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I will not be taking questions.
  • Nothing about being an edgelord or cool. Its just not a thing that's ever been an issue in any relationship, even ones I fucked up. It's not even a thing I ever once heard talked about anywhere aside from the internet. It's just a shit post argument that doesn't matter, regardless of how you do it. Just an empty little thing people like fighting about online for whatever reason. That's what I spit into the face of.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • I've never paid a single bit of attention to which way it goes on. I spit into the face of this entire debate and it's never done me any harm to do so. I'm a cat owner too. The roll goes on either way, it's fine, and I'll never change my mind.

  • Georgia becomes first state to require election law training for police
  • A single hour long "class"? This seems similar to corporate diversity training at a company rife with racism. I hope I'm being too cynical and this truly is a good thing that will lead to positive results. I have serious doubts though. If it goes the way of the aforementioned diversity training, it'll be an hour that attending police will treat as mandatory bs they ignore.

    The training absolutely needs to happen, don't get me wrong. It's just that this looks a hell of a lot like technically trying without actually trying.

  • In historic first, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoes most arts funding in Florida
  • In order to pocket it. He signed a budget deal that his wife got the lion's share to the tune of over a hundred million. He's for sure an anti woke christofascist that wants to harm a large number of people, but he's also greedy as all hell. Anything he can defund by screaming "woke!" at it is more funds he can redirect to his cronies and his pockets. He's playing his voters for fools and the rest of us are forced to deal as best we can.

    I also doubt very seriously that this state will have a trustworthy election. He's installed hick ass yes men all through our state government. I'm willing to bet Florida comes up deep red, but it won't be accurate. This state is corrupt as fuck. It deserves the coming storms.

  • Donald Trump shares stage with rightwing activist who's discussing stoning gay people to death
  • Homophobia is the reason some queer people self hate so goddamn much they lash out at all queer people while the original homophobes cheer it on. Also, some people are just awful, terrible monsters regardless of their sexuality.

  • Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging "faster than ever" to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say
  • We are in an apocalypse. We are not approaching it or dangerously close or anything like that. We. Are. In. It. Now. The suffering has only just begun. Welcome to a front row seat to the end of most life on this planet. Sorry rich folks, we never really figured out how to leave this blue marble to live on another. You're going to be suffering too it seems. You can't pay off the climate after all. I genuinely want you to enjoy your very expensive bunkers. They will help you survive long enough to face an extremely hellish earth that already killed most of us. You deserve that little gift.

    The next decade is going to be fucking insane, let alone the following years. Good luck out there.

  • Economic damage from climate change six times worse than thought
  • Congrats rich fucks. You earned a first class ticket to the longest period of suffering. Us poors will die much sooner than you and won't be around to feel the very worst of it, but you will. You earned every painful second of it. Enjoy your money while you can. Make sure you eat well and exercise. I want you fucks fit to live long enough in your bunkers to face the unstoppable hell you created. Too bad no one will be around to spit on your sun blasted corpse.

  • The rightwing plan to take over ‘sanctuary’ cities – and rebuild them Maga-style
  • This just cements my opinion that all these people are short sighted idiots. They think they're foxes fucking up the henhouse, but they're just other chickens pecking the fuck out of their neighbors while the henhouse burns around them. Fucking. Stupid.

  • Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search
  • I once had a Christmas day post blow up and become top of the day from a stupid pic I uploaded. I wonder if some of those comments or a weird version of that pic will pop up. Anyone that had similar things happen should keep their eye out. Anything that blew up probably gets a bit more weight.

    Oh God, cumbox! All of cumbox is in there. I wonder what kind of unrelated search could summon up that bit of fuzzy fun?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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