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Is kbin social under maintenance?
  • For me it was down for several days. Now it seems usable so far (I manage to post a thread and a comment at least). Upvotes seem to be working as well

  • Like magic
  • Interesting and related: Noam Chomsky, in his work as linguist, has stated that what reaches the ear (or the eye in this case) is not what reaches the mind. What this means is that we experience language as if it was linearly ordered, when at the cognitive level (in the mind) language is actually hierarchically organized. This means that the underlying structure of language has to interface with the sensory-motoe systems in order to transform the hierarchical structure into a linear one. This is why we sometimes also struggle putting our thoughts into words, because in that interface there is a change in structure that doesn't always preserve the 'original' (hierarchical) structure

  • If a man with multiple personalities becomes suicidal, would it be considered a hostage situation?
  • Hi! Back in reddit there was a DID community. Is there something equivalent in the fediverse? I'm not a system myself but I know a few and I am doing some research on the topic, so I'd be really appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction

  • Dutch Pro Palestine protesters escort police from University of Amsterdam campus
  • I thought I read the title wrong. Good for them

  • Chile's true ambition
  • Am Chilean. Can confirm

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • Same here. I used to shave my head and face but recently I went through a period of over-work and didn't have time to shave. Everyone told me I looked better with hair and beard, including the wife. So hair and beard it is then

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • Aaaah ok ye now I get it.

    I guess ultimately the end process is what's important, there I agree with you. However, with ethical issues, or matters of principle, you could argue time is of the essence.

    For example, if the Western world had taken 30 more years in embracing the importance of LGTBIQ+ rights, we would be now at the same place as the likes of Russia or Saudi Arabia, which is a place we feel good about not being.

    So in a way yes, the end result is what matters, but in the meantime it does kinda sucks to live in a society that normalizes something that will undoubtedly be considered morally wrong and unethical in the future

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • What is an extreme is relative. Are we in an extreme because we don't tolerate slavery? Is having only one slave less extreme then? In the current context I guess you can see veganism as one end of the spectrum, but calling it an extreme has the connotation that it is an unreasonable position.

    We can have meat consumption without the industrialized part, sure. But ethical veganism claims eating animals is wrong, regardless of how you kill them. Just like we now consider slavery to be wrong, regardless of how good the slave is treated.

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • Some people will take the fast, but hard way. Some people will take the longer/ but easy. If you end up in same destination, it’s a win in the end.

    I guess you meant to say fast but easy, or longer but hard, right?

  • I like this text. In which Lemmy community can I best share it ? Thanks.
  • Maybe the random community would be appropriate too

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • I agree with you. I guess the difference lies in that I would call that laziness. Not knowing how to eat balanced meals (or more precisely, not looking it up), it's not a matter of it being hard or easy. It's a matter of simply doing it. All the information is out there and at a level anyone who can read will understand

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • Plenty of eateries don’t have vegan options

    Maybe you are thinking of processed vegan food, like a vegan nugget or hamburger. That is completely unnecessary. beans, lentils, chickpeas, seaweed, grains, rice, vegetables, nuts.... those are widely available and enough for a healthy diet.

    For the rest I agree, it's easier to convince an omnivore to go vegetarian than vegan. But that has to do with their will, not with actual physical limitations.

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • The word easier here is a choice. What is more comfortable is easier, but eating a plant based diet is very easy. It's cheaper and widely available in most countries. What you mean by easier really refers to more comfortable, not really to there being less physical obstacles

  • This is Titan, Saturn's largest Moon captured by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.
  • A clearer picture, for those interested:


    From the source:

    Titan is the only object other than Earth where liquid hydrocarbon lakes and seas have actually been found (by Cassini) in its polar regions – in abundance in the north polar region and at least one of approximately 20,000 km2, called Ontario Lacus, on its south pole. Just recently, there have also been long-standing methane lakes, or puddles, in Titan’s “tropics” discovered.

  • He gets us!
  • thanks!

  • The original Souls-like
  • Shit I'm old

  • He gets us!
  • Ah ye, I can relate the the effects. Thanks

  • He gets us!
  • Alright now I wanna know why squinting doesn't allow to see details but I'm getting one step closer to understanding it. Thanks

  • /kbin meta Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    Since no upvotes are possible, the 'Hot' and 'New' pages of Kbin should show the same content. That's kinda awesome

    Browsing by new was great in the early days of the first Kbin expansion, right after the reddit migration. I got to see all sorts of posts from interesting communities. Things you wouldn't normally see browsing under 'Hot'. Eventually, as thread numbers increase, I found myself using 'Hot' almost exclusively because it delivered good content. However, I did miss all the random stuff that would pop out in 'New'. If the lack of upvotes means 'Hot' is equal to 'New', I think that's kind of cool actually. Granted, it's cool because it's (hopefully) temporary.

