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AI Generated Music ColdFenix
My first 2 AI songs

With udio:

With suno:

Not sure yet which tool I prefer yet, udio has a higher quality, but the 32 seconds of output are annoyingly short and it doesn't seem to follow prompts as well as suno.

Price check
  • And it sucked, fov of the augmented area was tiny, the projected images were see-through and you still couldn't really see the persons eyes because of the tinted glass. Vr headsets with cameras are currently by far the best way to do AR.

  • Junior Dev VS Machine Learning
  • What ChatGPT actually comes up with in about 3 mins.

  • I prefer to be the one who writes code
  • Right now it's a good but limited tool if you know how to use it. But it can't really do anything a professional in a given field can't do already. Alhough it may be a bit quicker at certain task there is always a risk of errors sneaking in that can become a headache later.

    So right now I don't think it's a necessary tool. In the future I think it will become necessary, but at that point I don't think it will require much skill to use anymore as it will be much better at both understanding and actually accomplishing what you want. Right now the skill in using GPT4 is mostly in being able to work around it's limitations.

    Speculation time!

    I don't think the point where it will be both necessary and easy to use will be far of tbh. I'm not talking about AGI or anything close to that, but I think all that is necessary for it to reach that point is a version of GPT4 that is consistent over long code generation, is able to better plan out it's work and then follow that plan for a long time.

  • I prefer to be the one who writes code
  • The trick is to split the code into smaller parts.

    This is how I code using ChatGPT:

    1. Have it analyze how to structure the program and then give me the code for the outline with not yet implemented methods and functions.
    2. Have it implement the methods and functions one by one with tests for each one.
    3. I copy the code and test for each method and function before moving on to the next one So that I always have working code.
    4. Despair because my code is working and I have no idea how it works and I have become a machine that just copies code without an original thought of my own.

    This works pretty well for me as long as I don't work with obscure frameworks or in large codebases.

  • 505 of 700 OpenAI employees tell the board to resign.
  • Extremely critical but mostly done by underpaid workers in poor countries who have to look at the most horrific stuff imaginable and develop lifelong trauma because it's the only job available and otherwise they and their family might starve. Source This is one of the main reasons I have little hope that if OpenAI actually manages to create an AGI that it will operate in an ethical way. How could it if the people trying to instill morality into it are so lacking in it themselves.

  • Lemon Drop Hot Sauce

    The Before: !

    I used aji lemon drops and 3 yellow habaneros, lemon vinegar, fresh lemon juice, a few sichuan peppercorns, a dash of salt and a little bit of olive oil.

    I wanted to make a sauce that was almost as sour as hot and although I didn't quite succeed with that, the result is a great tasting, very sour hot sauce that is just something very different to every other hot sauce I have tried.

    To make it more sour I'll probably have to straight up add some citric acid next time😅

    Sam Altman’s Worldcoin token to launch Monday
  • Yeah not dystopian at all, nothing to see here.

  • Firefox 115 can silently remotely disable my extension on any site
  • Sounds reasonable honestly. It's not exactly silent and you can manually change the behaviour.

  • Another seamless texture
  • Here it is tiled, looks great👍

  • Milchersatz für Kaffee
  • Die benutz ich auch nur fürs aufschäumen, dann hält die 1-2 Wochen.

  • rule
    Milchersatz für Kaffee
  • Am besten finde ich die Barista Mandelmilch von alpro. Die hat einen süßlichen Mandelgeschmack, den ich aber sehr passend zum Kaffee finde. Lässt sich auch sehr gut aufschäumen.

  • mamma miarule
  • My favourite pizza:

    • Sauce Hollandaise
    • Chicken Strips
    • Corn
    • Cheese
    • Siracha Hot Sauce
    • (optional: Jalapeños)

    Sauce Hollandaise is just so much better than Tomato Sauce!

  • YSK: toilets and garbage disposals are some of the simplest devices to replace in a home
  • Only applies if the toilet mechanism isn't built into the wall.

  • How to make your hotsauce more saucy
  • I blend twice. I blend for a few minutes, then put the peppers in a pan with vinegar and salt and once soft they go back into the blender with the rest of the ingredients until it's smooth.

  • Hot Peppers!
  • Yeah same, I think you can go on my profile, then on my post on hot peppers to reach the community.

  • A new Community to discuss and share bonsai plants. Bonsai - tchncs

    A place to talk about bonsai plants. Share your bonsais!

    Bonsai - tchncs !

    Hot Peppers! Hot Peppers - tchncs

    Like r/hotpeppers but on Lemmy. Share your peppers, recipes, questions, advice, opinions, etc.

    Hot Peppers - tchncs !

    Come discuss and share hot peppers, hot sauces, recipes etc.

    What are you growing this season?

    I have Rocoto, Chocolate Habanero, Aji Lemon Drop and Habanada growing in the garden right now, all new varieties to me. The Habanada is struggling a bit (too sunny over the last week), but looks like she'll make it😁

    Was tun neben Verhaltensänderungen?
  • Allgemein finde ich es zwar richtig und wichtig den eigenen CO2 Ausstoß soweit möglich zu verringern, hat aber im großen Ganzen nur einen relativ geringen Effekt. Politisch aktiv werden ist da schon deutlich effektiver, sei es protestieren oder sich in einer Partei oder einem Verein engagieren (und an allen Wahlen teilnehmen, egal wie klein). Auch einfaches teilen von Informationen über Social Media oder im Bekanntenkreis kann einen deutlich größeren Effekt auf das Klima haben als die weiter Verringerung des eigenen deinen Angaben nach eh schon relativ geringen CO2 Austoßes.

    Nicht vergessen, der persönliche CO2 Fußabdruck wurde von BP erfunden um die Schuld von sich selber abzulenken und weiter verschmutzen zu können.

  • New Bonsai focused community, come and join!
  • Thanks for the correction, fixed it. Still new to the whole fediverse thing.

  • Be patient with the fediverse
  • How do you join communities in other instances? The only thing that worked for me was typing the !community@instance.stuff into the search on the website which is a hassle. I also haven't found a way to do the same in the app.

  • Some concerns I have regarding Lemmy and Fediverse architecture
  • Yeah an easy way to migrate/backup accounts would be nice. Also a way to backup communities so all of the content doesn't get lost.

  • New Bonsai focused community, come and join!

    Decided to create a bonsai focused community. !

    Hope some of you decide to join and share your bonsai😁

    ColdFenix ColdFenix
    Posts 8
    Comments 24