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Penguins ❤️
  • Humans cuddle platonically/familially. I also wonder if it's maybe not more like holding hands which isn't always romantic among humans depending on culture. Again, arguing 0% on the gayness, my only beef is with the anthropomorphization, and the whole point of acknowledging in the first place is that no human has any real way of knowing what's going on in an animal's head.

  • Penguins ❤️
  • The gesture almost can't mean the same thing to a creature that doesn't have a pair of soft appendages with some of the densest nerve clusters on its entire body in that specific location. But yeah raising a child together is pretty darn gay. I guess they could be platonically coparenting but tbh that seems like an even bigger anthropomorphization. "They're gay, Karen" is honestly just occam's razor for this situation.

  • CBT
  • I found dialectal behavior therapy in particular had a strong focus towards preparing me to face injustice by teaching me how to control, conserve, and target my energy most effectively towards such goals.

  • Ultra-processed foods need tobacco-style warnings, says scientist
  • Nah do it like they do in Europe. Pictures of what it looks like to be held to the bed screaming by a 19y/o who had no idea what they signed up for while an ICU nurse shoves a tube up your ass so that the diarrhea they induced to rebalance your ammonia doesn't dissolve your anus as quickly except she can't get the tube to stay in because your anus has already been slightly dissolved so she keeps shoving the tube back in and you're still screaming because you're in acute alcohol withdrawal and the terrified child they're paying $12 an hour to help the ICU nurse restrain you seems to have snakes crawling out of their dinner-plate sized eyes.

  • Arizona doctors have final deciding power for emergency abortions, attorney general says
  • I've seen so many patients at the brink of death while doctors hot potato them around because no one wants to be holding the bag when the patient either gives a nurse a tbi or stops breathing from the medication you gave them to stop them from clubbing the nurses over the head. There are so many horribly medically (and usually simultaneously socially) complex patients that organizations are too afraid to treat because the risk is too high to be profitable and that's all that matters anymore.

  • I remember noticing this as well when watching that episode
  • Yeah there's a reason blind people wear sunglasses; retinal damage can be extremely dangerous, both UV and blunt trauma. Blindness also means you're lacking the visual threat reflex (blinking/flinching) which can result in a buuunch of other stuff getting damaged, like even just the sinuses/breathey holes and breathey tubes cuz they're literally right there.

  • Human Arm Found On Illinois Beach Identified As Black Wisconsin College Student Killed And Dismembered After First Date | Essence
  • You can be unsurprised AND say wtf. I do it all the time when patients run down the hall naked and covered in shit. Sometimes life just sucks so bad that even the expected stuff warrants a nice hot shower with a cold beer, and in the moment you just say wtf so you don't have to think about the situation any more than you already have.

  • Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant
  • I try to read all the articles I post but for this one I noped out after 1 sentence. Enjoy!

    I gotchu.

    Bro had prostate cancer at some point and the article says they removed his bladder. The "surgical wound" is likely a permanent ostomy, where the internal ureters (which no no longer have a bladder to drain into) are redirected right out of the abdominal wall (there's usually a bag taped on to catch the urine). I forgot they usually just drain them into the intestines if you still have them, which is why they were involved in this. Anyway, my guy was doing well and they were pretty sure he was healed up, but age and possibly chemo both slow healing and doctors (like the rest of us) aren't perfect. Because he was pretty sure he was healed up, he went to breakfast to celebrate, and happened to sneeze. Sneezing raises pressure in the abdomen, and busted his intestines right out of that almost healed wound. The article correctly refers to this as "wound dehiscence (opening) and evisceration (the bowels protruding)."

    In nursing school, they actually teach you specifically what to do about this specific occurrence. First you sit the patient all the way up and honestly leaning forward over their legs a little. This takes pressure off the abdominal skin so it doesn't tear any further than it has. Then you cover the wound in sterile gauze soaked in sterile saline. If you have an abdominal surgery that has dehiscence and evisceration as possible complications, you likely will not have access to sterile gauze or sterile saline on you at all times, especially not if you've gotten far enough into recovery to be going to brekkie, but any reputable surgeon will be happy to provide their own specific instructions as to how to manage the situation until the EMTs arrive, which I encourage you to follow.

  • [WP] You're a housepet a person is trying to take a picture of with their smartphone and you have no idea what that is, or what they're doing with it instead of petting you or giving you food.

    Not gonna share my AO3 handle but I get a fair amount of praise for my stream of non-human consciousness bits so (if it's your jam) I really encourage you to take a deep dive into sensory and processing differences between you and the animal you're attempting to depict. Its fascinating (or I'm a huge nerd lol).

