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Experts Confirm: US Is Dealing With an 'Out-of-Control' STI Epidemic
  • Direct consequence of turning the health care system into a luxury expense only a few can afford to use, rather than funding health care as a necessity for all

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sexual peccadillos [+ religion] have dethroned kings. Can't threaten a person w/ revealing their bedroom secrets if no one gives af.

  • Sourdough Toast with Mozzarella and Tomatoes
  • One of our summertime favorites! Might add a few ribbons of fresh basil at serving time if feeling bougie.

  • The Most Mysterious Cells in Our Bodies Don’t Belong to Us
  • Head to:

    Copy the URL of the paywalled article into the "I want to search the archive for saved snapshots" textbox! [blue, bottom box]

    Can also archive an article for others to use if you copy a non-paywalled article into the "My url is alive and I want to archive its content" textbox. [red, top box]

    -- Editing to add -- can also just append "" to the beginning of the URL and it will take you to the list of non-parywalled, archived versions of the article

    [] becomes


  • What is your favorite "studio rock" song?
  • How about something from Alan Parsons Project? Though not difficult to replicate the sound outside of a studio, there was always this rumor of them being a "studio only" band, with a zero chance of seeing them live. Of course that wasn't true, but it is still some kind of urban legend that I always associate with them.

    Alan Parsons Project - Time

    Alan Parsons Project - I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You

  • More bag fun
  • Love your kitty. And the cool, muted reflection on the fridge.

  • Which YouTuber's voice can lull you to sleep?
  • My current go-to is Paul Cooper's Fall of Civilizations Podcast

  • Major Study Claims to Identify The Root Cause of Obesity: Fructose
  • Our bodies absolutely do not treat all calories equally

  • Rainier from UW at sunset
  • Was a beautiful day!!

  • What was your dream future/job as a kid?
  • I wanted to be a lawyer to fight for the oppressed

  • What subscription finally gave you "subscription fatigue"?
  • Yep, my son put together a machine to use as a PLEX server & I log in and watch things from across town. It works perfectly fine.

  • How Nancy Pelosi’s Long Game Led to Trump’s Indictment
  • The only game being played is "place a hold" on stock that will be affected by Congressional decisions

  • Britons have become so mean that many of us think poor people don’t deserve leisure time
  • Didn't realize miserable treatment of the working poor is a uniquely UK problem, you absolute ass.

  • Lemmy Support SporadicSpiral
    Can we have an option to open links automagically in a new tab?

    Not a fan of getting punted off Lemmy so easily! Last two times was because I tried to expand an image in front of a post.

    Once forced to an outside URL I have to browser back to Lemmy, log back into Lemmy, then I've lost my place in my feed and interest in whatever it was I was just chasing.

    AnaGram SporadicSpiral
    Posts 1
    Comments 31