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United Healthcare CEO gets murdered, many celebrate, mod(s?) pile on the temp bans and delete posts
  • I reported things that belong to the .world instance, and therefore fall under the .world rules under the .world Terms of Service we all agreed to.

    I have nothing against you or your community, and hope you're doing well healthwise.

    But I've also seen you rail against "not all cops are bad" as the lie you know it is in various comment sections, and now you're using the same excuse as to why your forum shouldn't be criticized. "We're not part of that, bring it up with them, even though we belong to the same org."

    The rules apply to all of the forums on the instance, or it should apply to none of them. And if such radical thinking, the notion rules should be applied evenly and not be so broad to allow anything to meet the definition, results in me being banned from .world, then I welcome it.

  • United Healthcare CEO gets murdered, many celebrate, mod(s?) pile on the temp bans and delete posts
  • Ok, challenge accepted: every instance I come across from .world that has any indication of violence against anything living, well, I'll be reporting that, and I expect the mods to follow up on it quickly.

    I'll start with the gardening instances, since plants do feel pain, and thus any pruning/harvesting/etc is an act of violence, and I'm surprised the .world mods haven't shut down such a violent instance.

    Wait, they need to be banned outright, actually, because in order to garden, users are going to have to suggest that people dig into the dirt, and that's a pretty blatant call of violence against all organisms, including those at the microscopic level.

    Better delete the woodworking instance too, since the only way to work with wood is to kill a tree and dismember its body, often skinning it immediately after it's been sawed off at the knees, juuuuuuust fresh enough to feel all the pain but not enough to fight back.

    What an absolute joke.

  • American police are out of control
  • Would you call a Nazi good just because they try to marginally make a system they can't change but willingly continue to participate in?

    It's the same thing, stop defending class traitors. If cops were so good and necessary, why does crime not change when police departments go on strike?

    Y'know, like the entire Buffalo PD resigning because all the good cops faced slight public scrutiny for, I think that one was pushing an old man over and then all the good cops walking by while he bleeds from his skull? Those good cops?

    Or did you mean all the good NYPD cops who threaten to stop doing their jobs any time the public asks for accountability?

    I don't understand, someone joins a shitty, abusive system, and they still want to be considered good people! It's so unfair of them! Won't anyone think of the poor poor police officers and their poor guns and poor badges and poor qualified immunity, they're just good people perpetuating a broken system, what else should they do? Try to change things for the better?

    They willfully joined a system that was started as a means to arrest and return runaway slaves.... Are cops the baddies? No no, it's just a few bad apples, they're just following orders, etc. Right?

    Edit: What have I done? I joined the military, learned what actual responsibility was, and stopped giving wannabe soldiers who need military grade gear to feel safe against peaceful protestors a pass because "iT's JuSt A fEw BaD aPpLeS". I don't remember the National Guard attacking rioters during the Baltimore Riots, or during the BLM protests. That was only cops, y'know, the same ones you're saying are "good people" because they have good intentions.

    What intentions did the federal law enforcement officers have when they were throwing people into unmarked vans in Portland? Or randomly opening fire on peaceful protestors "out past curfew."

    I'm sure they were nothing but trying to fix the broken system they are a willing part of, they clearly weren't just class traitors.

    Oh, and you're asking why I haven't given any examples of good cop behavior? Two reasons: One, that's your job, I'm not defending cops, you are, so go ahead. And two, because there are no good cops, even the feel good stories are usually propaganda.

    But keep defending the institution that kills, again, 1,000 Americans per year and 10,000 dogs because your fragile ego can't handle the fact that shit people are shit. Welcome to the real world?

  • Anon plays spin the bottle
  • I don't read it as anon joining a game, I read it as he sat down with the group, and before they started, the girls said they would only hug anon.

    Agree it's not true and made up, but I didn't get the impression that anon was intruding on the game.

  • Donald Trump didn’t win by a historic landslide. It’s time to nip that lie in the bud
  • I thought it was "nip it in the butt" as well. Listening to Les Mis 10th Anniversary Edition, the way the gentleman who plays Javert always sounded like "butt" to me as well.

    To answer the other commenters question of what would that mean: for years, I thought it meant "nip" like a dog will nip your finger, and "in the butt" was like, "you'd pinch em in the butt" to get them to stop whatever they were doing.

    Also thought the line "Burnin' up his fuel, out there, alone" in Rocket Man was "Burnin' up the atmos-PHERE, he's gone" for years before a friend corrected me.

  • Texas governor warns of 'consequences' to hospital funding after doctor's viral TikTok
  • Get used to hearing the "pull funding" threat, it's how they're going to start chipping away at minority rights (LGBTQ+, women, Latino, Black, etc).