    As a semi-related example, a dog can have difficulty seeing a yellow ball against green grass due to red-green colorblindness, so you could also write an angry epistolary to just get a blue fucking ball already because nobody can fucking see that Jared.

    Y'all just using it wrong

    I'm actually not kidding I needed some help constructing some "highbrow humor" (I was making a childish poop joke in the nursing station) and was actually pretty impressed with the results. When I double checked there weren't a lot of search results for horse apples referring to poop (although there were some). Apparently that term usually refers to a specific fruit that isn't even an apple??? But that was the only one that didn't follow.

    I've actually found AI pretty good at doing background work for my creative endeavors, but it certainly lacks that special mix of optimism and deep bitterness that most human creatives can convey with ease.

    Here's the complete list for the curious:


    Sure, here's a list of words that refer to feces, both formal and colloquial:

    1. Feces
    2. Stool
    3. Excrement
    4. Bowel movement
    5. Poop
    6. Crap
    7. Dung
    8. Manure
    9. Droppings
    10. Turd
    11. Number two
    12. Waste
    13. Poo
    14. Doo-doo
    15. Shit
    16. Scat
    17. Guano (for bird or bat feces)
    18. Cow pie
    19. Cow patty
    20. Plop
    21. Logs
    22. BMs (short for bowel movements)
    23. Dumps
    24. Ca-ca

    Let me know if you need more specific terms or regional variations!


    Certainly! Here are some more specific and regional variations of words referring to feces:

    1. British English:

      • Poo
      • Poo-poo
      • Bog roll (toilet paper, indirectly referring to feces)
    2. Australian English:

      • Poo
      • Turd
      • Droppings
    3. American English:

      • Poop
      • Doody
      • Dookie
    4. Informal/Slang:

      • Crap
      • Dump
      • Load
      • Logs
      • Brownie
      • Mud
      • Nugget
      • Bomb
      • Chunks
      • Dirt
      • Sludge
      • Stink
    5. Medical/Scientific Terms:

      • Fecal matter
      • Fecal matter
      • Stools
      • Bowel contents
    6. Childish Terms:

      • Poopy
      • Poopsie
      • Tootsie
      • Number two
      • Doo-doo
      • Poopy-doo
      • Poo-poo
    7. Animal-Specific Terms:

      • Scat (wild animals, particularly carnivores)
      • Guano (birds and bats)
      • Cow pie (cattle)
      • Horse apples (horses)
      • Litter (cats)
      • Rabbit pellets (rabbits)
      • Sheep droppings
      • Goat pellets
    8. Regional Variations:

      • Caca (Spanish)
      • Merde (French)
      • Scheisse (German)
      • Shite (Irish/Scottish)
      • Kaka (Filipino/Tagalog)
      • Tahi (Maori)

    If you have any particular region or context in mind, let me know!

    When did you know a career was either the perfect or the worst match for your personality?

    I'm trying to give someone advice on choosing a career that will suit them better than the one they're in and hate. I wanted to get together a list of good questions for them to ask themselves so they can use the answers to compare options like "do you prefer to work sitting or moving around," "do you want to not work weekends" etc.

    What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?

    Mine is fresh highschool graduates getting 2 weeks of training to go work acute, all-male forensic psychiatry. We're taking criminally insane men who are unsafe to put on a unit with criminally insane women.

    ...and they would send fresh high school graduates (often girls because hospitals in general tend to be female-dominated) in the yoga pants and club makeup they think are proffessional because they literally have 0 previous work experience to sit suicide watch for criminally insane rapists who said they were suicidal because they knew they would send some 18y/o who doesn't know any better to sit with them. It went about how you would expect the hundreds of times I watched it happen.

    My favorite float technician was the 60 year old guy who was super gassy and looked like an off-season Santa. Everybody hated that guy because they said he was super lazy but he would sit suicide watch all fucking shift without complaining and he almost never failed to dissapoint a sex pest who thought they were gonna get some eye candy (or worse).

    What's your example?

    Psychology Apytele
    I've had almost this exact conversation numerous times: an excellent example of why you avoid arguing with delusions in clinical practice. Patient thinks he is is dead

    Stand-up comedy tickets: Dr. Socko hospital grip socks: links: me on...

    Patient thinks he is is dead

    This is Nurse Apy with some quick practical tips on communicating with someone who has a serious mental illness! (SMI)

    (Obviously the video is not a real patient, but I can't show you a real patient and I stg this is actually pretty spot on.)

    Delusions have a tendency to strengthen themselves when confronted. Instead of new observations or information weakening the belief, they're usually incorporated into the delusional belief system. This means that when the person encounters that information or situation in the future, that information/situation will actually continually strengthen the belief. Don't confront delusions; instead, redirect!

