Oh shit, am I a niche communities redditor already feeling anxious about losing all my anonymous internet peeps.
r/vxjunkies - Although that sub is most fun when randos stumble onto it and get confused. Which might not work as well in Federation world.
r/worldbuilding, r/loremasters
r/TolkeinFans. Discussing the legendarium on a scholarly level.
r/nsfwworldbuilding (which is a great place for thoughtful, mature, intellectual conversations about really creative ideas like quantum pregnancy and all male Orc societies ... and THEN pictures of nude bee women leaking honey from their boobs).
r/magicthecirclejerking, r/linuxcirclejerk, r/whowouldcirclejerk - these subs are my go to "I need to laugh" subs.
r/AskHistorians. What can replace this awesomeness... like ever?
r/ShermanPosting. Make this angry leftist feel like a burning patriot.
r/LateStageCapitalism. I need my angry leftist anticap memes.
r/Swahili? It's a beautiful language.
r/ImaginaryDerelicts... Here is a hauntingly beautiful rabbit hole for you to fall down.
r/PrintSF... it's literally how I find new books to rea...listen to. I consume audiobooks at a terrifying rate.
r/Podcasts because see above.
r/Qubes. I like my linux like I like my lovers, paranoid and with DID.
r/AskNetSec and r/OpSec
r/FifthWorldProblems and it's multiverse of affiliates, including r/MadMudMen and r/EnglightenedBirdMen
r/Daddit. I posted my "Here we are at a playground for the first time" pictures 12 years ago... I was looking forward to reposting those alongside the graduation pictures in 4 years.
r/WitchesVsPatriarchy. Yes, I'm a cishet white man, fuck the patriarchy and fuck toxic masculinity.
r/ChaoticGood. This sub makes me happy.
Is there seriously no r/WhoWoulWin equivalent? That boggles me.
We also REALLY need something like r/findareddit, if there isn't such a thing yet.
This seems way too unlikely to happen, but r/askhistorians. It's an exceptionally well moderated (if a bit overzealous) community that allows for both the average person to ask seemingly impossible, very specific questions as well as academics to express their knowledge and passion for those very same super specific topics they find fascinating; but have difficulty finding an audience to listen to them in their day to day lives.
Maybe~~ r/iwatchedanoldmovie
Some game specifics sub's like r/MetalGearSolid, r/MetalSlug and r/HalfLife, r/moddergearsolid is a particularly obscure one.
From my own feed that's about it, with the exception of some piracy ones like rCemuPiracy r/LinuxCrackSupport and r/SteamDeckPirates, among others. And a couple in particular that push a bit closer to the work unsafe side, so those wouldn't be here.
r/buttcoin, every time I feel bad about myself I like reading about crypto fails to remind myself that I could have made even worse decisions. r/noncredibledefense, makes the horror of the war not far from me a bit more bearable
r/HobbyDrama or a more hobby oriented history community. Also r/AskHistorians or similar, although that one will take more effort and setting up than simply making the community. I personally use Reddit to see a couple memes and then read both of the subs I mentioned. I like seeing people who are passionate about a thing talk about the history of that thing.
A couple of my hobbies that I've seen barely getting started here... photography and mycology. There's a lot to explore in both without getting wrapped up in religion or politics.
I'm hoping that some of the writing and image sharing subreddits make their way on here. Specifically: r/AbandonedPorn/, r/AccidentalRenaissance/, r/ImaginarySliceOfLife/, and r/LetsNotMeet/
Please can we have a "BuyNothing" or "Freecycle" Comunity? One for each city/region/area would be better but If needed we could have just one where post titles contain the location (SacramentoCA) before anything else. Then sorting / Searching would weed out the unwanted due to distance items.
A couple, I think. WoTshow is one I really liked. And exatheist is a tiny sub where a bunch of people who were once atheists of all different religions talk religious philosophy.
I've seen a few people mention fighting games on here (e.g. Street Fighter). I'd be interested in that. The number of gameplay clips people would be sharing make me think it ought to be its own instance, though.
pens, fountain pens
mechanical keyboards
Some communities have been created for those, but don't seem to have gained much popularity.
There are several groups on reddit that I have enjoyed, and am going to really miss unless I find some fediverse versions. It's the agony columns, all the ones where people ask for advice. Like r/AITA, and r/RomanticAdvice. There are so many of them.
Most of these are on Reddit, but there may be a few that I thought could be specific, but not as niche as some of the ones on reddit. (like no community just for one game)
Van conversion/van life
Camping and hiking
Each state in the US
RestlessLeg (or a chronic condition community)
Woodworking (bigger builds)
Carving (smaller builds, not furniture or big stuff)
Honestly its just my local city subreddit, and the community for my favorite 2nd tier sports team. It has barely enough users even on reddit though, so it probably won't survive with a smaller overall user base.
