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Ask anything thread! (November 2023)
  • Yeah I guess it's a way to do it.

  • Ask anything thread! (November 2023)
  • I wonder how they do it in wwise? A segment of 2 bars can be played on top of a 4 bars one...

  • Why journalist don't care about libre software (video in French) Les journalistes se moquent des logiciels libres, je vous explique pourquoi - Loris GUÉMART

    Plus d'informations sur cette conférence : vidéo ...

    Les journalistes se moquent des logiciels libres, je vous explique pourquoi - Loris GUÉMART

    French conference in the Php Forum 2023 in Paris.

    Edit : So there are 3 main reasons :

    • journals are driven by their communities, so to attract more people they relay the informations interesting the largest group of people : so proprietary software news it is!
    • talking about libre software is often tied with political engagement. Journalist often don't want to be put on a political side or another, so talking about libre software is difficult.
    • most libre software project just don't communicate toward journals and journalists. And when they do they don't soften the speech enough and always blame journalists to much about their own use of proprietary software.
    How can I experience the best gameplay with the least dialogue possible?
  • Go play Hard Reset !

    Cyberpunk is an action-rpg, so there is a bunch of dialogues, most of them are skipable. Lifepath have no importance on gameplay at all. Robots are the most boring ennemis in the game, but you should try phantom liberty cause it really put the emphasis on gunplay.

  • [META] The future of the AI companionship community
  • Social implications of ai companionship is a pretty large topic. Do you have some more precise takes on this to kick off the discussion? Do you have any research we can talk about and comment? What nuances are there to be discuss?

    Aren't good or bad valid points?

    Is this a disguise 24h advertising for your medium's articles?

    So many questions regarding your post in the first place...

  • A case for preemptively defederating with Threads
  • OK so you think what happened to XMPP won't happen to Mastodon. Fair enough.

    To me the growing part is mostly to get content creator to come to the fedi with theirs communities.

    I also do think Meta will do anything it can to kill Mastodon if it have the chance to.

  • A case for preemptively defederating with Threads
  • And you really think that Threads in the fedi will means people on the Threads instance will know there is other instances with no ads? And you think they will care?

    I mean there are ways to watch YouTube without ads for years. And most people still won't uses them...

    Moving easily won't happen soon, because it's not about moving (create a new account isn't that hard), but it's about changing habits. Changing a habit needs : to be forced on people (Meta's way) or to be an act of will.

  • A case for preemptively defederating with Threads
  • People are staying on YouTube and enduring ads right now... Plus if Threads is federated they will be a part of the fedi, so no more reason to change. Why change to another instance, if you get on Threads without doing nothing and already are on the biggest instance ?

    For the growing possibilities check what happened to XMPP. Is XMPP growing better now ? I don't think so...

    People won't leave YouTube because content creators don't want them to. That's it.

  • Question: how do i connect my multi effects pedal to my fedora laptop?
  • Yes it's a guitar tab soft, maybe it can't play from an input. With jack you can plug the sound card input to the output to ear the guitar sound.

  • Question: how do i connect my multi effects pedal to my fedora laptop?
  • Audacity should do the trick or tuxguitar.

    Do you have a dedicated sound card?

    To manage latency and routing you should use jack2 the gnu/Linux audio server.

    If your amp have an output ou should plug : guitar to multi effect to amp to PC in. If your amp doesn't have an output, you shouldn't probably use it and go : guitar to multi effect to PC in. All this should be in mono, except if your multi effect's output is stereo.

  • silent hill 1 is probably my favorite game of all time, and i find the PS1 graphics gorgeous. any other SH fans?
  • Hospital and Nowhere are my fav areas. I like also the city at night in the dark world, it gives a really great madness atmosphere.

  • Rassemblement d'extrême droite à Paris : la justice autorise finalement la manifestation
  • Je dois avouer être toujours perplexe devant les chrétiens qui prônent le violence.

    Il ont juste presque un millénaire de retard sur leur propre doctrine.

  • So how do I get started with Godot?
  • My first Godot game was multiplayer and I'm currently working on a multiplayer RPG framework on Godot and I really could use some help on this one. I'm not a very good dev, but feel free to ask me questions, I'll try my best to answer you.

    I found networking in Godot really strait forward and kind of easy even for a newcomer. And the server side conf is not that difficult to set up.

  • Ask anything thread! (November 2023)
  • I manage to do some things with gmd but for some reason, yeah it was a bit junky, with a lot of limitations everywhere.

    I'll try meta_player thank you, but I already see a problem : the bar match limitation. Having to stick with segment of the same bar size is quite annoying.

  • L'UBI est un peu stupide, vraiment
  • Pour le reste effectivement il ne faut pas se leurrer, le RU c'est une mesure libérale. A priori les capitalistes sont pas trop pour, car ils sont majoritairement plus conservateur que vraiment libéraux (par exemple l'ouverture des frontières c'est une mesure libérale aussi et la plupart des capitalistes sont contre aussi).

    Oui aussi, si le RU est d'un montant trop faible alors ça peut être un outil d'asservissement. Mais en même temps plus le RU est élevé plus c'est pas grave de gagner moins ! Le RU c'est un outil s'il est mal utilisé ça sera un désastre, s'il est bien implémenté il peut mener a quelques changements sociaux bénéfiques (cf les études sur le sujet).

    L'un des objectifs du RU c'est de dire que l'argent c'est aujourd'hui le moyen de vivre décemment et que le droit a une vie décente conduit donc a décoreller le fait de pouvoir vivre dignement et décemment et le fait de devoir gagner de l'argent.

  • L'UBI est un peu stupide, vraiment
  • Troisième problèmes : en fait faut pas non plus essayer de faire faire des trucs au RU que le RU ne peut pas faire. A priori le RU ne peut rien pour les sans papiers, bah c'est normal, c'est pas sa fonction. Maintenant ça ne veut pas dire qu'il ne faut rien faire pour les sans papiers...

    Moi aussi je peux me plaindre que le RU ne règle pas le problème de la faim dans le monde. Mais si je fais ça je ne montre pas un vrai problème du RU, je montre juste que j'ai pas compris de quoi je parle.

  • Un boulanger harcelé met la clef sous la porte Après avoir dénoncé un harcèlement raciste, le boulanger de Saint-Marcellin met la clef sous la porte - Bondy Blog

    En 2022, il dénonçait des attaques racistes : crachats, insultes. Le soutien qu’il a reçu lorsque son histoire a été médiatisée n’aura pas suffi.

    Après avoir dénoncé un harcèlement raciste, le boulanger de Saint-Marcellin met la clef sous la porte - Bondy Blog

    Je suis pas prêt de remanger du Saint-Marcellin moi...

    F4stL4ne F4stL4ne

    Music composer, Sound designer, Game designer, Libre Artivist. He/Him.

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