    Try to redirect the conversation towards things that reconnect the person with the wider human community. Ppl with serious and ongoing delusions have a tendency to become progressively isolated from those around them. They want to talk about delusional topics, and most people only know how to confront them about something they can clearly see is untrue. This pushes the person further into their delusions to avoid conflict with those around them. This isolation also often leads to suicidal ideation, behavior, and completion, ppl w psychosis are some of the highest risks of suicide.

    Ways you can try to connect with the person are as varied as humans themselves. As the person who actually knows and interacts with a given person, you are likely the most knowledgeable about what the best topic to do that is in a given situation. Common examples include sports, popular media, and hobbies like sewing, woodworking, or gardening. Bonus points if it's related to a communal activity of some kind.

    As an aside, this is a big reason q-anon rose to popularity during the pandemic and has remained entrenched ever since. It provided community where people were missing it, and we have a very confrontational and argumentative culture that often serves to strengthen ingrained belief systems like this.

    TLDR: if you want to get your aunt off her q-anon roll, try to get her to go back to gardening club instead (preferably one that is not also q-anon-ers, a lot of people pushing it also understand these concepts).

    What vital task did you not realize someone was doing regularly until they suddenly stopped?

    Could be a partner, roommate, coworker, or somebody you volunteered with. They could have stopped for any reason from leaving, getting sick or hurt or even dying to just getting sick of doing that one thing and stopping.

    DIY Apytele
    Idea for heavy glass beads?

    I'm trying to clear out my crafting supplies before moving in a few months.

    Anyone know any cool patterns? I don't even know if they could all be in one jewelry piece; they're very heavy.

    What hobbies or volunteer work require creative problem solving from lots of different areas?

    I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. When I work on a project I use anything from woodworking and sewing to chemistry and physics to human physiology and psychology. I also like reading up then chatting about random science and history and art stuff. I like working with computers occasionally, and I'll just randomly throw some basic geometry or algebra into a project, but I was also an art student so I'm not half bad at making things visually appealing either.

    I have a job where I often get a chance to use my various areas of semi-expertise when I pick up a side project, but that's led me into getting waaay overinvolved in my work and neglecting my outside relationships. What hobbies or other non-professional things could I get involved in that would give me that same opportunity to flex my creativity when solving a problem?

    Anyone else find the decision to code Raava as femme and Vaatu as masc an interesting (although not necessarily bad) choice?

    I've been doing a lot of reading into various spiritual concepts and practices from around the world and typically light/order/yang is masculine and dark/chaos/yin is usually feminine. Is there another concept that's being referenced or is this just a minor but interesting artistic decision?

    I was a little disappointed that they played Raava as "good"; I've always preferred media like Babylon 5 where it turns out the vorlons are fucking with humanity too, but I can see why they might not put all that in a kids show.

    Link to the FanArt

    The Four Evangelists

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    Best advice columnists?

    Like in the same vein as Ask Amy or Dear Prudence. I'm trying to get away from Best of Redditor Updates but I'm not ready to quit my "oh no she didn't!" addiction just yet.

    Can we all agree to look up a local third party candidate and mention their name to someone you know who is also local?

    I like but am very open to other resources or suggestions for how to get good info. Honestly half the reason I'm posting this is to start a solid thread of resources.

    Whatever other affiliations or beliefs you have, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that we're not getting them out by starting at a national level. We need to get people back into talking about politics that don't involve Trump or Biden and people suck and are also just very depressed right now so we need to make it easy.

    So today's social health challenge is to find a local candidate to start namedropping online or in person at least once or twice a week for the next six months. Encourage others to do the same. Get people talking about literally anyone third party. I don't even care if they're even actually a good candidate or whatever just stop letting them make the conversation about Trump and Biden!

    Most unique looking celebrities?

    I'm working on a side project studying variations in human facial features. It's been helpful to study celebrity faces because it's easy to find numerous reference photos. I've actually got a fairly good range of weird looking white men, turns out Hollywood is pretty flush with those, but it's been harder to find unique looking women or darker skinned people of any gender! Idk if I just don't know as many actors in those demographics, or if it's just harder to break into Hollywood as a weird looking person without also being white and male, but it's probably some combination of the two.

    What're y'alls suggestions?

    If you had to give one piece of advice that is pretty much universally applicable, what would it be?

    I wouldn't dare defile Douglas Adam's memory by not mentioning that you should keep a towel with you at all times, but my second contender is a surprisingly short three-parter:

    1. never lie.
    2. never tell the whole truth.
    3. never pass up a chance to use a real bathroom.
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I love genuine questions and people putting in the effort to love and understand each other better. If you come at me just wanting to argue I'm going to troll you back. FAFO.

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