    Have your three branches of government pass an act tying a state-decision to federal funding ala the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, and we're going to see state's comply.

  • How would you process the fact that a new friend of yours is a cop? (USA)
  • I believe ACAB, and my cousin is actively trying to become a state trooper.

    Doesn't mean I walk up and spit in his face at every family gathering. We talk, we grew up together, we shoot the shit and have a good time.

    But if he asked me to condone or celebrate his job? Nah, he knows how I feel about the police and their profession, as long as he's safe and not drinking the Kool aid (he will) that's all I can hope. And that maybe he'll open his eyes someday. 🤷‍♀️

    As a hard rule, though, I won't date cops or mess around with them. One reached out on a dating app recently and I just politely responded with "I'm not interested in law enforcement, sorry" to which I got "Uh, I'm actually a correctional officer."

    Cool, so you abuse people after the police have finished abusing them, that's not the brag you think it is.

  • The Ultimate Self-Own: Actively applauding politicians that bypass the rule of law just to own your enemies
  • Ok, so, we're on the same side, idk where you're coming from so hot and heavy.

    I'm also not sure why you responded to my comment twice, but I'm not going to respond to them.

    I feel like you're putting words in my mouth...

    I never mentioned the IRS, I mentioned Al Capone and tax evasion, not as a "he could bribe his way out," but more as, "he broke tax evasion law, and that's what he was put away for. Just like how Hunter Biden broke the law, regardless of precedent, he should face the consequences."

    That's it, that's the only reason I brought it up, I'm fully aware Trump and ilk are going to gut everything they can. I'm on VA disability, I'm fully aware I'm likely to lose half my income under his administration, and I fully understand what lays ahead of us for the next four years.

    You poor poor soul ...

    See, this is just condescending, and unwarranted. I engaged your ideas, I didn't condescend to you.

    Yes, I understand you're point however...

    You don't, and you responded to this sentence twice across two comments, not sure why. I explained above.

    To bring up my imaginary neighbor Bob again. If we were in the 1920s and Bob got killed by a booze runner and I told you "that's not okay with me" would you're response be "this is how the system works"?

    The fuck are you talking about, who tf is Bob? If you told me "that's not okay with me," I'd tell you I agree. Why tf would I say "this is how the system works?"

    If whoever killed Bob got off because he was pardoned by his father, the POTUS, yeah, I'd tell you sorry, that's how the system works. It's a different system for the rich: I want the system as it is applied to them, and then maybe they'll change it. I don't want them getting to walk away because the system is unfair, so they shouldn't have to face it while we still will. That's asinine.

    No. What I said about Bidens son is valid. Yes the system often works that way for alot of people. I'm not okay with that. That's exactly my point. That's why I don't mind the pardon for Biden. I understand alot of people don't get pardoned for this obvious miscarriage of justice, I also understand he's getting better treatment because of his father... But to offer another comparison: "Bidens son get enough to eat because he's rich! Some people starve!" I'd reply to that "yes it's unfair alot of people starve because they are poor. That doesn't mean I want Bidens son to starve because of some kind of misguided attempt to make things fair. I don't want anyone to starve. I don't want anyone targeted illegally by police. It sucks only rich people get out of that situation. That doesn't mean I want more rich peoples kids harassed by police any more than I want more rich peoples kids to starve. That's not the avenue I think will solve the problem.

    I want Hunter to face the consequences of the system his father spent his entire political career building. Your examples are irrelevant, there are people suffering under the laws and system Biden built, idgaf that "the Republicans play dirty, wahhhh, we need to stoop to their level."

    Yeah, we fucking do, no shit Sherlock, but that needs to be done through legislation and loopholes, not protecting your criminal son after fucking over your entire country with your hubris. And spending your lame duck session doing fuck all for anyone but your family makes you a piece of shit who doesn't deserve defense.

    The solution is to make them less crappy.

    You act like you've come across this grand, "no one else can possibly understand my thought process, maaaaaaan" mountain man guru enlightenment. "I want the system to be more fair for all, and that system to be applied equally to all."

    That's your argument, right? That you took multiple examples to try to illustrate? That's how I'm understanding it, I'm almost sure that's what the 12 examples you gave are saying.

    Yeah, I agree, but that's not the current system. The current system is the one I described above, yeah, I agree, I wish it was better. Biden could have done something about that over the course of his 40+ year political career. And he did: he actively made it worse, and then gives the country the finger to pardon his criminal son.

    Fuck him, and fuck his pardon, I legitimately hope Trump still makes their lives a living hell. Y'know why? Because that's what's in store for me the next four years, and millions of people both like and unlike me. And you're gonna say, "No no no no Blitzo" and write twelve more paragraphs with forty more examples you don't think I could possibly have considered before writing this, I couldn't possibly have comprehended this example, to illustrate that no, that's just "I get kicked in the balls so he should too."

