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What cartoonish event has ever happened to you?
  • I was scheduled to work later than usual yesterday. Everyone forgot I was there and left. I got locked in, set off the alarm when trying to leave, and had the call the manager to come let me out.

  • What are some good PSP games?
  • I started Trails in the Sky on PSP and haven’t been able to stop playing trails games since. Not the best in the series, but definitely where you want to start.

  • Apple Reinstates Epic Developer Account After Public Backlash for Retaliation
  • Damn. I wanted this to escalate a little first.

  • Desperate TikTok lobbying effort backfires on Capitol Hill
  • I stay largely uninvolved with social media apps outside of this fediverse project, but why is it that bytedance must divest TikTok while meta is free to keep Facebook and Instagram? Aren’t the risks to mental health and security the same?

  • Ernest needs to quickly delegate or this instance will quickly die
  • I made an mbin account to jump to whenever kbin stops functioning, which has been more frequent than I had expected. Each time I end up subscribing to more and more magazines over there to reach parity with my kbin account. Mbin hasn’t been enough of a carrot on its own to make me want to switch completely, but it’s always been working fine and even slightly easier to navigate. I’ve just got this lurking hunch that kbin will eventually end up like Artemis, the way it feels ignored at times.

  • European crash tester says carmakers must bring back physical controls
  • I can’t even entrust my video games to a touch screen.

  • I worked exclusively in Vision Pro for a week—here’s how it went
  • Sony pretty much nailed it on their first try with PSVR.

  • Roku’s Ultimatum: Surrender Jury Trial Rights or Lose Access to Your TVs
  • “My cat stepped on the controller, your honor. I never actually saw or agreed to those terms.”

  • AI-generated content and other unfavorable practices have put longtime staple CNET on Wikipedia's blacklisted sources
  • CNET: this parrot says a lot of things that seem accurate! Let’s have this parrot make articles for us!

  • Spotify, Epic Games, and others pen letter to EC, claiming Apple has made a 'mockery' of the DMA | TechCrunch
  • Eh, I still think iPhones are pretty great and serve a purpose, but I do think apple has built their ivory tower way too high. I’m all for reining them in a bit.

  • Techcrunch: Threads says it will make its API broadly available by June
  • According to Facebook, everyone with an Instagram account uses threads (because they pretty much automatically signed them all up for it).

  • Russia’s ‘VPN Ban’ is Live as Authorities Warn of Bad VPNs & U.S. Spying
  • Cue American conservative mouth-pieces growing hate-boners over VPNs in 3… 2…

  • Star Trek: Resurgence is coming to Steam on May 23rd!
  • I’ve never heard of this game, but I’ve enjoyed every telltale game I’ve played. I wishlisted it and will be looking for steam deck performance reviews.

  • Spotify, Epic Games, and others pen letter to EC, claiming Apple has made a 'mockery' of the DMA | TechCrunch
  • Even as an avid Apple user, it just comes off as either sheer incompetence or disingenuousness to hear Apple wax such poetic over compromised security from alternative store fronts when macOS is just sitting there, having been doing it fine for generations.

    I’m almost expecting Apple to deliberately self-sabotage iOS in the EU somehow just to make a point.

  • u mad, state?
  • I can see why your friend would assume you could hack their phone based on how specific these steps are.

  • Why new fan blog “Final Fantasy VIII is the Best” is the best
  • FFVIII was the first mainline FF game I played after exposing myself to the franchise with Tactics. I was new to turn based systems, so I never picked up on the criticism. I was blown away by the presentation, fantasy and adventure of it all. The gunblade was about the coolest thing a kid of my age could have been exposed to at that time as well. Right now I’m big into VII for obvious reasons, but I really want to replay VIII.

  • How the Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster devs Nightdive Studios enhanced the classic FPS – PlayStation.Blog
  • I’ve had this wishlisted on my steam deck for a while now. I didn’t even know it was coming to PlayStation until it was mentioned in the DF video.

  • Adult daughter. Should I disown her!?
  • Yeah, I was that way with many things as a teen. I still get that way as an adult. I don’t like cooking because I’m intimidated by the effort, and I often tell people I don’t cook well. It’s a fixed mindset. However, I have a student from Poland. She took a family pieroski recipe from her grandmother, translated it into English, and gave it to me because it’s her favorite dish, and she thought I should try it.

    Obviously, I had to do it while my wife took pictures. And you know what? They turned out pretty good! In fact, I’d like to do it again, and I think next time I can do them even better.

