Pecker? He was just the Chai Walla. I never even knew his name." More popcorn please.

  • Live Updates: Prosecutors Say Trump’s Attacks Are Threat to Trial
  • I was curious about a specific term:

    "In a pivotal stretch of testimony, David Pecker, the longtime publisher of The National Enquirer, described a 2015 meeting with Mr. Trump and his fixer at the time, Michael D. Cohen, at Mr. Trump’s midtown Manhattan headquarters.

    2. A person who uses influence or makes arrangements for another, especially by improper or unlawful means.

  • Patterns in Ice

    I really enjoy finding abstract natural patterns in ice in the Wintry season.

    Lactofermented Chutney?

    I was given some apricot chutney, and it was so delicious I'm inspired to make some myself. I've done lactofermented things like hot sauce, kraut and kimchi. So I'm curious to access the Group Mind: What are your lactofermented chutney recipes, and tips for lactofermentation? :-D

    /kbin meta ForestOrca
    Messaging on - How?

    I see that there is a messages link in the drop down menu associated with my username. But when I go there I don't see how to send a message. I'm sure this is pretty basic stuff, it's just that I'm suffering from PTSD from being a reddifugee and can't seem to figure it out on my own. TIA! Much appreciation!

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    ForestOrca ForestOrca
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    Comments 753