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The older I get, the truer this becomes
  • More like start writing a comment. Realize you said you weren't going to get involved so type out the rest of your spiel and delete it. This anytime tipping comes up.

  • Just say 'No' to TERFs and tankies!
  • Yeah, they wouldn't know that because they've been living under a rock this whole time.

  • None of those words are in the legend
  • Last i checked they were on twitter

  • Elon Musk’s X Sues California Over Content Moderation Legislation

    X argues that a new law requiring it to make its privacy policy public violates the company’s constitutional rights.

    Elon Musk’s X Sues California Over Content Moderation Legislation
    whyyyy, that doesn't make any sense...
  • Do billionaires and millionaires count? What? Do we call them rhe financially unchallenged? /s

  • found this on my mastadon feed Yet Another Study Shows No Link At All Between Social Media And Teen Anxiety And Depression

    I know that we’ve already pointed to a whole bunch of studies, using a variety of different methods that all show no evidence of any link at all between social media and teen depression, but it’s t…

    Yet Another Study Shows No Link At All Between Social Media And Teen Anxiety And Depression
    I sure as hell don't.
  • No. I was born. I went through elementary school, middle school (junior high for my Midwestern peeps) and high school and then being like 'well, shit. I guess i have t work now."

  • You’ll be back…
  • I will probably leave eventually. I won't go anywhere else. I'm pairing down my social media. More specifically the ones that i use too much. I want to keep it for a few more months and see not some kind "shiny new toy" thing.

  • "gaming is dead"
  • I just wait until they're on sale at hpb or the used section at GameStop. Sure, there's some major drawbacks but, there's major drawbacks with buying recently released also.

  • Ted Nugent; another victim of “reader added context” on Twitter.
  • Fun fact: that's how we get rose bushes.

  • Mamamax

    The only request i make is you watch the video before. If this violates guidelines in any way then no hard feelings if it gets deleted. Note: bo not do any of what you see in the video. Predator hunting is absolutely dangerous and should not be taken on by average people.

  • Yes. If they want to do that shit they can do it somewhere else. Hell, take it to Facebook.

  • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
  • I've been trying to cut down social media use ever since 2020. I don't blame people for not posting most social media platforms are either boring or a toxic shit holes.

  • Honestly? this isn't surprising in the least Five points for anger, one for a ‘like’: How Facebook’s formula fostered rage and misinformation

    Facebook engineers gave extra value to emoji reactions, including "angry," pushing more emotional and provocative content into users’ news feeds.

    I fully understand
  • Yeah, the problem is i would have them in contacts listed under " rescue me!" And they'd call me from a number that's not the one they gave me.

  • McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky
  • It looks like he's having a mini stroke.

  • The elites are lying about the danger!
  • No, he does not. He doesn't even deserve to be remembered at all.

  • The elites are lying about the danger!
  • Depends. Do they have good dental insurance?

  • Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users
  • Well, that sucks i wanted to share some cute pics i took of my cats

  • Elon Musk appearance at Valorant Champions tournament met with boos, crowd chanting 'Bring back Twitter'
  • I'd tell them to move to tumblr but, tumblr is going downhill too.

  • Hasn't happened yet
  • I hear cutting down on Starbucks also helps. In fact, leading a life devoid of little pleasures can make you a millionaire in about......never.

  • Hasn't happened yet
  • I'm convinced that people who think like this don't even know how a society functions. Like, i bet if he answers he'll come back with "no, i don't want stupid people everywhere i just don't see why i should have to pay for schools my kids don't use" or something like that. They're kind of predictable in my experience.

  • sword and sorcery and sword and planet reader podcast

    A podcast for readers of sword and sorcery and sword and planet

    Dream Home

    If this runs afoul of the rules then feel free to delete. This is just a joke in no way is my dream home modeled after the pacific garbage patch.

    Il Buco Watch Il buco (2021) on MUBI

    In August 1961, speleologists explored Europe’s deepest cave in the Calabrian hinterland, reaching 700 meters below Earth for the first time. Their venture went unnoticed by the inhabitants of a neighboring village, but not by an old shepherd whose solitary life interweaves with the group’s journey.

    Watch Il buco (2021) on MUBI

    You can have your movie theater chaos just leave me to my streaming world cinema and arthouse film * i type as i look up Oppenheimer showtimes.* Granted the theater is a small indie theater and i think the chaos mainly happens at giant multiplexes.

    0 FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

    FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall.

    FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

    FEMA is going to do a nationwide emergency alert on October 4th so if you are in a dangerous domestic situation and/or have a phone that needs to remain a secret then turn off your phone on October 4th and do not turn it back on again until you are safe and alone. The alarm will go through as soon as you turn your phone on again.


    my podcast
    Boi sleepy

    I'm tired all of the time.

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