This post assumes that a meaningful amount of defed instances are caused by simple lack of agreement. Often, it's an orthogonal matter - it boils down to instance A actually understanding something about the userbase of instance B and saying "I'm not dealing with this shit, it'll make the instance worse for its own users". For example: the typical user of B might be disingenuous, or preach immoral prescriptions, behave like a chimp, or be a bloody stupid piece of trash that should've stayed in Reddit to avoid smearing its stupidity everywhere here.
Are instance admins too eager to pull the trigger for defed? Perhaps, in some cases; specially because it handles groups of users instead of individuals. But those cases are better addressed through actual examples, not through a meme talking on generic grounds.
Defederating brigaders and trolls is necessary to maintain a healthy community. If your instance is defederated from all major instances, perhaps you should look examine what sort of company you keep.
No offense but this is kind of what happens in real life too. Nazi shows up to local bar. Barman or owner doesn't throw them out. Eventually they invite their friends. It winds up being known a Nazi bar. People who don't want to associate with Nazis no longer visit the bar. This is why intolerance of the intolerant is a thing.
'people posting stuff you consider harmful' is not a simple, black and white issue. Anyone who pretends that allowing all opinions has no consequences is full of shit, anyone who claims that tightly policing opinions has no consequences is full of shit.
Like almost everything in life, you will have to navigate a tenuous balance between these two things and you will never know if you got the balance right. You are just a sack of meat doomed to die.
I was there OP, I was there 3000 years ago before the great renaming, long before the eternal September. Fuck those bitches, defederate and be done with them. Assholes are eternally assholes and giving them an inch is just inviting them to take a mile.
I think being on lemmy does not in any way oblige a user to listen to everyone all the time. A lot of people will just come here for a good time. And for the freedom of speech activists: freedom of speech also involves other peoples freedom not to want to listen.
Moreover, I think most people who want to defederate with certain instances don’t necessarily have a problem with different world views, but have a problem with the tone being set by a small percentage of the users of said instances. Unfortunately, only a small percentage is needed to create a general vibe.
I hope it will be possible for individual users to block entire instances very soon, this way this whole debate will become obsolete. Personally, I can’t wait for it (the debate to become obsolete, not blocking instances necessarily)
It's intriguing how everyone that views themselves as moderates/liberals forget (or are unacquainted with it) about the paradox of tolerance.
Tolerance implies everyone has a right to express their ideas and you want that. You want everything out in the open, so you can pick at it, dismantle it and render it pitiful, ridiculous and useless.
You want the intolerant crying out loud that you are intolerant as that means you are doing the right thing. The intolerant want silence, forced, while want noise, anger, tension.
Remember that anything worthwhile needs to be fought for. Don't regret being vocal and harsh towards intolerance.
What's cool about the fediverse is that we get to choose.
Do I want to be in an instance that federates with everyone, good and bad?
More content.
Potentially insightful debate.
More negativity.
Potentially giving a platform to extremists.
Or do I want to be in an instance that defederates on a whim?
More positive content.
Taking a strong stance against extremism.
Less content.
Potentially missing insightful debate.
Personally, debate I've had that was insightful was generally in good faith to begin with, and would be allowed on platforms like Beehaw, so I don't see much use for "anything goes" kinds of platforms. Additionally, I'm not always in the mood for debate. I can just switch between different instances depending on my mood.
Holy fuck, it seems like there are only 2 extreme opposite sides and both are full of shit, clowns and morons. Why can't we just have some middle ground?
Defederate literally everyone. Defederate servers because you don't like the color of the admin's hair. My lemmy app supports multiple accounts, defederation has the tiniest possible impact on my user experience and is good for you as an instance owner. Defederate. Defederate. God Almighty, defederate. That's wtf the option is there for.
I just block users or communities if they become problematic. I enjoy being exposed to different opinions but I'm not interested in childish BS or low effort, intentionally contrarian posts