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What is up with all the German posts about pizza today?
  • American here. I love the German meme communities if even I don't always understand the joke. Thanks for letting us know how you guys are doing and I hope everyone lands safely in the new server.

  • Outrage as China hospital charges patient fee for sitting down on a chair while receiving an intravenous infusion as health authority says fee is in line with regulations
  • So this is China's take on Facility fees. They just actually have the balls to list what the charge actually entailed.

  • They're just fun to browse through, ok?
  • I turned the old drive into an external for now. Baby steps before learning to build my own server.

  • They're just fun to browse through, ok?
  • My husband's computer recently died and he was very scared about the possibility of losing 40 plus gigs of digital RPG rule books. I did manage to save the drive so all was good.

  • Snack Size
  • And together they will all sing me the song of their people in a glorious harmony of "AHHHH."

  • PSI
  • My African Grey could easily cause me serious damage but he does hold back by only giving me warning bites. He thinks he's being gentle but it still hurts and I don't ever forget what they are capable of.

  • PSI
  • Ooo yea rubbing alcohol works too in a pinch. I've been lucky enough not to have to do it. I typically stuck to working with our carpet pythons and left the boas to my husband.

  • PSI
  • No not where I live. When my husband and I kept hot inverts along with our snakes I kept a comprehensive supplemental insurance just in case someone got hurt, but the laws here only apply for reporting illegal animals.

  • PSI
  • The key to dealing with a (pet) snake bite is to not pull back in fear. Their teeth are definitely like Velcro. Usually I'd just let them go to town and then run some hot tap water over their head. They don't like the water and immediately let go. With birds you're getting hurt no matter what you do.

  • PSI
  • Crazy parrot and reptile lady here to confirm. I would much rather take a bite from a large snake any day of the week than take a bite from one of my birds. I've had to get stitches multiple times because of my little feathered assholes.

  • Like a prion
  • Had a good snort at that title. Well played.

  • Ya know what they say about big noses....
  • Well at the the article did sort of explain why the team was pursuing this line of study. Too bad they didn't learn anything more useful.

  • slow federation
  • Hi Sal, thanks for the update and everything you do here! Glad to hear that everything is okay and I completely understand being busy.😊 Fingers crossed on the new version fixing most of the issued.

  • slow federation

    I was curious if anyone knows anything about the large delay for content coming in from There's a discussion over there in one of fediverse communities and apparently we're like a week behind in receiving data.

    The Talos Principle 2 | Road to Elysium Reveal Trailer | Coming June 14
  • I didn't even know this was coming. I'm beyond excited.

  • A map of the British Empire in America (1746)
  • If you've ever been in southern VA in the summer you'll understand the name "Dismal." It is nice that we have protected wetlands though.

  • Danger Noodle
  • Ah yes, the "Flounder" of the snek world.

  • Stare at it.
  • I can hear the vocal inflections in this comic.

  • everything actually important is already metric
  • My theory on this is we use the imperial weights when describing the size in relation to the jail time associated with getting caught with it and then switch to metric for personal use.

  • [Discussion] Do you still use your Steam Deck much?
  • I'm using mine almost exclusively now. My PS4 is dying and I don't want a PS5 so I'm currently buying my favorite games from that system in steam. Occasionally I'll co-op game on the Xbox with my husband and I'll pick up my switch whenever I get the itch to play animal crossing. But truthfully my vision is getting worse as I get older so the steam deck has become my favorite. My only regret is not getting the version with bigger storage. I haven't tried streaming games from my PC yet but that's my only option right now for larger games like Forza.

  • It's a sad day Sheldon Menery, Magic Great, Passes

    It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we mourn the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Sheldon Menery.

    Sheldon Menery, Magic Great, Passes
    Tarantula mid molt

    Here's another old picture from my vault. This is one of our Greenbottle blue tarantulas (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens). We spent the day watching this little guy molt from start to finish and took pictures of the whole process. You can see in this picture that he is laid out on his back on his molting malt. At this stage he has split from the carapace lengthwise down the sides and is currently pulling his legs out of the molt. We had two at the time and wanted to breed them but they both turned out to males.

    Bert is not amused

    Playing a game of magic with my husband at the table and look over to see Bert giving us side-eye. Bert prefers dance parties over card games.


    Here's a pic of my favorite little guy and one the only good pictures I've ever taken. Unfortunately he turned out to be a male so I didn't have him too long but he was a great tarantula to keep.

    Mr Max gets his nails done

    I don't know how many of you follow Mr Max on YouTube. There are many videos of him throwing tantrums about going to the vet. A new video just came out and we finally get to see what all the fuss is about!

    Aviandelight Aviandelight
    Posts 6
    Comments 418