    No, it's not, because Biden built the house that we're all going to suffer in. His hubris and arrogance as "America's Savior" fucked us, he didn't pass any meaningful police reform like you keep screaming that we need, he didn't do shit to make the system better, and at the 11th hour he abuses his power to protect his family.

    No, fuck him. If he was worried about how the judicial system in the current form he helped create, not some idyllic one you keep saying we need to apply to them, then maybe he should have considered his actions and how they might affect his loved ones.

    Y'know, the same bullshit judges say to people when they're in court, after they've been entered into the system that, once again, Biden helped build. The system the rest of us suffer under because him and his party won't do shit about anything other than line their pockets.

    You wanna talk about pushing boundaries of your privilege? I went from a cis white male Navy sailor to a trans woman veteran, I'm fully aware of what minorities do and do not have the luxury of.

    You're acting like I think only Hunter should face the law, no, I think all of them should have: Trump, his kids, every insurrectionist, every fucking one of them. But guess what? Under the system Biden literally hand picked, he dragged his fucking feet and none of them will face consequences.

    And not only will they not face consequences, they're coming back into power, with a plan, because of fucking Biden and the DNC. So yeah, the system is fucked, but they should have to live under it just like we do, regardless of party or affiliation or wealth. Biden had 4 years to do that to Trump, blew it, and then did nothing to help us with his Presidential immunity but made sure his son was taken care of.

    Comparing him to Rosa Parks for that is fucking disgusting, and she definitely wouldn't want to be associated with open corruption like that.

  • What discussion you know you are on the wrong side of?
  • Unless you're providing statistical evidence to back up your claims, I'm not interested in discussing further.

    You can continue making whatever excuses you want to justify your mild transphobia, but I'm done debating with you, and haven't even read this response because it's nonsense.

    Whatever excuse you need to justify how an individual's request for you to respect their pronouns, their identity as a human being, is up for debate because it somehow inconveniences you.

  • What discussion you know you are on the wrong side of?
  • Except for the most extreme cases you can come up with, nothing is black and white, everything is grey, and your insistence that i must be a bad guy because i challenge anything makes you not terribly worth engaging.

    I'm still waiting for evidence of all of these numerous cases of people using pronouns for attention, and all these people making up sexual assault claims. You got any?

    Since I've clearly lost the argument entirely (sure, bud, sure), you clearly must have a plethora of evidence and examples that actually support your claim.

    This entire comment is attacking me, and nothing that I actually said, while using generalizations to paint this picture that I don't understand unless I can use extremely specific examples.

    What part of "This entire debate is a debate about respect" do you not understand, and what argument is there to be had about that? I'd love to hear it, I'd love for you to actually engage with anything I've said beyond "yOu HaVe To UnDeRsTaNd ThEiR pOiNt Of ViEw."

    I already covered the grey areas, if you actually what I wrote, you're just being willfully ignorant about it. "No one should be yelled at for a genuine mistake, but eventually it's not a mistake and you need to grow." Wow, yeah, whole lot of grey area in that one too, PHEW, we're demanding the world.

    but you are not a good champion of the cause of all you can come up with is mocking straw men arguments and feigning indignance.

    I asked you for statistical evidence to back up your claims and you've provided none, so I've had to argue your own ridiculous arguments that fell apart under the most basic scrutiny. Sorry you have a terrible take on this? That's my fault too, that's me mocking straw men arguments (so you're admitting that your arguments are all bad faith, straw men arguments, glad to hear it) and feigning indignance?

    I'm not feigning anything, once again, using preferred pronouns is basic respect to another human being, and while no one should be offended by genuine mistakes, your continued defense of not showing trans people respect if their pronouns aren't up to your standard, is transphobic.

    So, I apologize if someone who refuses to provide any evidence to back up their claims that there are so very many instances of people making up pronouns, or any instance of how someone requesting certain pronouns creates such an undo burden on the rest of society, isn't worth me engaging with further.

    Keep making excuses for why you have it so much worse than the marginalized group who's request for respect is apparently a fucking debate.

    Absolute clown.

  • Part I: Democrats' risk-aversion helped to re-elect Trump
  • American's inability to responsibly inform and engage themselves in our political affairs.

    I don't agree, I still put the majority of the blame at the feet of the DNC. They wouldn't run on progressive policies, but also refused to compromise with the electorate on anything.

    Almost 66 million people voted for Hillary in 2016. Over 81 million voted for Biden in 2020, the campaign where Biden's team worked with Bernie's team to bring some progressive-policy to his platform. Yes, four years of Trump and the pandemic helped that voter turnout, but I'd argue it was more the progressive platform.

