Skim the book, "working effectively with legacy code". In a nutshell, you write characterization tests around the module or method, then do safe IDE based refactorings, then do some slightly more significant refactorings. After that the code should make enough sense for you to make changes if you need to.
It is as much in art as a science. The important thing is that as you are doing refactorings, the main one you do is to extract methods, and give the methods clear names that say what they are doing. You should be left with a top-level method that reads like a narrative of what the whole thing does.
Medication helps me quite a bit. I am also using Atomoxetine. The effect is much more subtle than stimulants, but I think just as powerful in the long run.
Chopped into several large pieces. But it will be awesome.
It's not too smelly, but it's not completely benign either.
Interesting thought - and consistent with the way he usually fails to consider the consequences of his actions (unless they apply directly to his interests).
I doubt that he cares about rebuilding US industry, Comrade. The idea of invading Canada sounds plausible, but it isn't necessary for a successful invasion by the US military if he were to actually order that.
I took that comment as criticizing dumbed-down science reporting and/or being suspicious of reported breakthroughs from China.
I have enjoyed Anton Petrov, Parallax Nick, some PBS Spacetime and Crash Course, plus history content from the Austin school and other places.
Kurzgesagt had quite a bit of really interesting content, but seems to have fallen off quite a bit in the last year or so.
There is no body text that I can see. I am viewing via Lemmy and using the Voyager app.
At least they didn't open a restaurant.