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"but- But- inflation go brrrr πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ"
  • And most franchises are required to purchase their raw ingredients from the parent corporation, which means that even if they choose to be flexible on their prices their baseline costs are still set by a global conglomerate.

  • Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • I wouldn't expect people who don't have the self-discipline needed to cook a frozen pizza in the oven to be capable of organizing a large-scale national rebellion.

  • Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?
  • If you look around and are informed then you can easily purchase drives that are designed for Nas use. I shucked three eight terabyte Western digital external hard drives and they were all WD reds, but because of the deal they were running they were $60 a piece cheaper inside of the shell than they were outside of the shell.

  • Use volcanic ash to reverse global warming
  • And, just like people who install solar panels on their homes tend to use more energy than people who do not, finding a tricky way to buy additional time for us will only exacerbate and prolong how long we are destructive as a species to the planet that we live on.

  • Man accused of using generative AI to create virus in Japan 1st
  • You are correct, but I hope we can all agree there is a special place in hell reserved for people who interfere with health workers and cause death in the process.

    That's right on par with raping a nun, or a priest diddling a kid in my book.

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • I can move my fingertip joints without moving the rest of my finger.

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • I can also ear rumble, it is not tied to my blinking at all, but if I vibrate my eyes while my ears are rumbling they both move at the same ~60hz frequency.

  • Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?
  • It's called shucking and it happens a lot especially in the home server home lab community.

  • What song insinuates itself into all your playlists and why do you think it's there?
  • What happens when the heart just stops by the frames. Went through a breakup not too long ago, just feeling The vibes now.

  • EcoFlow’s $200 PowerStream is so clever, you might buy a $4,000 solar generator
  • That's a pretty standard issue with grid tied solar systems. You save a lot of money by not having batteries, but when the neighborhood goes down you go down with it.

    Plus you don't want to be pumping electricity into a downed power system, you could actually end up hurting a line man who is working on the system.

    However, and both of these issues can be resolved by adding in a generator and a whole house cut off system.

    In a power outage scenario, all you would have to do is throw the crossover switch and crank the generator. The generator would produce enough energy to reactivate the solar system.

  • EcoFlow’s $200 PowerStream is so clever, you might buy a $4,000 solar generator
  • The first problem is solved by line sensing technology. If there is not power coming in and off of the switch then the inverter will not pump energy back into the system, at least on the ones that are not $12 cheap Chinese junk off of taobao.

    And rather than suicide cords they generally have an IEC connector (standard rhombusy shaped computer power connector) on one end and a normal prong on the other.

    But you are right that it is dangerous and not recommended to anyone, especially the people that are not smart enough to take the appropriate concerns and considerations into mind before using it.

  • EcoFlow’s $200 PowerStream is so clever, you might buy a $4,000 solar generator
  • That happens quite a bit in a lot of areas. It sounds stupid but your toaster does not care where the electricity it is using comes from.

    As long as the sine waves are in sync with each other then you have nothing to worry about.

    It's probably not standard in America because the technology is newer and the regulations haven't caught up.

  • Happens once per thread
  • Like I said. You're wrong.

    I definitely understand how women would be afraid of encountering a random man in the forest. I also understand that the advantage of encountering a bear is that they would know to immediately run the fuck away. And I can understand how that scenario makes them feel.

    Just because I can see the other side does not mean I endorse the other side. Broaden your mind

  • Happens once per thread
  • I have no dog in the fight. I'm merely a spectator commenting on what I see.

    So you can draw whatever conclusions you wish about the side that I'm picking in this debate and you're going to be wrong.

  • Happens once per thread
  • It's a fallacy to put one vs many in an argument like this.

    Individual men were hurt by feeling classified as more dangerous to a random woman than a bear in the woods when their lived experiences place them well below that threat, even though they are aware that there is a portion of men who are more dangerous to random women in the woods than the average bear, but their responses were taken as an attack on women rather than an expression of personal indignation and further proof that men are dangerous.

    Individual women got to express their experiences and opinions in a way that got through to a lot of men and other women what they felt as a whole, but since groups are unable to address individual responses eloquently and on an even level, they trampled over a lot of innocent men.

    There are no winners in scenarios like these, and anything you add or subtract from the argument paints you in a bad light.

    The only winning move is not to play.

  • Happens once per thread
  • I wonder if that's not cherry picking because the man v bear argument was literally designed to initiate controversy and discussion, it's a very polarizing question.

  • Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul β€” and a monthly subscription price
  • And you could also look at the real world. We have boost air.

  • Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul β€” and a monthly subscription price
  • I wouldn't get your hopes up too high.

    You're thinking like you are the customer and the customer is always right, so if you pay for a service it should provide you what you want, right?

    This is not that scenario.

    You are not the customer. You are a product that is being sold to advertisers. It does not matter if you also pay them money, you are still the product. If you pay them money on top of being sold then you are just an especially profitable product.

    Paying them money will not cause you to cease being a product, no matter how much money you are willing to pay.

    If you use a different company's product that starts off with you being the customer, eventually, they will learn that they can make more money by selling you to other people, and they will.

  • Pills (Take Two)
  • I don't know if you're from the states but if you are purchasing mega millions or Powerball tickets, they stop sales at about 6:45 p.m. Pacific time and then do the drawing sometime after 7:00 of the same day.

    I interpreted it as you would repeat the exact same day 365 times, not that you would repeat the exact same year over and over again.

  • Do you ever go back and reread your own posts and find yourself wondering how the hell you managed to say the words that you said?

    Like sometimes I'll make a post and I go back and I reread it and I'm like somebody way smarter than me wrote this, and sometimes I'll go back and reread it and wonder how the fuck was I so stupid as to write this?

    Is that the way it is for you also, or am I just weirder than the average person?

    Grandma's cat, 1957

    She doesn't remember his name, only that he was the biggest cat she ever had and that he scratched her piano

    If you had a one-way ticket to Jan 1, 1999 that departs on Jan 1, 2024, and you are allowed to bring whatever fits into a backpack with you, what would you bring to use to take over the world, and how

    Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history.

    Edit: also assume that you can be given a healthy 21-year-old body if you want or take your previous self's place.

    Further, identification will be provided for you if you were not born at that time.

    Are there any good Black Friday deals this year?

    Feel free to share links and talk about what's good about the deal


    Fresh out of the devil's playbook

    Memes Bizarroland
    Words of diy audio wisdom from the GOAT
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