    I think the biggest challenge to fostering a growth mindset is overcoming reluctancy to just try. As a teacher, it’s something I try to listen for from my students.

  • Meta Staff Found Instagram Tool Enabled Child Exploitation. The Company Pressed Ahead Anyway.
  • Oh wow. Jumping straight to the ad hominems, are we? I usually only get that from people who really want to be right and don’t know how.

  • Adult daughter. Should I disown her!?
  • As the parent of a 13-year-old, that wouldn’t work either. They’d just pout and tell you that you think they can’t do anything right.

    What you described just now is known in teaching circles as a “fixed mindset”. A person decides they can’t do a thing because that’s just how things are. No two people are the same, but you might be able to foster more of a “growth mindset” by continuing that conversation…

    “No, don’t sell yourself short. This is just something you’re not good at yet. Come on, let’s see how we can do this better together. It’ll only take a minute.”

  • I need to rant: This box buster challenge in FFVII:R Intergrade is f-ing ridiculous.

    Whoever as Square Enix decided this is how “fun” is defined needs to be firmly slapped across the face and fired.

    Yes I’ve watched the YouTube videos, I know all the tricks, I’ve been at this for two nights on easy now and I still can’t even make it into the room where you need to do the banishment attack.

    There is no way to grind, adjusting the difficulty makes no difference, Yuffie throws in her own direction and not the direction you aim the camera, if you continue on in the story you cannot come back, the reward is an EXP boost material which is only useful on your first play through…

    This shit is NOT fun and it pisses me off.

    Noob Question: What's your process for backing up your Steam Deck?

    I've got an RMA on my Deck over a sticky button issue, so I ordered a 1TB external drive online to back it up before wiping and sending it off.

    What's the bare minimum you would recommend I back up if I just want to preserve my desktop settings, apps, and some non-steam game content (since much of that is already tied to my account)?

    1. Is it just a matter of copying folders over in desktop mode or is there an official (or recommended) backup tool I should use?
    2. Would Syncthing, which I use to transfer files normally, be a reliable method to use my Mac as a potential backup location?

    Thank you for any advice.

    /kbin meta Eggyhead
    What's the quickest way to find a magazine/community you've subscribed to?

    I've been using kbin since the Reddit exodus and I still don't really know the path to finding my way into a specific community/magazine I've subscribed to. I usually search for the name using the search function, then hope I find a thread from there in the results where I can just click directly into it. Surely there must be a faster, easier, and more reliable way, right?


    Excited to see what kind of mods come out for this!

    /kbin meta Eggyhead
    Two requests for microblog incorporation into the main feed.

    First off, I absolutely love that microblogs are a part of my main feed now.

    I do have a couple requests to consider, I apologize if this isn't the place to post such a thing.

    1. I think an option to keep microblog replies inherently collapsed would keep the feed from feeling too cluttered.
    2. Perhaps microblog posts could be colored a little differently from threads to make them more easily distinguishable at a glance?
    90's Music Eggyhead
    Foo Fighters - A320 (1998)

    I can’t recall if I posted this one already. One of my favorite too fighter songs that kind of flew under the radar for a lot of people.

    I really like this device, but the face buttons are the worst of any handheld I've used. Is there a way I can fix/replace them myself? [OLED]

    They feel really loose, rattly, and mushy. The X button gets stuck very frequently and I can't tell why. I suspect it's either that the button is hooking on the frame when fully pressed, or the membrane itself is sticky for some reason and reluctant to pop back out. The B button also makes me worry, but it hasn't gotten stuck yet.

    I'm considering taking the deck apart to look at the buttons from the inside.

    With that in mind:

    1. Do other people feel this way about their OLEDs? Is this an issue ore just how the deck is?
    2. If you've had this issue as well, how have you dealt with it?
    3. Are the LCD-model teardown tutorials still valid for OLED models?
    4. Do hardware mods exist on the market that might allow me to replace the current buttons with better ones, or possibly to convert to from membrane to dome switches?

    Thanks to anyone willing to help.

    What is general practice for installing games from outside Steam?