    The Mask (1994) is one of the best comedy movies ever made

    The movie blew my mind when I was a kid, and I recently watched it again. I know people have mixed feelings about Jim Carrey but for me the man is a comedic genius and this movie is one of his best works ever.

    What distro would you recommend for a 32-bit old Acer One laptop?

    It's an old model (Acer One D257) Processor is Intel Atom. Memory is 1GB DDR3 with 320 GB of HDD. I currently Have MX 21 running on it, but I need to reinstall because I forgot the root password. Since I'm reinstalling the OS, I thought I'd ask here for recommendations for an OS that makes the most of this oldie.

    ByPass Paywall add-on in firefox is not working with paywalled sites. Alternatives?

    As the title says. I am using the ByPass Paywall add-on and it used to work, but since some time it just doesn't. I've made sure the site I am trying to visit is listed in the list of sites, and I've also manually added it, but to no avail. Does anyone know any good alternatives to bypass paywalls, or some way of troubleshooting the add-on?

    Come visit us at the Drag Race community on Kbin Drag Race -

    A place to talk about all things drag race! Chat about episodes, give love to your favorite queens, and just hang out with like minded folks.

    Drag Race -

    Hi all,

    I just found out that lemmy also has a rpdr community. I thought you might want to know we also have one over at Kbin. We post post-episode threads on all franchises. It's just a few of us but we are working on keeping the community active for current and possibly new members.

    Hopefully we can build a safe space where we can all share our love for this amazing show outside of the control of evil corporate giants (looking at you Reddit).

    You can find the link on the title, or here:


    /kbin meta Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    Missing search results when looking for federated communities (at Lemmy)

    Hi all,

    Today I found out that there is a community over at lemmy I would very much like to join (via Kbin of course). I had searched for that community earlier through Kbin using the 'Local and Federated' option when searching but I hadn't seen any results.

    This made me wonder how many communities I thought didn't exist in the threadiverse actually do. I searched for another community by visiting Lemmy directly and lo and behold, that was indeed the case. These communities exist over at Lemmy but I cannot find them using the Magazine search, even if I select 'Local and federated'.

    Is there a way to search for/add/subscribe to communities at Lemmy, or elsewhere at the fedi/threadiverse from Kbin? Am I missing some feature or hack?

    Thanks in advance for any tips

    /kbin meta Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    Kbin is in Polish after the newest update

    Since the newest update, I see Kbin on a different language. I think it's Polish, or some similar language. The strange thing is that I don't remember a setting where one can change the display language. And the other strange thing is that this happens only on desktop. If I see Kbin via mobile, the page is in English.

    Any tips on how I can set the display back to English?

    Linguistics Doll_Tow_Jet-ski Researcher investigates undocumented prehistoric languages through irregularities in current languages

    Language can be a time machine—we can learn from ancient texts how our ancestors interacted with the world around them. But can language also teach us something about people whose language has been lost? Ph.D. candidate Anthony Jakob investigated whether the languages of prehistoric populations left...

    Researcher investigates undocumented prehistoric languages through irregularities in current languages
    /kbin meta Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    One of the advantages of being on Kbin is that you can scroll All by New, and see genuinely interesting content

    On Reddit, browsing r/All by new would show so much spam, it was really pointless if you just were looking for content. One relied on reddit's algorithm to show you new stuff you hadn't actively searched for. The nice thing about Kbin, and the threadiverse in general, is that you can browse m/All by New as see genuinely interesting posts.

    For those in the know about privacy laws and the such. What is a proper response to reddit's claim that they cannot remove all the information associated to an account without first the user removing

    As the title says, Reddit replied to my GDPR request to delete all my data saying I had to do it first, which I suspect is in violation of GDPR law.

    Reddit's argument is that to comply with GDPR, they just need to dossociate your account from your posts, so the latter cannot be traced back to you. However, the argument could be made that the posts themselves are enough data to be linked to you.

    Is there any type of response that could be framed in legal terms to make reddit really remove all the content from my account?

    /kbin meta Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    Is it possible to blur text in articles' titles and text?

    I'm part of a few communities where we discus TV shows and it's important to be able to hide spoilers. Be it on the title, the body of the text, or even blur images that are attached to the article.

    Is it here a way to do this on Kbin?spoilers,

    /kbin meta Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    Is it possible to set notifications for new post for magazines you moderate and/or are subscribed to?

    Since we are building new communities, it's important that those of us who want to play an active role setting up these communities, either as active users or moderators, know when people engage in them.

    I would like to know if it's possible to get notifications when posts are made in certain communities.

    Doll_Tow_Jet-ski Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    Posts 16
    Comments 333