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Sovcit needs help, gets crazy advice.
  • Had to look up what SR22 insurance was: An SR-22 is a certificate of financial responsibility required for some drivers by their state or court order. An SR-22 is not an actual "type" of insurance, but a form filed with your state. This form serves as proof that your auto insurance policy meets the minimum liability coverage required by state law.

    This seems like a process the state would impose if other means had failed. I am guessing that this sovcit has previous offences like this and refused to comply.

  • Sovcit is going to try and charge the IRS.
  • I am surprised they even filed their taxes.

  • Meet my potato forest


    Zone 8b

    Varieties: Russian blue, white

    Grown in potato planting bags for good drainage. They are in the process of flowering, and some have produced a fruit (very poisonous - do not eat it). Hoping for lots of potatoes this year 🙂

    The floppy plants to the left are garlic (soft and hardneck Italian). They are fine; they got too tall and fell over.

    Much respect for the people of Iraq, who put in a ridiculous amount of effort to deny the BIble.
  • The Garden of Eden was a strip club in the city I grew up in.

  • Local orange shocked to discover that water is in fact, wet
  • That's generous to assume there are 4 functioning brain cells.

  • Modern-day outlaws, ‘sovereign citizens’ threaten the rule of law
  • Paper terrorism is probably the best way to explain it. They will bombard courts, banks and civil services (ie- utilities, child support payments) with pages and pages of useless documents and waste hours of people's time on the phone, in person, or by mail.

    Combine that with the belief that no response is acceptance and rejections are based on lies, you get the most aggressive and ignorant people that make Karen's seem pleasant.

  • TIL: French Marigolds only need one seedling per pot
  • I have found marigold seeds tend to have consistent germination (80-90%). I start with one seed, and after week I pull the duds and replant, repeating as needed.

  • Up to ten people including children shot at public splash pad in Michigan
  • Only unborn ones- ones outside the womb can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and learn to defend themselves. /s

  • The evolution of Picasso's style
  • Could have also been the lead and vermillion (mercury) in the paints.

  • Landlords are NOT PEOPLE!!!
  • Ah yes, that well-known communist Carl Mark.

  • Chinese military harassed Dutch warship enforcing UN sanctions on North Korea, Netherlands says
  • China does flout the trade embargo with NK though. It's very one sided in China's favour, and there's even an exclusive train line from Dan Dong into NK. China sells NK consumer goods, and then extracts natural resources using cheap NK labour.

  • Men are from Mars, White People are from Venus?
  • The Iron Skies films taught me Aryans are lizard people who can transform into humans, and their main bases are on the moon and the center of the earth.

    (The films a riot- you should watch them)

  • cat or skunk bounces on trash - mice scramble
  • A friend of mine "adopted" a feral kitten from a garbage can. She opened the lid, saw him, picked him up and would up taking him home. He's the most affectionate and stupid creature I have ever met - he makes a ginger cat look like a genius. He forgets which window he left from (she leaves an open window for him) and sits at the front door meowing. He has walked off the edge of tables and was genuinely surprised to be on the floor. He would try to play with his litter mates, who were still feral, and be confused as to why they would run away from him (he's a big tomcat). At the end of the day, the cat has a loving home, and my friend has a sweet, albeit derpy, tuxedo companion.

    Perhaps this mouser is a distant cousin of his Canadian counterpart.

  • Topographical Quarries
  • Qarries are the same as trenches apparently. Sea floor spreading and layers of basalt rock and centuries of expansion... clearly that's the conspiracy.

    Apparently the deepest quarry is 1.2 km (1200m) while the deepest trench, the Mariana trench, is 200 km deep (200,000 m). Totally the same in scale /s

  • More than 90% of chickenpox cases in New York City outbreak among unvaccinated people
  • People who had chickenpox as children are at risk of getting shingles in later adulthood, which is supposedly awful and very painful. There's not much to like about that.

  • Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 countries
  • If I understand correctly, there's a way to get permission to enter if it's been a certain amount of time after the conviction and it was a non-violent offense.

  • Thar is so much evidunce
  • S**** is considered a racial slur against Indigenous people in Canada. Does it have the same connotation in the US?

  • Growing potatoes in a Costco planter
  • Remember to cover up the plant with dirt all the way to the top of the pot- you'll get more potatoes that way.

  • Loblaws is fine with growing green onions, just not by their customers apparently
  • Loblaws doesn't care - they'll just have staff cut off the rotting parts and put it back out for sale. (I used to work at Superstore. This is what they do after closing.)

  • Canada's 2024 wildfire season expected to be even worse than last year's
  • Perhaps they find a way to tax the dead, scorched trees. How dare they set themselves on fire! /s

  • New cat on the block is a photogenic boi


    Saw this guy chilling on my deck railing, and as soon as the camera came out, he struck this pose.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Canadian_anarchist
    Meet Canada's Sovcit/QAnon "Queen of Canada" The rise of Romana Didulo, self described 'Queen of Canada', and what she's up to now

    W5 visited Richmound, Sask., to learn more about the self-described 'Queen of Canada,' who controversially moved to the rural village with her followers last year.

    The rise of Romana Didulo, self described 'Queen of Canada', and what she's up to now

    Not a social media post, so hopefully this is permitted. Canada is also home to sovcits, and this person is outright insane.

    I also find it ironic that a sovcit wants a monarchy.

    Made a new friend while on a walk


    This floofy boi befriended me while on a walk around my strata. He's friendly and wants all the pets and scratches.

    Lithops at all 4 stages

    My lithops have been in various stages of splitting for the past few months. They have decided to show the process all in one pot! The potting medium is perlite.


    My special aoenium

    I saved this plant from my office 6 months ago because it had nearly no leaves, and now she's green and growing in a unique way. If this is what healthy looks like, it's all good with me.

    Canadian_anarchist Canadian_anarchist
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