    PC/Linux/Steam Noob here. I just got a game from GOG and I’m seeing tutorials mention Heroic, Lutris, and Wine via ProtonUp-QT as methods to get non-Steam games installed and running on Deck. Which method would you consider the easiest and most reliable for content from GOG, Ubisoft, Epic, etc…


    Follow up, here's what I did:

    1. Desktop Mode: I installed Heroic Launcher (it handily chose a location in my games folder), and added it to my steam library.
    2. Game Mode: I did the change artwork stuff for Heroic, booted it, signed in and all that jazz, then installed and launched the game (Lost Ruins).
    3. Desktop Mode: I navigated to the (Lost Ruins) game folder and found the "" file that boots the game, then added that one to steam.
    4. Game Mode: Did the change artwork stuff for the game itself, and now I can add game-specific settings for it.
    5. (Extra) I added a "Heroic Launcher" collection to store GOG & Epic content.
    Tutorial: Native dual-analog and widescreen for Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007 in Retroarch (No hacks) Tutorial: Native dual-analog and widescreen for Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007 in Retroarch (No hacks) - SteamDeck -

    This is based off a [tutorial]( I made for Mupen64 Plus on an Android based handheld, but since I got a steam deck, I wanted to get it working in Retroarch as well....

    Tutorial: Native dual-analog and widescreen for Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007 in Retroarch (No hacks) - SteamDeck -

    I apologize if this comes out weird, I've never crossposted from Kbin before. I hope it works.

    Edit: It didn't. Link to the tutorial is in the title, sorry! Edit 2: Maybe it did!

    Tutorial: Native dual-analog and widescreen for Perfect Dark and GoldenEye 007 in Retroarch (No hacks)

    This is based off a tutorial I made for Mupen64 Plus on an Android based handheld, but since I got a steam deck, I wanted to get it working in Retroarch as well.

    NOTE: This tutorial uses Retroarch installed via EmuDeck.


    Step 1: Prepare the Games

    First you need to change some in-game settings in both games. Specifically the control scheme and aspect ratios.

    In Perfect Dark Make your save file, then in the pause menu, scroll to Options \> Video

    • Set "Ratio" to 16:9.
    • Turn on Hi-Res if you need to. (Back to Options) \> Control
    • Set Control Style to "2.4 (Two-Handed)"
    • Reverse Pitch: [OFF]

    In GoldenEye 007 (You actually need to start a mission and bring up the pause menu.)

    • In the third tab, change control style to "2.4 Goodhead"
    • In the next tab over, set Look Up/Down to "Upright"
    • Further down in the same tab, change Ratio to 16:9


    Step 2: Switching to Widescreen

    (This assumes you set 3D games to "4:3" from EmuDeck. I'm not sure what effect having that already set to "16:9" will have on this process. However, if it is a problem, you can probably just skip this section and go straight to the next one for controls.)

    While in either game, hold the select button and press Y to bring up the in-game Retroarch menu.

    Navigate to Settings \> Video \> Scaling.

    • Change Aspect Ratio to 16:9, or 16:10 if you want to fill in a little more screen and don't mind a little vertical stretching.


    Step 3: Remap the Controls

    (Don't worry about these changes. We will save them to their own profile so they won't mess with other games.)

    Go to Settings \> Input \> RetroPad Binds \> Port 2 Controls.

    • Change the Device Index to "Steam Virtual Gamepad" (Or otherwise the same controller as Port 1).

    Navigate to Quick Menu \> Controls \> Port 1 Controls

    • Disable the R2 button by switching it to "---".
    • Disable all four Left Analog functions as well.
    • Remap all Right Analog functions from "C Button" mappings to their equivalent "Control Stick" mappings. (For example, change "Right Analog Y- (Up), Axis -3" from "C Buttons Y -" to "Control Stick Y -", then do the same for the rest.)

    Exit and switch to Port 2 Controls

    • Disable L2 Button
    • Change R2 Button to "Z Trigger"
    • Disable all Right Analog functions.


    Step 4: Save Your Settings

    Exit Port 1 Controls and go into Manage Remap Files

    • Select "Save Remap File As" and give it a name you'll recognize. (This is to make setting up the controls in the other game faster. I chose the name "goldendark".)
    • Next, select "Save Game Remap File".

    Navigate back to Quick Menu \> Overrides

    • Select "Save Game Overrides"


    Step 5: Setup the other game using your saved configurations.

    Launch the other game & open up the Retroarch quick menu.

    Navigate to Quick Menu \> Controls \> Manage Remap Files

    • Select "Load Remap File" and choose the one you created. (goldendark.rmp for me.)
    • Select "Save Game Remap File".

    Navigate to Settings \> Video \> Scaling

    • Change "Aspect Ratio" to 16:9 (or 16:10).

    Navigate back to Quick Menu \> Overrides

    • Select "Save Game Overrides"


    There you have it. Be sure to get retroachievements up and going as well, and have fun in your espionage shenanigans.

