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"We can get rid of Hamas by nuking Gaza." - Least genocidal Zionist (CW: genocidal Zionist showing the aftermath of Hiroshima)

> ?חידה מס 2: כמה חיילים אמריקנים נהרגו בקרב על הירושימה

> Riddle #2: How many American soldiers were killed in the battle for Hiroshima?


tl;dw: The player massed a campaign-only building that allows you to mind-control Zerg, which he used to convert mutalisks and broodlords until he had a giant army of 250+ mutalisks when he then proceeded to go on a huge rampage

Some of the worst ableism I've ever experienced has been from other autistic people and it sucks
  • At least for people online, I sometimes wonder how many of those shitty autistic people are actually autistic people and not just misanthropic NTs with poor social skills because no one wants to deal with their misanthropic ass. White people raceplay all the time online, and I see absolutely no reason why NTs won't do the same. Just look at how autism is portrayed in pop culture. It's always some smug shithead who's good at math or something and who acts like a rude asshole because he (and it's always a man) "tells it like it is" because he "doesn't understand social cues."

    For all its reputation, 4chan and similar communities do not strike me as a place where the rate of autism is noticeably higher than the rest of the Internet. Being a socially awkward misanthropic shithead doesn't make you autistic. It just makes you an NT who's also a socially awkward misanthropic shithead. In contrast, furry communities strike me as extremely autistic:

    1. There has been studies shown that autistic children are more quickly attached to plushies and it's common wisdom that this love for plushies extends to adulthood among many autistic adults. It shouldn't be surprising that a group of ND people who are very attached to animal plushies would be part of a subculture involving animal personas.

    2. Furries are socially awkward, but not in some shithead misanthropic chip-on-their-shoulder way like a channer. The fursonas and fursuits and so on are a means of getting around that social awkwardness. There's overall a cheerful desire to emotionally connect with people despite the social awkwardness. In this light, I see their social awkwardness as something that they genuinely see as an obstacle but lack the tools to truly overcome, which points more to them being ND than NT who hasn't practiced their social skills because they got bullied too much at school.

    3. Just having a rich imaginative world strikes me as something ND. NT are far more likely to reject and be more judgmental about rich imaginative worlds by calling it maladaptive daydreaming or something. Not that maladaptive daydreaming isn't something that affects people or that NTs don't know how to roleplay, but frankly, I don't see NTs valuing a rich imagination for its own sake.

    4. The real smoking gun is that furry communities are intensely queer. Honestly, nothing more needs to be said at this point.

    I guess my point is that there's far more to autism than social awkwardness (which I don't think is even true since social skills are a constellation of skills and it's extremely unlikely that someone with autism would suck at every single one of those skills, but this post is getting too long). And as for the person who got banned for using slurs, they're just another "autism is when no social filters" shithead who's probably not even autistic.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from August 14th to August 20th, 2023 - America's War On Pipelines
  • Copium of this concentration sublimates at room temperature, making handling of it extremely dangerous.

  • Ukraine to compete at 2024 Olympics on one condition: athletes from Russia and Belarus must perform under neutral flags
  • We're talking about potentially getting rid of Putin's regime and it's being done without sending any of our troops to die.

    The people surrounding Putin who are most likely to replace him are hardliners who think Kiev should be glassed. Part of the motivation behind the Wagner mutiny is Prigo thinking Shoigu isn't going hard enough in Ukraine. Contrary to liberal bots who only listen to what CNN tells them, it's good for everyone involved that the Wagner mutiny was completely deflated. There wouldn't be much of a Ukraine left if Prigo was in charge, and Prigo is not the only one.

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • Hey buddy, you didn't reply to my earlier post about Guaido getting owned. Running away from your emotions won't make them go away. Cmon, let's sit down and have a chat about how you feel. Does that make you mad?

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • Check their history. Langley is definitely not sending their best.

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • Your entire history on Lemmy is malding over Guaido getting BTFO. How mad does that make you feel? Don't be shy.

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • Left unity is everyone dunking on this trash take.

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • That's not fair to Estonians. This can only come from the mind of a Burgerländer.

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • How Guaido doing these days lmao Does it make you mad the "elected" president is never going to actually be president lol

  • I wonder if there's any academic discussion, or even papers with coined terminology in circulation, regarding the "forgotten reboot" phenomenon.
  • By that, I mean when an old and dormant franchise tries to reboot itself (often, again) and even if the new film (or show) has some success, it's largely forgotten over time compared to what it was intended to be rebooting.

    So like how Tom and Jerry/Looney Tunes cartoons are still being made, but people still only care about the originals?

  • Fuck Ukrainian Azov Nazis and fuck anyone who defends them
  • Russia could have stuck with the accepted modern method of Imperialism though, wherein you don't invade countries with armies but instead you use soft power and economic integration.

    If you're talking about neocolonialism, neocolonialism still requires boots on the ground. Why do you think AFRICOM has military bases throughout Africa or why jihadist separatist groups like Boko Haram curiously always align with the strategic goals of the US state department? There were Danish troops rampaging around Mali before post-coup Mali told the Danes to fuck off back to Scandinavia. Just because Western troops were "invited" to those countries by neocolonial puppets doesn't mean they don't represent just another form of foreign occupation. At least when Russia invaded Ukraine, you could argue that Russia was trying to safeguard the Russian minority. Not sure what kind of excuse you could pull for French troops in "ex" French colony Niger (despite the coup, French troops are still in Niger).

  • Fuck Ukrainian Azov Nazis and fuck anyone who defends them
  • Libs always reveal themselves to be homophobic (stop sucking Putin's dick) or ableist (you are fucking insane) when you push them hard enough.

  • This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • "Wow, Blockbuster sucks because I have to drive to a physical store. I know, let's open up another brick-and-mortar store that's exactly like Blockbuster minus the name recognition. That'll show 'em!"

  • Critical support for the Lemmy world peeps in their fight against pro-intellectual property nerds
  • Who wants to bet "criminals" is a euphemism for a certain melanin-rich ethnic group?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Was Is Elon Musk Full Of Shit About Free Speech???

    Yes, next question.

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    Painite Painite is the rarest gemstone in the world. It is so rare that only about 300 painite crystals have ever been found. Painite is a c...

    Painite: One of the Rarest Gemstones in the World

    > Painite is one of the rarest gem mineral in the world. Only about 300 painite crystals have ever been found, and most of them are very small. The largest painite crystal ever found is only about 2.5 centimeters in length. Because of its rarity, painite is also one of the most expensive gem minerals in the world.

    0 At 4.4 Billion Years Old, This Is The Oldest Piece Of Earth Ever Found

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    At 4.4 Billion Years Old, This Is The Oldest Piece Of Earth Ever Found

    Here's the Wikipedia article on these billions year old crystals:

    AssortedBiscuits AssortedBiscuits [they/them]

    mfw you still use Windows in 2023 !

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