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It wasn't just the goblins — is J.K. Rowling doing Holocaust denial now?
  • I wonder if you have read/heard the things Rowling has actually said about trans issues.

    I also find it ironic that you liken her to a chrisofachist, when in the early 00s she was basically crucified by those people.

    I certainly don't agree with everything she has said. But some of her points are genuine "maybe this is something that deserves conversation and contemplating", which are immediately construed as transphobic or hateful by many people who haven't personally read/heard what she said. People jump to screaming online instead of trying to refute her points.

    Again, I do NOT agree with her on many, many things!

  • What software you consider so bad it made you happy when you left your job?
  • Microsoft Windows. I used to be a sysadmin. New job is 100% Linux. Now I never touch Windows unless it's to play a game.

  • Minimal Phone: Low-priced smartphone with E Ink display and complete keyboard
  • Not sure if they are still available, but after pebble shut down, I got this Chinese watch called amazfit bip. It has a color e-ink display and lasts roughly a week on a full charge.

    I was able to sync to my phone using FOSS called gadgetbridge so I didn't have to install sketchy Chinese software on my phone.

  • Minimal Phone: Low-priced smartphone with E Ink display and complete keyboard
  • Iirc there's a pine watch. Maybe it didn't have e-ink

  • Minimal Phone: Low-priced smartphone with E Ink display and complete keyboard
  • The problem is that e-ink is a patented technology and the patent owner charges insanely high royalties for using it in your product.

  • It’s like a different language
  • Y'all gotta check out this artist "lilbubbychild". He creates these incredible animations of southernisms. As a lifelong southerner, I can attest that most of these have been said by someone in my life.

  • My plan is to crumble with it.
  • This is.... An unhealthy mental stance to take. The markets have pretty consistently gone up for just about a century now, its about time in the market not timing it. Yeah it will go up and down, yeah we really might see a recession in the next few years, but 20-30 years from now, money you've invested will be worth considerably more and you'll likely feel quite different when the time rolls around.

    I worry about you, grasshopper_mouse. If you really feel this way, please talk to someone.

  • My plan is to crumble with it.
  • While I can understand the sentiment, this is a REALLY bad and irresponsible thing to do and detrimental to yourself and society as a whole.

    Lemmy, please do everything you can to set yourself up for a successful retirement. Even just a small contribution to a retirement account really will make a big difference when you're older.

  • meow_irl
  • Is it 200lb per cat or total weight across both cats?

  • ...
  • I don't disagree with the sentiment here, the world is fucked and unchecked crony capitalism is the problem. The rich get richer and the rest of us barely get by. Also fuck Huffman for ruining the only social media platform I'd used consistently for over a decade.

    That said, Huffman's salary is not even close to the number reported here. He makes something like $350k in a year (still a wildly high salary, no one person needs to make that much in a single year!), this "compensation" is closely tied to his equity in Reddit and it's predicted value when the company goes public.

    Most CEOs are compensated in this way and I think it's not exactly a bad way to do it (partially for employees but mostly for investors). This value is tied to performance, so if the CEO does stupid shit and ruins the company, it directly affects his compensation. This can be a good thing if that CEO makes good business decisions, which can lead to more jobs and more stability for the workers. I realize this is not always the case, but that's the general idea.

    It still sucks, and I still think no individual should make more money than is needed to live comfortably, but it's not like he's raking in 193 million every year like it seems from this tweet.

  • me_irl
  • This thread is a dumpster fire.

    Also: no one has mentioned they maybe this "boy" was actually being sincere and trying to study with someone.

    Of course, it doesn't matter since this screen shot is most likely not from a real conversation.

  • Taylor Swift launches legal broadside at a college student who tracks private jets via public data
  • Thank you for the detailed info! This is the kind of response I was hoping for

  • Taylor Swift launches legal broadside at a college student who tracks private jets via public data
  • I have a legitimate question: why is this public information? Like.... I'm not taking sides either way, I just don't understand the reason that the current location of someone's private property (her jet) is considered public info. They location of someone's car or boat isn't publicly available.... So why a plane?

    I understand that flight controllers need access to this info for logistics, but that's not really public. They also need access to air waves for communication and those are heavily regulated.

  • Where are the good political songs?
  • Stand Out Riot is an incredible ska/hardcore band with mostly political lyrics. They are from UK so I don't get all of the references, but they are fucking awesome anyway.

  • What's the most recent way you stupidly managed to accidentally hurt yourself?
  • Trying to longboard again as an aging millennial.

  • You should be able to ask "I want a CIS mate" in a dating app without being shamed.
  • You're correct, dating the type of person you actually want to date should come with no consequences or judgement.

    Some people might prefer an uncircumcised penis or natural breasts, some people might be indifferent, and some people might prefer breast implants or a circumcised penis. It's no one's business what someone prefers and no one should feel bad for having a preference.

    It's kind of a crazy thought that you would judge someone who is turned off by breast implants for not dating a woman with breast implants. I feel the same logic can be (and for the most part is) applied to preferences or indifference for post-op genitals.

    There are definitely a vocal minority who would say that having a preference for cis partners is transphobic, but I doubt most people, even most trans people, would consider you bigoted for having that preference.

    EDIT: I doubt you're encountering enough trans matches to need to put your preference in your profile.

  • Star Trek: Enterprise x Deep Rock Galactic
  • The Simpsons x Animal Crossing sounds great to me!

  • Witness the horrors of unmoderated social media
  • /tg/ is the same as it always was. That type of nerd never changes much. I still go there on occasion to see what's up in indie RPG and wargames.

  • CaptainHowdy Captain Howdy
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