    Unpopular opinion: Super Mario Bros. Wonder’s multiplayer is a disappointment.

    I got this game to play with my wife and her family. The characters are adorable, the levels are full of charm, the music is outstanding, and the platforming is really tight.

    However, the multiplayer is an exercise in frustration.

    1. The camera constantly jumps ahead at minimal prompts, forsaking anyone who isn’t adept enough to get every jump as perfectly as the best player, even if that player is the kind who is inclined to wait. The camera just makes whoever it follows into an ass to the other players.
    2. Online connection options aren’t intuitive. It cannot even be disabled in the middle of a level. You have to quit, run somewhere on the map, disable it there, go back and restart the level. Contrary to the intent, it takes you completely out of the game.
    3. There is no shared progression with online friends. If a step is particularly complicated and you leave your friend behind, you don’t really have a means to “carry” them through the level or get the items for them. If they get stuck and you want to progress together, you just have to wait in the over world until they struggle it out for themselves. Otherwise hope they understand you as you try to explain what buttons they need to press, when and where. I think my wife and I spent an hour in online co-op with her parents just waiting for them to finish a challenge that her father refused to give up on. We ended up not doing anything else that night and a bit disappointed in ourselves.

    I just don’t know why they needed to go with this whole ghost thing. Just let 4 of us play in the same world, the same levels, and collect the same resources. Why is that so hard?

    I'm finally getting my first Steam Deck with the 512 OLED. What accessories would you consider imperative?

    Some things that are of interest to me are...

    • a screen protector
    • some kind of sleeve or a really slim case.
    • maaaaybe the dock (my friend is telling me to get one)
    Dear Lemmy users, what are your favorite kbin communities?

    I jump between kbin and Lemmy fairly often, and it just seems like most content/communities end up settling on Lemmy. Which kbin communities do you actually think are better than the alternatives?

    Hope you're all having a good weekend.

    90's Music Eggyhead
    Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm (1993)
    90's Music Eggyhead
    Stroke 9 - Little Black Backpack (1999)


    90's Music Eggyhead
    The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony (1997)
    90's Music Eggyhead
    The Wallflowers - One Headlight (1997)
    90's Music Eggyhead
    Lit - My Own Worst Enemy (1999)
    90's Music Eggyhead
    Eve 6 - Inside Out (1997)
    I've actually started making use of Stage Manager on Mac...

    I've just been giving it the old college try to see if I can get a proper workflow going with it.

    I teach, so I often have a lot of apps open for research/reference, lesson planning/preparation, as well as messaging services and other various apps.

    I keep Apple Numbers full-screened in a space to the left, where I maintain a Grade/Schedule/Planner "book". I have Affinity Publisher 2 full-screened to the right, where I make prints/handouts for my classes.

    On my desktop in the center, the stages (app sets) I keep are dedicated to...

    • a single instance of Safari for lesson research (and procrastinating on Kbin)
    • all my chat applications (iMessage, WhatsApp, etc)
    • multiple finder windows to find, manage, and organize materials and resources I require to prepare new lessons every week.
    • both my email client (spark) and calendar (FirstSeed).
    • occasionally Spotify, if I need some music to help me focus.

    If I didn't have stage manager, I would have been using a similar setup across around 2-3 desktop spaces and some full-screened apps. My "home" desktop in the middle, with reference-based stretching apps leftward, production-based apps stretching rightward, and my entertainment-based apps out on the fringes. This worked really well for me in the past, but stage manager has actually made things smoother for me, since I'm doing a lot less swiping around. (Yes, Mission Control was ideal for reaching more fringier desktop spaces, but when you're in the habit of just quickly swiping between 1-3 key desktops, it gets easy to forget how "far away" some of the other desktops are.)

    Currently, my two biggest wishes for Stage Manager are...

    1. that we could save stage presets so I could launch mine quickly with a Siri shortcut, and save a LOT of organization time after a restart.
    2. that there were more comprehensive keyboard shortcuts specifically for navigating stages rather than individual apps. (There might be, but I haven't found a clear guide anywhere since most publications are more interested in the fact that Stage Manager exists than how to make it useful.)
    3. a greater number of stages, with the ability to scroll through them and pin favorites to the top.

    (I'm still on Ventura, so if these features were added in the betas, I wouldn't know.)


    Question: Has anyone else been discovering ways in which Stage Manager on Mac as worked out for them?

    Eggyhead Eggyhead
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