    And in 2024, just under 75 million voted for Harris, who ran a centrist, status quo campaign, and thought "We're not Trump" was enough to engage voters. Bernie was right, Americans want change, and being promised nothing more than a continuation of the status quo, people stayed home.

    And before anyone says "The voters knew the price and their hubris cost all of us, I hope they're happy!" Why couldn't the DNC compromise? Harris lost Michigan by less numbers than protest voted in the primaries, so why couldn't the DNC change course on Gaza? They were the ones telling us the threat that Trump is, they were the ones urging us to give them money to fight (and as soon as they lost, stopped fighting), they were the ones telling us they know best and that they're going to shift right when we were asking them to move left.

    I get it, 77 million people voted for Trump, and that is a problem. But, roughly 90 million Americans didn't vote, so instead of pushing the party right and parading around with Cheney in an attempt to win over Republicans, then demanding our vote anyway (I voted Harris, fyi) because "Trump fascist, Harris not fascist", maybe they could try... Popular, progressive policies that will resonate with all Americans? Policies that may actually make those in the "both sides are the same" camp to say, "Y'know what, they're actually not the same!"

    It's a crazy thought, but it could work.

  • Nutruletion
  • It's the color of the gelatin... It almost looks like congealed fat...

    This... This is an abomination... We have looked God in the eye and spit in his face, and this is the monument of our hubris...

    Far worse than the video a friend showed me of the woman who seasons her hotdogs in Italian dressing before cooking them 🤢

  • The Ultimate Self-Own: Actively applauding politicians that bypass the rule of law just to own your enemies
  • You can't just follow someone every day until you find something to nail them on. That's not how the system is supposed to work.

    This is how the system works though. Cops can follow you while driving and wait for you to make a mistake to pull you over. They can plant evidence to take you in, lie to you to get you to confess (despite your innocence), and then still put you away/worse despite evidence exonerating you, or you withdrawing your confession. And this is under a system that Biden spent his political career helping build.

    Not saying that's how it should work, but that's definitely how it works for us little people. And if it's how it works for us, it's how it's supposed to work for everyone, not everyone except the family members of politicians.

    Al Capone was taken down on tax evasion, not murder and booze/drug running. Hunter still broke the law, and precedent means nothing in today's America. This gives the "both sides" people another fact to throw out there (regardless of justification, Biden still pardoned his son) as justification for not voting since clearly the president's children are now above the law (since Trump and Biden have now done it).

    Biden just told the country that he doesn't believe in the system he helped create to guard against abuse, so he's going to protect his son and wish the rest of us luck because, well...

    I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about. (When asked how he would feel if he lost to Trump during an interview on July 5, 2024)

    • President Joe Biden
  • What was cancelled or discontinued that you wish wasn't or that they brought it back?
  • Galavant, it was a show that only lasted a season, two seasons, but was just kind of a medieval-era musical drama/comedy that didn't take itself too seriously.

    The songs were catchy, the characters were a little corny but grew on you, and the actors could sing fairly well. But, it only got one season and ended on a cliffhanger, so we'll never know what could have been I think it deserved one more season to bring some closure to some things. :/

    🎶Way back in days of old, there was a legend told, about a hero known as Galavant🎶

    Edit: another user pointed out a few things I was wrong about, edited to correct.

  • Would hickory be good for making handles for files?

    My cousin's girlfriend (they're both trades workers) recently brought up that she'd like if I (a woodworker) could make her some handles for her work files, as they're currently bare metal. At the time, I mentioned I'd probably use maple to make them, since maple tends to be more figured and visually appealing.

    However, I picked up three pieces of hickory today for a figurative steal (I got them for $1 each). I know hickory is the gold standard for axe and hammer handles, but would they be a good choice for file handles? I imagine they would hold up better than maple since hickory is harder, and could potentially help with vibrations while using the tools, but if it's basically a moot point with such a small handle, I'll just got with what she'd find more aesthetically pleasing.

    What to do with an old cellar bulkhead are?

    Hello all,

    I bought a house a few months ago and am planning out improvements and such. When I had the house inspected, we discovered that this mysterious door in the basement was actually the entrance to a former bulkhead that was renovated over (a laundry room and small mudroom were built over it).

    It's basically concrete walls/foundation with some exposed studs and beams along the top, some loose insulation and such, and then a set of concrete stairs connecting to the foundation/walls. My realtor suggested turning it into a wine cellar kind of thing, but I would prefer to use it as a lumber storage area for a side business I'm trying to build. To do so, however, I would need to remove the concrete stairs.

    Can I just remove them (with power tools) without any damage to the foundation or structural integrity? Should I have someone come check it out first and make sure it's safe? It's wasted space currently, and I'd prefer to be able to use more of the space if possible.

    Thank you for any advice/tips/etc!

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