It's the only subreddit that I'm still contributing in good faith with. The community is beehaw levels of nice, and the mods are surprisingly competent and decent people, not trashy like the r/linguistics ones.
The only issue with r/conlangs is that it's in Reddit. But if they were to migrate, frankly? I'd be glad to help them out. Perhaps even donate to whatever instance they create.
I would like to see r/stunfisk, its the main pokeon subreddit of the smogon single battles format, but it would be really cool if the pokemon subs would get together and make their own lemmy instance
I want r/aquariums, r/plantedtank, r/walstad, r/[the city I live in], r/[state if live in], r/mylittlepony, r/myilttlehmmmm, r/hmmmm, these are just the ones im missing the most.
It's pretty damn new, but the only reason I keep popping back on reddit is to go to r/HyruleEngineering. The problem is that it relies on the easiness of reddit hosting the video for these short clips which lemmy currently couldn't handle. Though, people there are dedicated enough to their builds and information that they would probably be the ones who would make burner youtube accounts to upload things.
Not sure if it's niche, but more UK based communities are needed. Not sure the place is big enough for city by city or even county. But UK politics, casual, sport, etc...
It seems like !movies@lemmy.ml, and !television@lemmy.ml are relatively dead communities (at least on the lemmy.ml) instance. I'm hoping we'll see more discussions happening over there in the near future.
I’ve been mindlessly scrolling through r/M43 which is basically a sub to share and discuss Micro Four Thirds photography. I’d love for a community like that to show up here!
I spend way too much time on r/coffee. A lot of people think we are pretentious snobs (which can be true sometimes) but we're just stuck in the neverending pursuit of the "perfect cup."
Also r/linguistics and r/mathematics are fun to read, especially when new papers are published and there's a discussion going on
/R/credibledefense I love the deep dives into defense procurement. Really hoping to find a community like that. I would make my own but I have no idea how to start and I don't have the background needed to be a good moderator (Or whatever the lemmy equivalent would be) in that kind of topic.
Is there a way for following non-Lemmy communities of the Fediverse on Lemmy? I think it would really be useful and would fill the gap. Also, communities like guppe groups are quite active.
Not trying to start any political debates. These are just some of the subreddits that I would like to see as communities here on Lemmy.
Feel free to comment if some of these exist and I'll update my comment.
Ah, just realized that almost none of these are actually niche. Whoops.
r/sorceryofthespectacle Absolute schizposting by the weirdest degenerates I've ever met. Sometimes they make me laugh, and sometimes they are quite profound. Often though its amphetamine/psychosis/C-PhilosophyDegree fueled rants.
r/powerwashingporn, it was my first Reddit experience, which really showed me that this website had a specialized community for everything. That fact is what got me hooked...
r/shittysuperpowers is pretty fun. People trying to make useless, or, preferably, even worse, superpower, and people in comments trying to make it actually OP
/r/eurovision, although the season just ended so it would be a bit quiet right now anyway.
/r/fantasyfootball, that season is just about to kick off so would be good timing
If you'd asked this a day earlier I'd have said /r/casualUK but we now have !ukcasual@lemmy.world
And the various specific craft subs. Currently we're posting all craft projects to !creative@beehaw.org but sooner rather than later I think it'll have to be split up into individual crafts because if there's one thing crafters love even more than the actual making stuff, it's showing off the stuff we made.
r/noncredibledefense. We need some excellent spaces to shitpost about the MIC, and a space where we can collectively laugh at the 2nd army of the world getting it's ass kicked by the poorest nation in Europe
From a quick scroll through my subscriptions I think these are the ones I'm most looking forward to: r/dynastyff, r/futebol, all the cat related ones, r/diwhy, r/atbge, r/gtbae, r/outoftheloop, r/unraid, r/writingprompts, r/youdontsurf.
r/zillowgonewild, r/mcmansionhell, r/lastfm, and r/humansarespaceorcs have always been fun places for me. History-centric and hyperlocal neighborhood-level subs, too.
I also like most of the circlejerk subs. Maybe straightforward communities here will be less self-serious, thus making [blank]jerk counterparts unnecessary.
Any show or game specific sub, like r/darlsouls or r/onepunchman. It will be a while before enough people are on Lemmy to justify making a dedicated place for them
A second one I forgot, is the livestreaming stuff. I did make c/livestreaming, but I will admit guiltily browsing drama of r/LivestreamFails at times. Was awful most of the time, but guilty pleasures are just that. I am a vtuber so I like some of those subs, but that's even more niche then the niche that is livestreaming, so that's a tall ask for here.
I've gone ahead and created !fgc@kbin.social and !splatoon@kbin.social. Would like to have focused subs for individual fighting games (Skullgirls, ThemsFightinHerds), but that's probably not practical yet. Generally I'd just like to look up whatever game I'm playing right now and find a community for it.
Would also like to see /mahjong as well, may set that up myself later.